Can we take the partial derivatives of φ and ψ here?

In summary: It is expected to prove if you're talking about it. Actually I don't get what you said.My strong impression is that you are suppsoed to work out the partial derivatives. Do you know how to do that?
  • #1
Homework Statement
Show that the function u=φ(xy) +√xy ψ(y/x)provides the following equation.
Relevant Equations
u=φ(xy) +√xy ψ(y/x)
I research about coordinate systems and I found the following informations about transformation.

Now, if I replace arctan (x/y) (according to the picture above) to φ, I think I can solve. But if I can do this, then what will be replaced to ψ? I mean, I know just taking partial derative about this question and I guess this symbols can look familiar someone who spend some times about the topic. I left below a clear picture of question. Thanks for now.

Physics news on
  • #2
requied said:
Now, if I replace arctan (x/y) (according to the picture above) to φ
Why do you think there is a relationship between the ##\phi## in the illegible picture and ##\phi(xy) ## ?
And what about ##\psi## ?

What does your textbook mean if it asks to 'provide' something ?

##\ ##

My strong impression :smile: is that you are supposed to work out the partial derivatives. Do you know how to do that ?
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  • #3
BvU said:
Why do you think there is a relationship between the ϕϕ\phi in the illegible picture and ϕ(xy)ϕ(xy)\phi(xy) ?
And what about ψψ\psi ?
I have told you that I have had no idea about these two symbols.
BvU said:
What does your textbook mean if it asks to 'provide' something ?
It is expected to prove if you're talking about it. Actually I don't get what you said.
  • #4
BvU said:
My strong impression :smile: is that you are suppsoed to work out the partial derivatives. Do you know how to do that ?
Yea I know how to do but I can't take derivative if I am not sure whether one each these symbols are equations. If these are constants, then there is no problem. I wondered if these are constant or not.
  • #5
requied said:
whether one each these symbols are equations
They are functions. Start working out ##\partial \phi\over \partial x## and post your work.
  • #6
requied said:
Actually I don't get what you said.
A more understandable wording would be "Show that ##u = ...\ ## satisfies the equation ..."
  • #7
BvU said:
A more understandable wording would be "Show that ##u = ...\ ## satisfies the equation ..."
Yea, he don't like speaking understandably :/
  • #8
BvU said:
They are functions. Start working out ##\partial \phi\over \partial x## and post your work.
Could you want to say ##\partial \ u\over \partial x## ?
  • #9
requied said:
Could you want to say ##\partial \ u\over \partial x## ?
No. You have to start somewhere. Function ##u = \phi\ + ... \ ##, so ##{\partial \ u\over \partial x} = {\partial \phi \over \partial x} \;+ ... ##​
  • #10
I was so eager to give you the easiest possible start with this assignment that I overlooked that it might still be unclear to you. What I meant may become clear when I hand you the first step as an example:

$${\partial \phi \over \partial x} = {\partial \phi(xy) \over \partial (xy)} \ {\partial (xy) \over \partial x} = \phi' \;y $$Now, this one is easy and you already see some possible cancelling come up in the second derivatives .

##\sqrt{xy}\;\psi(y/x)\ ## is a little :rolleyes: more work but the idea is the same (cross fingers...)
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Likes Delta2
  • #11
I would have write ∂ϕ like that;
∂ϕ = ∂(u /(xy) +√xy ψ(y/x) )
Where did
BvU said:

BvU said:
come from?
  • #12
This is quite tricky problem. The "long and hard" way for this problem would be to set ##z=xy,w=\frac{y}{x}## and then to consider the function $$u(z,w)=\phi(z)+\sqrt{z}\psi(w)$$ and then calculate the derivatives ##\frac{\partial u}{\partial z},\frac{\partial u}{\partial w}## and then calculate the partial derivatives ##\frac{\partial u}{\partial x},\frac{\partial u}{\partial y}## using the 2-variable chain rule (for example $$\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}=\frac{\partial u}{\partial z}\frac{\partial z}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial u}{\partial w}\frac{\partial w}{\partial x}$$.

