CMos digital integrated circuits by Kang-Leblebici

In summary, the conversation discusses the workings of MOS digital integrated circuits and the description of how a MOS layer works is given on p85-86. The MOS layer is compared to a capacitor and the differences in work functions and fermi levels between the metal, oxide, and semiconductor layers are explained. The bending of the fermi levels in the semiconductor layer occurs due to these differences in work functions, causing a potential drop between the metal and semiconductor layer. The maximum potential drop occurs at the oxide/semiconductor junction. The conversation also mentions a better way to understand MOSFETs, which involves considering the electrostatic induction effect of the gate through the oxide and into the semiconductor using Gauss's law. This is how the basic models for MOS
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Im using CMos digital integrated circuits by Kang-Leblebici. On p85-86 a description of how a MOS layer works is given which I can't fully understand.

First, the MOS layer is likened to a capacitor. Then they discuss how the work functions and fermi levels of the metal, oxide layer and the semi conductor layer differ. When these layers are put together a bending in the fermi levels of the semi condutor takes place. Also, because of the difference in work functions, a potential drop occurs between the metal and semi conductor layer with the majority of the drop at the semi conductor and oxide junction.

I don't understand the part about the work functions causing a potential drop and the fermi layer bending. Why does the layer bend at all? Why doesn't the fermi layer of the metal layer also bend? Also, why is there maximum potential drop across the oxide/semiconductor junction?

Could someone please walk me through this? If any of the questions are not clear enough, please tell me and ill try to be clearer.
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It's not the best way to intuit how MOSFETs work. Good if you want to derive model equations.

Specific to the question: bending occurs because of continuity requirements - contacting two materials together with different work functions requires that they be equal at that point of contact. Thus they must bend.

Better is to consider the electrostatic induction effect of the gate through the oxide and into the semiconductor in terms of Gauss's law. This is how the basic models are derived ab initio for MOSFETs.

FAQ: CMos digital integrated circuits by Kang-Leblebici

1. What is the purpose of "CMos digital integrated circuits by Kang-Leblebici"?

The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of CMOS digital integrated circuit design. It covers various topics such as CMOS fabrication, transistor operation, logic gates, circuit analysis, and design methodologies.

2. Who is the target audience for this book?

This book is primarily targeted towards students and researchers in the field of electrical and computer engineering, as well as practicing engineers and professionals who want to expand their knowledge on CMOS digital integrated circuit design.

3. Does this book cover the latest advancements in CMOS technology?

Yes, this book covers the latest advancements in CMOS technology, including advanced fabrication techniques, circuit design methodologies, and emerging trends such as low-power and high-speed design techniques.

4. Is this book suitable for beginners in CMOS digital integrated circuit design?

Yes, this book is suitable for beginners as it provides a solid foundation in CMOS digital integrated circuit design, starting from the basics and gradually building up to more advanced topics. However, some prior knowledge of electronic circuits and basic mathematics is recommended.

5. Are there any practical examples or exercises included in the book?

Yes, this book contains numerous practical examples and exercises to help readers apply the concepts and techniques learned in each chapter. These exercises range from simple design problems to more complex projects, allowing readers to gain hands-on experience in CMOS digital integrated circuit design.
