Calculating Orbital Speed on Mars: A Beginner's Guide to Circular Motion

In summary, the speed a golf ball would need to orbit Mars near the surface, ignoring the effects of air resistance, is .4 times the speed it would need to orbit Earth near the surface.
  • #1
The curvature in Mars is such that its surface drops a vertical distance of 2.0 meters for every 3600 meters tangent to the surface. In addition, the gravitational acceleration near the surface is 0.4 times near the surface of Earth. What is the speed a golf ball would need to orbit Mars near the surface, ignoring the effects of air resistance?

First let me tell you that I am teaching myself physics, forgive me if I sound completely clueless. I am not quite sure how I should start. Should I use Newtons law of Universal gravitation F=Gm1m2/r^2. Circular motion equations or Hooke's law? Any other clues to get me started would be appreciated.

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  • #2
Yes, F=Gm1m2/r^2, and also the formula for the acceleration of an object in circular motion, a = v^2/r, and of course F = ma. :smile:

[size=-2](Hooke's law is about the force in springs, and has nothing to do with hooking golf balls!)[/size]​
  • #3
if the distance is too small

you can use mv^2/r = mg
then u find v= sqrt gr for circular around the planet you want...
Suppose at this speed, the golf ball will move aroung the planet with a circular, low-attitude(the ground) orbit.
  • #4
Ok, sorry guys I know which equations I should use now, but please give me a small hint as to the first step to this problem.
  • #5
No need for all those formulas.
kirste said:
The curvature in Mars is such that its surface drops a vertical distance of 2.0 meters for every 3600 meters tangent to the surface.
Hint: How long does it take for the golf ball to fall 2.0 meters on Mars?

(You could do this problem using force laws and centripetal acceleration. But that's the hard way and I don't think that's what they want you to do.)
  • #6
Ahhh, thank you DocAl :)
  • #7
Hint: the acceleration from gravity must exactly equal the acceleration for circular motion.

oops! … :redface: I hadn't noticed :redface: … they've told you that mars-gravity = .4 x earth-gravity, so you don't need F=Gm1m2/r^2 at all. Just use .4 x g (look the value of g up in a book if you don't know it).

So work out what r is, and then put .4g on the left, and v^2/r on the right … :smile:

FAQ: Calculating Orbital Speed on Mars: A Beginner's Guide to Circular Motion

1. What causes the circular motion of Mars?

The circular motion of Mars is caused by the gravitational pull of the Sun. As Mars orbits around the Sun, the Sun's gravitational force keeps the planet in a circular path.

2. How long does it take for Mars to complete one orbit around the Sun?

It takes Mars approximately 687 Earth days to complete one orbit around the Sun. This is equivalent to about 1.88 Earth years.

3. Is the circular motion of Mars perfectly circular?

No, the circular motion of Mars is not perfectly circular. It is slightly elliptical, meaning that the distance between Mars and the Sun varies slightly throughout its orbit.

4. Does the circular motion of Mars affect its seasons?

Yes, the circular motion of Mars does affect its seasons. Because the orbit is slightly elliptical, Mars experiences more extreme seasons than Earth. When Mars is closer to the Sun, its summers are warmer and its winters are colder.

5. Are there any other factors that influence the circular motion of Mars?

Yes, there are other factors that can influence the circular motion of Mars. These include the gravitational pull of other planets, such as Earth and Jupiter, as well as the tilt of Mars' axis. These factors can cause slight variations in Mars' orbit and affect its overall circular motion.
