Why Is My Calculation of Maximum Car Velocity on a Banked Curve Incorrect?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a circular curve and a car's maximum velocity while maintaining its position on the curve. The calculations are shown with a final answer of 82.08km/hr. However, the person is questioning the unrealistic result and if it is true in the real world. The conversation also mentions a formula for calculating the maximum velocity and a wish for a road with a specific coefficient of kinetic friction.
  • #1
Hi, I've been working on this problem for a while and I keep on getting same answer! Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong.

A circular curve is banked so that a car traveling with uniform speed rounding the curve usually relies on friction to keep it from slipping to this left or right.
What is the maximum velocity the car can maintain in order that the car does not move up the plane.(Answer in km/hr).

Radius = 56.4m
Mass of car = 2.3kg
Angle = 34 degree
Coefficient of kinetic friction = 0.41

My work:
N = mgcos(34) = 18.68
Fp = mgsin(34) = 12.6
Fr = (0.41)N = 7.66
Fc = centripetal force = mv^2/r

so here's my final equation to get v:
mv^2/r-Fr = Fp
(2.3)(v^2)/(56.4)-(7.66) = 12.6
v = 22.28m/s = 82.08km/hr

82.08km/hr is so unrealistic for 2.8kg car to bank such a turn.
Heck, even my puny vw golf can't even do it at 82.08km/hr

I must be doing something wrong!

Help me please.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
stupidpig said:

Radius = 56.4m= R
Mass of car = 2.3kg= M
Angle = 34 degree= [tex]\alpha[/tex]
Coefficient of kinetic friction = 0.41=[tex]\mu[/tex]

Given the notation above, the force of friction must balance the centripetal force and weight:

[tex] \mu Mgcos \alpha=\frac{Mv^2}{R}cos\alpha+Mgsen\alpha[/tex]

SURPRISE! the problem has no dependence on the mass M!. :eek: Is it true in real world? :bugeye:

[tex]v=\sqrt{gR\frac{\mu+tan\alpha}{1-\mu tan \alpha}}[/tex]

For velocities greater than this, the equilibrium is broken and car would be rejected on the tangent way.

I wish there were some road with [tex] \mu=1/tan\alpha[/tex] !
  • #3
for reaching out for help with this problem! It looks like you have the right equations and steps in your work, but there are a few things you can check to make sure your answer is accurate.

First, double check your calculations to make sure you didn't make any errors when plugging in the numbers. It can be easy to accidentally make a mistake with all the numbers involved in this problem.

Next, make sure you are using the correct units. In your final equation, you have v^2 in meters/second^2, but you need to convert that to km/hr^2. This could be where your answer is going wrong.

Also, remember that the maximum velocity the car can maintain is the speed at which the centripetal force equals the friction force. So, your final equation should be Fc = Fr, not Fc - Fr = Fp.

Finally, it's always a good idea to check your answer against common sense and real-world scenarios. As you mentioned, 82.08 km/hr does seem a bit high for a small car like a VW Golf to handle on a banked turn. So, it's possible that there may be a mistake in the problem itself or the given values.

I hope this helps you find your mistake and get to the correct answer. Good luck!

FAQ: Why Is My Calculation of Maximum Car Velocity on a Banked Curve Incorrect?

1. What is car friction and why is it a problem?

Car friction is the resistance that occurs when two surfaces rub against each other while in motion. In the context of cars, it refers to the resistance between the tires and the road. This resistance can cause a decrease in speed and efficiency, ultimately leading to problems such as reduced fuel economy and tire wear.

2. How can I reduce car friction?

There are several ways to reduce car friction, such as maintaining proper tire pressure, using high-quality lubricants, and keeping your car clean. Additionally, driving at a steady speed and avoiding sudden braking and accelerating can also help reduce friction.

3. What are some common signs of excessive car friction?

Some common signs of excessive car friction include difficulty in accelerating, reduced fuel efficiency, increased tire wear, and abnormal noises coming from the tires. These signs can also be an indication of other underlying problems, so it's important to have your car checked by a professional if you notice any of them.

4. How can I solve car friction problems?

The best way to solve car friction problems is to identify the root cause and address it accordingly. This can involve regular maintenance, using high-quality products, and modifying your driving habits. In some cases, seeking professional help may also be necessary.

5. Can car friction be completely eliminated?

While it's not possible to completely eliminate car friction, it can be significantly reduced through proper maintenance and driving practices. However, some amount of friction is necessary for the tires to maintain traction with the road, so it's important to find a balance between reducing friction and maintaining safety.

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