Calculating Projectile Motion for a Catapult with Limited Data

In summary: Can you find a formula that relates the two components of initial velocity and the launch angle?In summary, the conversation involves a person seeking help with a catapult project, specifically finding the initial and final velocity and maximum height of the projectile. They are unsure of which equations to use and are struggling due to a weak understanding of physics. A solution using equations of motion is provided, with a correction made to the initial velocity in the x-direction.
  • #1
Hi Guys
hope u r feeling good
i just finished my catapult project
and the problem is that i have only two given
and the problem is that i have only two given values the [tex]\Delta T = 1.1 sec.\Delta_{d}x=2.2 m [/tex], and the angle is 70' degrees. and nothing else.

i have tried to use the projectile motion equations but there was so many unknowns
what is confusing me more that i have the catapult powered by a compression spring and i don't know if that is effecting the calculations or not.

pleasezz i need help at this because I'm totaly lost
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  • #2
Hi thedarklite, welcome to Physics Forums.

Please use the thread template when you post a question.

You haven't stated the complete problem; what is it you're trying to find/solve?
  • #3
sorry for that gneill
but all what i need to find is the deltaYd and the Vyf and initial too but the problem this is my first time doing the catapult thingy and the problem is that i have a weak understanding of physics that is why i don't know how to approach this problem
  • #4
Can you write the two equations of motion that describe the x and y motions of the projectile? The important thing to remember is that the x and y components (that is, the horizontal and vertical motions) of the projectile are independent of each other.
  • #5
i think i am suppose to find the final and initial velocity of the y component i think i also need to find the maximum hight of the y component
and i don't know which equations to use
  • #6
What equations of motion do you know? For a constant velocity v, what is the expression for the distance versus time? How about when there's an initial velocity and an acceleration?
  • #7
so that is the solution that i tried

∆dx=2.1 m ∆t=1.1 s V_ix= ? V_iy= ? V_fy= ? a_y= ?
∆dy=0.0275 m
V_ix= ∆dx⁄∆t V_ix= (2.1 m)⁄(1.1 s)
∴V_ix= 1.9 m⁄s
V_iy= V_ix tan⁡〖70°〗 V_iy=(1.9 m⁄s) tan⁡〖70°〗,
∴V_iy=5.2 m⁄s
∆dy= V_iy ∆t+ 1/2 a_y (∆t)^2 0.0275m=(5.2 m⁄s)(1.1s)+ 1/2 a_y (1.1s)^2
∴a_y=-9.4 m⁄s^2
〖V_fy〗^2= 〖V_iy〗^2+2a_y ∆dy V_fy= √((5.2 m⁄s)^2+2(-9.4 m⁄s^2 )(0.0275m) )
∴V_fy=5.1 m⁄s since V_ix= V_fx ∴V_fx=1.9 m⁄s
V= √(〖V_fy〗^2+ 〖V_fx〗^2 ) V= √((5.1)^2+ (1.9)^2 ) ∴V=5.4 m⁄s
tan^(-1)⁡〖5.1/1.9〗= 70°,tan^(-1)⁡〖1.9/5.1〗=20°
∴V=5.4 m⁄s [W 70° N] or V=5.4 m⁄s [S 20° E]
  • #8
Your original problem statement seemed to indicate that the total x-distance was 2.2m, not 2.1m. So the velocity in the x-direction should be 2.2m / 1.1s = 2.0 m/s.

With the x-component of the velocity and the angle, you should be able to find the initial y-component of the velocity.

FAQ: Calculating Projectile Motion for a Catapult with Limited Data

What is a catapult?

A catapult is a mechanical device used to launch projectiles over long distances. It typically consists of a long arm or lever attached to a base, with a pocket or cup at one end to hold the projectile. The tension or release of energy in the arm creates the force to launch the projectile.

What are the key factors in catapult calculations?

The key factors in catapult calculations include the weight of the projectile, the distance it needs to travel, and the force applied by the catapult arm. Other factors that may influence calculations include the angle of the arm, wind resistance, and projectile shape.

How do you calculate the force of a catapult?

The force of a catapult can be calculated using the formula F = m x a, where F is force, m is mass (weight of the projectile), and a is acceleration. The acceleration of the projectile can be determined by dividing the distance it needs to travel by the time it takes to reach that distance.

How can I improve the accuracy of my catapult calculations?

To improve the accuracy of catapult calculations, it is important to use precise measurements for the weight of the projectile, distance to be launched, and force of the catapult arm. Additionally, accounting for external factors such as wind resistance and the shape of the projectile can also improve accuracy.

What are some real-world applications of catapult calculations?

Catapult calculations have a variety of real-world applications, including designing and testing catapults for sporting events like pumpkin chunkin' or medieval reenactments. They are also used in military and engineering fields for launching missiles and other projectiles. Additionally, catapult calculations can be used in understanding the physics of motion and energy transfer in simple machines.
