Centripetal accelerations with two parallel axes - the Scrambler

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of calculating the net centripetal acceleration on a rider on the "Scrambler" ride, where the rider is rotating simultaneously around two parallel axes. The suggested approach is to find the difference between the centripetal acceleration relative to the major axis and the minor axis. It is also confirmed that when calculating the centripetal acceleration relative to the major axis, the velocity is given by the tangential velocity of the major arm. One approach to solve the problem is by using Descartes coordinates, where the position vector of the rider in an inertial frame of reference is equal to the sum of the position vector of the center of rotation and the position vector of the rider in the rotating frame of
  • #1
Centripetal accelerations with two parallel axes -- the "Scrambler"

Homework Statement

This should be a pretty quick and straightforward question to answer. The problem regards centripetal forces on an object rotating simultaneously around two parallel axes, like in the "Scrambler" amusement park ride. Basically, one object has uniform circular motion around a minor axis, while this minor axis simultaneously rotates around a major axis (both axes are in the same plane). (Check out the animation at http://www.mrwaynesclass.com/teacher/circular/cd/scrambler/home.html and the problems at http://vip.vast.org/Circ_Lab/big_act/index.htm ).

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

It seems to me you can find the net centripetal acceleration on the rider at point C (where the rider gets closest to the major axis) by finding (1) the centripetal acceleration relative to the major axis and (2) the centripetal acceleration relative to the minor axis, and then (3) subtracting one from the other (since, at C, the two accelerations are in opposite directions). It also seems to make sense that, when (1) calculating the centripetal acceleration relative to the major axis, the radius is given by the distance between C and the major axis, and the velocity is given by the tangential velocity of the major arm (and not by the absolute tangential velocity of the rider) at C -- is that correct?

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  • #2

Maybe someone can recommend an online reference that explains this kind of situation? (I.e., how to calculate the total centripetal acceleration of an object rotating around a centre of rotation, while that centre of rotation itself rotates around another centre of rotation -- both centres of rotation in the same plane.)
  • #3

Is there another category in the forum where I should be posting this question instead?
  • #4

What is the question? To find the centripetal acceleration in the inertial frame of reference in general, or at point C? Your result looks correct, that the the centripetal acceleration is the difference between that with respect to the major axis and the one with respect to the minor axis.

I would solve the general problem by writing out the position vector of the rider in the inertial frame of reference, and would take the second derivative with respect to time to get the acceleration. Than I would determine the radial component with respect to the main axis.

  • #5

Thanks! Well, it's a bit over my head to try to figure out what function describes the position of the rider, so it sounds like I can just take the approach I described (basically, (1) ignoring the rotation around the minor axis in order to find the rider's acceleration around the major axis alone; then (2) ignoring the rotation around the major axis, that is, assuming it is fixed, in order to find the rider's acceleration around the minor axis alone; then, (3) finding the difference between the two accelerations). For clarification, I am trying to find the total centripetal acceleration on the rider when he/she's at point C, when viewed in an inertial frame of reference.

Also for clarification, the main thing I had wanted to confirm was that when (1) calculating the centripetal acceleration relative to the major axis alone, the velocity is given by the tangential velocity of the major arm (and not by the absolute tangential velocity of the rider) at C) -- and it sounds like you have confirmed that that approach is correct.
  • #6

For me it is easier to think in Descartes coordinates:
You have two systems, A with origin O and B with origin O'. The position vector of O' is R(t) in system A. You have an object, and its position is r'(t) in system B. In system A, the position vector is

r(t) = R(t) + r'(t)

O' moves along a circle of radius R around O with angular velocity Ω, so its coordinates are:

X=Rcos(Ωt), Y=Rsin(Ωt).

In system B, the rider moves along a circle with radius r around O' with angular velocity ω', its coordinates are

x=rcos(ω't), y=rsin(ω't).

The coordinates will be

x=Rcos(Ωt)+rcos(ω't), y=Rsin(Ωt)+rsin(ω't)

in system A.

The components of acceleration:



The centripetal acceleration in A is the radial component of the vector a, the dot product of a with the radial unit vector, r/r.

  • #7

Thanks for the detailed description, that's great -- I'll take some time to digest it.

FAQ: Centripetal accelerations with two parallel axes - the Scrambler

1. What is a centripetal acceleration?

A centripetal acceleration is the acceleration that an object experiences when it moves in a circular path. It is always directed towards the center of the circle and its magnitude is equal to v^2/r, where v is the velocity of the object and r is the radius of the circle.

2. How does the Scrambler ride use centripetal acceleration?

The Scrambler ride uses centripetal acceleration to keep the riders moving in a circular path. The ride spins in a circular motion, providing a constantly changing direction of motion for the riders, resulting in a constantly changing centripetal acceleration.

3. What are the two parallel axes in the Scrambler ride?

The two parallel axes in the Scrambler ride refer to the two axes of rotation that the ride moves on. The first axis is the vertical axis on which the ride spins, and the second axis is the horizontal axis on which the individual cars rotate.

4. How does the Scrambler ride create different centripetal accelerations for each rider?

The Scrambler ride creates different centripetal accelerations for each rider by varying the distance of the rider from the center of rotation. Riders on the outer edges of the ride experience a larger centripetal acceleration compared to those closer to the center.

5. What is the relationship between centripetal acceleration and the speed of the Scrambler ride?

The centripetal acceleration of the Scrambler ride is directly proportional to its speed. As the ride spins faster, the riders experience a larger centripetal acceleration. This is because the velocity of the ride increases, resulting in a larger v^2/r value for the centripetal acceleration equation.
