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trees and plants
Hello there.Curvature can be informally defined as the deviation from a straight line in the context of curves, a circle in R^2 has curvature, then if we get higher dimensions than three we can't see the manifolds because it is their nature and the nature of our eyes that it is bounded by the three dimensions, but we can study them with math or physics by using theorems,proofs etc. So curves can be in R^2 but this is RxR what if we could find another set like R and try to see it as a geometric space?Perhaps it could be a generalisation of R, but in the same dimensions, could we then generalise curvature as we know it in R^2 for curves? Perhaps it could be about numbers also this set I do not know.I think curvature could be generalised in this way.Another topic is about geodesics and their length, a geodesic informally could be defined as the shortest distance between two points in a geometric space like a surface,it could be a curve.What about its length being negative?could it be?Could we define it and have some results then with theorems and proofs?Thank you.