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Hello, I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this, but I wasn't really sure where else to go. I've stopped going to college recently after my first year due to depression/anxiety; I was just going to a community college taking general ed classes. Anyways, I've always enjoyed math, but I never thought about majoring in it. However recently I've begun self-studying using ocw and found a new passion for it. I worked through calculus and linear algebra, and now I'm studying abstract algebra. I've found it incredibly interesting and it's made me consider going back to school and majoring in pure math. Although, I find it very challenging, moving away from rote math to proofs has been really hard; it's stretched my thinking beyond anything I've done before. So to the point, I've been seeing a psychiatrist and I am going to start taking antidepressants, but I've read they can dull your executive function and some higher cognitive skills, I'm really worried I won't be able to do this level of math when I'm drugged up. So I was wondering if there were any math majors on this board who take antidepressants/ suffer from depression and are still able to perform well at high level math and their experiences with it. Thank you