But this is the long , hard and painful way, the way @BvU suggests at post #10 is a clever shortcut. According to BvU's way you just have to know how to cleverly use the 1-variable chain rule.
  • #13
requied said:
I would have write ∂ϕ like that;
∂ϕ = ∂(u /(xy) +√xy ψ(y/x) )
That is not correct.
Where did ##(xy)## and ##\partial \over\partial(xy)## come from?
From your post #1:

##xy## is the (single) argument of the function ##\phi##. If I give you the value of ##xy##, then you can give the value of ##\phi(xy)## if you know the function (which you don't).

My writing ##{\partial\phi(xy)\over \partial(xy)}\equiv \phi'## is just a sloppy physicist's way of avoiding to introduce a new variable, e.g. ##z(x,y) = xy\ ##, but it comes down to the same thing:$${\partial \phi \over \partial x} = {\partial \phi \over \partial z} \ {\partial z \over \partial x} = \phi' \;y$$ -- the chain rule, as @Delta2 already said.


requied said:
Yea I know how to
Can you give us an example that demonstrates that ? Not to be obnoxious, but to understand what assistance is most effective.
  • #14
I can't give an example because of it doesn't make sense to me.
BvU said:
I was so eager to give you the easiest possible start with this assignment that I overlooked that it might still be unclear to you. What I meant may become clear when I hand you the first step as an example:

$${\partial \phi \over \partial x} = {\partial \phi(xy) \over \partial (xy)} \ {\partial (xy) \over \partial x} = \phi' \;y $$Now, this one is easy and you already see some possible cancelling come up in the second derivatives .

##\sqrt{xy}\;\psi(y/x)\ ## is a little :rolleyes: more work but the idea is the same (cross fingers...)

I guess I found ## \partial Ψ##/ ## \partial \ y##. But I don't get why we are doing these calculations somehow. The question asks for ## \partial \ u##/ ## \partial \ x## etc.
  • #15

Why we don't study on the calculation like that?
  • #16
We do: ##\ u = \phi + \psi\ ##, so your first factor is a ##\;1\;##.

But in your post #15 you have completely forgotten ##\;{\partial \psi\over \partial x}\;## ?!
  • #17
BvU said:
We do: ##\ u = \phi + \psi\ ##, so your first factor is a ##\;1\;##.

But in your post #15 you have completely forgotten ##\;{\partial \psi\over \partial x}\;## ?!
I'll be hanged if I understand! Pardon but I'm just not be able to do these calculations. I'll glance at chain rule of partial derivatives. I guess we couldn't make progress.
  • #18
requied said:
I'll be hanged if I understand! Pardon but I'm just not be able to do these calculations.
Don't give up. We'll switch gear and try again. Since $$u = \phi + \sqrt{xy}\;\psi $$ we get $$
{\partial u\over \partial x} = {\partial\phi \over \partial x} + {\partial \sqrt{xy}\;\psi \over \partial x}$$
so ##{\partial u\over \partial x} ## has two terms and we started with the first:$$
{\partial u\over \partial x} = {\partial\phi \over \partial x} + ...$$

There are a few simple rules underlying all this. Hang on a little more and you'll be allright.
Sloppy physicist's notation (consult calculus textbook for more):

Simple derivative: $$f(x)\quad\Rightarrow\quad df = {\partial f\over\partial x} \;dx $$

Two variables: $$f(x,y)\quad\Rightarrow\quad df = {\partial f\over\partial x} \;dx + {\partial f\over\partial y} \;dy $$

Change in sum = sum of changes:
$$\ u = \phi + \chi\quad
\Rightarrow \quad du = d\phi + d\chi\ $$
Clear enough, right ?

Product rule:
$$\ y = ab\quad\Rightarrow\quad dy = a\; db + b \; da$$
Also clear enough, right ?

