How Do Capacitors Store Energy with and without Dielectrics?

In summary: By setting the equations for the displacement of the proton and electron equal to each other, we can solve for the time it takes for the electron to reach the positive plate. Then, we can use the equation for displacement to determine the distance traveled by the proton in that same amount of time. In summary, to determine the potential difference across the plates of the capacitor filled with a dielectric, we can use the equation V = Q/C and set the capacitance of the empty and dielectric capacitors equal to each other. For the second question, we can use the equations for the motion of charged particles in an electric field to calculate the distance traveled by the proton by
  • #1
I am having problems with these two questions -

Two capacitors are identical, except that one is empty and the other is filled with a dielectric ( = 3.70). The empty capacitor is connected to a 18.0 V battery. What must be the potential difference across the plates of the capacitor filled with a dielectric such that it stores the same amount of electrical energy as the empty capacitor?


The plate separation of a charged capacitor is 0.0690 m. A proton and an electron are released from rest at the midpoint between the plates. Ignore the attraction between the two particles, and determine how far the proton has traveled by the time the electron strikes the positive plate.

if anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2

I can offer some insight into these two questions.

For the first question, we can use the equation for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor, which is C = ε0A/d, where ε0 is the permittivity of free space, A is the area of the plates, and d is the distance between the plates. Since the two capacitors are identical, their capacitance will be the same.

For the empty capacitor, we can use the equation C = ε0A/d and rearrange it to solve for the potential difference, V = Q/C. Since the capacitor is connected to an 18.0 V battery, the potential difference across the plates will also be 18.0 V.

For the capacitor filled with a dielectric, we can use the same equation, but now the permittivity will be ε = ε0εr, where εr is the relative permittivity (or dielectric constant) of the material. Since we want the capacitor to store the same amount of energy, the capacitance must be the same. Therefore, we can set up the equation Cempty = Cdielectric and solve for the potential difference, V = Q/C. This will give us the potential difference across the plates of the capacitor filled with the dielectric.

For the second question, we can use the equations for the motion of charged particles in an electric field. The force on a charged particle in an electric field is given by F = qE, where q is the charge of the particle and E is the electric field strength. In this case, we can assume that the electric field is uniform between the plates of the capacitor.

Using the equation for the force, we can set it equal to the equation for the acceleration of the particle, a = F/m, where m is the mass of the particle. Since we are given the initial velocity of the particles (zero), we can use the equation for displacement, x = (1/2)at^2, to determine the distance traveled by the particles.

For the proton, we can use the charge of a proton (q = +1.6 x 10^-19 C) and its mass (m = 1.67 x 10^-27 kg) to calculate the force and acceleration. For the electron, we can use the charge of an electron (q = -1.6 x 10^-19 C) and its
  • #3

I am happy to assist with your questions regarding capacitors and dielectrics.

For the first question, we need to understand the relationship between capacitance, voltage, and the dielectric constant. Capacitance is a measure of a capacitor's ability to store electrical energy, and it is directly proportional to the dielectric constant and the area of the plates, and inversely proportional to the distance between the plates. So, for two identical capacitors with the same area and plate separation, the one filled with a dielectric will have a higher capacitance due to the higher dielectric constant.

Now, to determine the potential difference across the plates of the capacitor filled with a dielectric, we can use the equation C = Q/V, where C is the capacitance, Q is the charge on the plates, and V is the potential difference. Since we want the same amount of electrical energy stored in both capacitors, we can set their capacitances equal to each other and solve for V. This will give us the potential difference needed for the capacitor filled with a dielectric.

For the second question, we need to use the equations for the motion of charged particles in an electric field. The electric field between the plates of a capacitor is constant and given by E = V/d, where V is the potential difference and d is the plate separation. The force on a charged particle in an electric field is given by F = qE, where q is the charge of the particle. Using these equations, we can determine the acceleration of the proton and electron as they move towards the plates. From there, we can use the equations of motion to calculate the distance traveled by the proton by the time the electron strikes the positive plate.

I hope this helps with your understanding of capacitors and dielectrics. Remember, it is important to understand the fundamental principles and equations in order to solve problems like these. Keep practicing and you will become more comfortable with these concepts.

FAQ: How Do Capacitors Store Energy with and without Dielectrics?

1. What is a capacitor?

A capacitor is an electronic component that is used to store electrical energy in the form of an electric field. It is made up of two conductive plates separated by a dielectric material.

2. How does a capacitor work?

When a voltage is applied to a capacitor, one plate becomes positively charged and the other becomes negatively charged. This creates an electric field between the plates, which stores the electrical energy. When the voltage is removed, the capacitor discharges and releases the stored energy.

3. What is the role of a dielectric in a capacitor?

A dielectric is the insulating material between the two plates of a capacitor. It helps to increase the capacitance (ability to store charge) by reducing the electric field between the plates. This allows for a larger amount of charge to be stored on the plates.

4. How do you determine the capacitance of a capacitor?

The capacitance of a capacitor is determined by the surface area of the plates, the distance between the plates, and the type of dielectric material used. It is measured in units of Farads (F) and can range from picofarads (pF) to microfarads (μF).

5. What are some common applications of capacitors?

Capacitors are used in many electronic devices such as computers, televisions, and mobile phones. They are also commonly used in power supply circuits, electric motors, and audio systems. Capacitors can also be used for energy storage in renewable energy technologies such as solar panels and wind turbines.
