Cobalt decays to Nickel - Why is this suppressed?

In summary: The decay ##4^+ \rightarrow 0^+## represents ##6 \geq J \geq 2##.The decay ##4^+ \rightarrow 0^+## represents ## 4 \geq J \geq 4##.Large changes in angular momentum make the transition unlikely.
  • #1

Homework Statement

(a) Show maximum energy transferred in compton scattering is as such.
(b) Identify what the peaks are and why some decays are suppressed.
(c) How do you distinguish between these 2 decays[/B]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Bookwork. For completeness, I simply state
[tex]\Delta E = \frac{E_\gamma}{1 + \frac{m_e}{(1-cos\theta)E_\gamma}}[/tex]
where ##c=1##.

Other processes important in ##\gamma## ray detection are observation of galaxies and X-ray spectroscopy.

First peak is ##4^+ \rightarrow 2^+##. Second peak is ##2^+ \rightarrow 0^+##.

Why is the decay ##4^+ \rightarrow 0^+## forbidden?

Not sure how to determine the branching ratios?
Physics news on
  • #2
unscientific said:
Other processes important in γ ray detection are observation of galaxies and X-ray spectroscopy.
I think the question asks for other processes the photons can make in the material, not other applications of gamma detection.

unscientific said:
Why is the decay ##4^+ \rightarrow 0^+## forbidden?
Hint: this quoted question alone is sufficient to find the answer, even without knowing which states are meant.

unscientific said:
Not sure how to determine the branching ratios?
Can you count how frequent some things are happening?
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  • #3
mfb said:
I think the question asks for other processes the photons can make in the material, not other applications of gamma detection.

Hint: this quoted question alone is sufficient to find the answer, even without knowing which states are meant.

Can you count how frequent some things are happening?

Apart from scattering off the electrons, not sure what it can do. Can it be absorbed?

I think since the maximum energy that can be transferred to an electron is ##~0.91E_\gamma##, so ##4^+ \rightarrow 0^+## is forbidden.
  • #4
unscientific said:
Apart from scattering off the electrons, not sure what it can do. Can it be absorbed?
It can create new particles.
I think since the maximum energy that can be transferred to an electron is ##~0.91E_\gamma##, so ##4^+ \rightarrow 0^+## is forbidden.
How can the interaction of photons with matter long after their emission influence which photon production is allowed?
Also, where does that 0.91 come from? It is a not a universal limit.
  • #5
mfb said:
It can create new particles.
How can the interaction of photons with matter long after their emission influence which photon production is allowed?
Also, where does that 0.91 come from? It is a not a universal limit.

Ok, so it can undergo EM interaction to produce particles such as pair creation ##\gamma + Co \rightarrow Co + e^+ + e^-##.

Ok, I must be confused as I simply let ##E_\gamma = 2.505 MeV## which is wrong, as ##E_\gamma## is the energy of the photon and not the energy of the excited state.

I'm guessing there are some form of selection rules?
  • #6
Pair creation, right.

2.502 MeV is the energy of the excitation and also the energy of an emitted photon from this transition to a good approximation.
unscientific said:
I'm guessing there are some form of selection rules?
Right. And ##4^+ \rightarrow 0^+## is sufficient to identify the selection rule.
  • #7
mfb said:
Pair creation, right.

2.502 MeV is the energy of the excitation and also the energy of an emitted photon from this transition to a good approximation.
Right. And ##4^+ \rightarrow 0^+## is sufficient to identify the selection rule.

Ok, I just looked up Cottingham and the selection rule is:

If the nucleus changes spin from ##J_I## to ##J_f## through ##\gamma##-decay, then
[tex]|J_I + J_f| \geq J \geq |J_I-J_f| [/tex]
The decay ##4^+ \rightarrow 2^+## represents ##6 \geq J \geq 2##.
The decay ##4^+ \rightarrow 0^+## represents ## 4 \geq J \geq 4##.
The decay ##2^+ \rightarrow 0^+## represents ## 2 \geq J \geq 2##.

Why is the decay ##4^+ \rightarrow 0^+## suppresed? Is it because the most likely angular momentum for the photon is ##J=2## from the first and third reactions?
  • #8
Large changes in angular momentum make the transition unlikely. As extreme example 180Ta needs a change of 8 and the decay has not been observed yet.

FAQ: Cobalt decays to Nickel - Why is this suppressed?

1. What is the process of cobalt decaying to nickel?

The process of cobalt decaying to nickel is known as beta decay. This is a type of radioactive decay where a neutron inside the cobalt nucleus is converted into a proton, resulting in the formation of a nickel nucleus.

2. Why does cobalt decay to nickel?

Cobalt decays to nickel because it is a radioactive element with an unstable nucleus. The unstable nucleus tries to become more stable by emitting a beta particle, which is a high-energy electron, and transforming into a more stable element, which is nickel in this case.

3. What is the energy released during the decay process?

The energy released during the decay of cobalt to nickel varies depending on the isotope of cobalt. In general, the energy released is in the form of gamma rays, which are high-energy electromagnetic radiation.

4. How long does it take for cobalt to decay to nickel?

The half-life of cobalt, which is the time it takes for half of the atoms in a sample to decay, is about 5.3 years. This means that it takes 5.3 years for half of the cobalt atoms in a sample to decay and transform into nickel.

5. Why is the decay of cobalt to nickel suppressed?

The decay of cobalt to nickel is suppressed because the process of beta decay involves the weak nuclear force, which is much weaker than the strong nuclear force that holds the nucleus together. This weak force makes the decay process slow and less likely to occur, resulting in a longer half-life for cobalt.