Chain rule:
$$\ y = f\bigl (g(x)\bigr ) \quad\Rightarrow\quad dy = {\partial f\over\partial g} \;dg $$

A little more abstract! Example:
$$\ f = 1/g \quad\Rightarrow\quad df = {\partial f\over\partial g} \;dg \ = \ -{1\over g^2}\; dg$$

requied said:
I'll be hanged if I understand!
Doesn't help me to help you. More useful to indicate where and how you get stuck: give an example of what you (just) understand and what about the next step you do not understand -- and why not.

(Easy to say for me, I grant you; not so easy for you -- but you are the asking party at this point :wink: )

If the above are sufficiently clear, we can go back to pick up at the point where we were before. OK ?
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Likes sysprog and requied
  • #19
I was studying on partial derivatives, chain rule etc uptill now. Deadline of the homework is tomorrow night. I guess I will not be able to complete the homework. If someone would give me the solution I really appreciate it. Else I will quit the question. I know that here is not a question solving site but I have to ask for it please forgive me. By the way, thanks a lot to @BvU and @Delta2. They supported me a lot.
  • #20
requied said:
If someone would give me the solution I really appreciate it
PF isn't in favour of just giving solutions -- our rules forbid it and it isn't very helpful for the receivers either. Pity about the deadline -- perhaps you get some help on Tuesday -- but if you don't get enough from teacher we can always continue unraveling the exercise with you.
  • #21
A way of doing it I thought was nice was to set up a path diagram between your initial function and the variables against which you differentiate.
  • #22
requied said:
Think of ##\psi## as a function of z, where z happens to equal xy always.
So ##\psi## is a function of only one variable, and ##\psi'## means the (normal, not partial) derivative of ##\psi## wrt that variable.
To get the partial derivative wrt x we use the chain rule:
##\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial x}=\frac{d\psi}{dz}\frac{\partial z}{\partial x}=\psi'\frac{\partial z}{\partial x}=\psi'\frac{\partial (xy)}{\partial x}=\psi'y##

The result to be proved in this thread is interesting. The general form that satisfies it is ##u=x^ay^b\psi(x^cy^d)## where either {a=b and c=d} or {a+b=1 and c=+/-d}.
  • #23
I think @haruspex means ##\phi##, not ##\psi## .

We had (in post #1) $$u(x,y)\equiv \phi(xy) + \sqrt{xy} \; \psi\left (y\over x\right )$$

On the other hand I did use partials in #10: $${\partial \phi \over \partial x} = {\partial \phi(xy) \over \partial (xy)} \ {\partial (xy) \over \partial x} = \phi' \;y $$ where I should (could ?) have used ##\displaystyle {{\text d} \phi(xy) \over {\text d}xy}## as @haruspex noted. That would have been more clear.
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Likes haruspex

FAQ: Can we take the partial derivatives of φ and ψ here?

1. Can we take the partial derivatives of φ and ψ here?

Yes, it is possible to take the partial derivatives of φ and ψ in this scenario. The partial derivative of a multivariable function is the derivative with respect to one variable while holding all other variables constant. As long as the variables are independent, the partial derivatives can be taken.

2. What is the purpose of taking partial derivatives in scientific research?

Taking partial derivatives allows scientists to determine how a function changes with respect to a specific variable. This can be useful in understanding the relationship between different variables and predicting how changes in one variable may affect the overall function.

3. Are there any limitations to taking partial derivatives?

Yes, there are some limitations to taking partial derivatives. One limitation is that the function must be differentiable, meaning it must have a well-defined tangent line at every point. Additionally, the variables must be independent, otherwise the partial derivatives may not accurately reflect the changes in the function.

4. Can partial derivatives be taken for any type of function?

No, not all functions can have partial derivatives. For example, if a function is not continuous or differentiable, then it cannot have partial derivatives. Additionally, some functions may have partial derivatives for some variables but not others, depending on the nature of the function.

5. How are partial derivatives used in real-world applications?

Partial derivatives have a wide range of applications in various fields of science, including physics, economics, and engineering. In physics, they are used to calculate rates of change in complex systems. In economics, they are used to analyze supply and demand curves. In engineering, they are used to optimize designs and predict the behavior of systems.
