What is the solution to the complex number equation (5e^(j*a))(3 + j*b) = -25?

In summary: Hint:5 e^{i a} (3 + i b) = -25"You are looking for the equation for 5*e^i*a*b=-25. This is just a sum of e^i*a*cos(b*i) and e^i*a*sin(b*i).
  • #1
Bob Busby

Homework Statement

(5e^(j*a))(3 + j*b) = -25 Find real numbers a and b satisfying the preceding equation.

There are two different answer sets for {a,b} so find both of them.

Homework Equations

e^(j*a) = cos(a) + j*sin(a)

The Attempt at a Solution

I converted it to get 5*sqrt(9 + b^2)*e^(j*a + j * arctan(b/3)) = -25. I don't really see where to go from here. If I separate the real parts I will just get a cos(a + arctan(b/3)) which doesn't help me even if I equate real and imaginary parts. What do I do?
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  • #2
OK, so you've rewritten the lefthand side in the form re where

r &= 5\sqrt{9+b^2} \\
\phi &= a+\tan^{-1} (b/3)

Now rewrite the righthand side the same way.
  • #3
The righthand side would be sqrt(-25^2 + 0)*e^(j*arctan(0/-25) which is just 25*e^0. I don't see how that helps.
  • #4
Bob Busby said:
The righthand side would be sqrt(-25^2 + 0)*e^(j*arctan(0/-25) which is just 25*e^0.
That's not right: 25e0 = +25, not -25.
I don't see how that helps.
If w and z are complex numbers such that w=z, then |w|=|z|, etc.
  • #5
Oh yeah. What was wrong with the way I converted it? How come the minus sign wasn't preserved? Edit: Rather, how am I supposed to preserve the minus sign. I see nothing wrong with my conversion method.

"If w and z are complex numbers such that w=z, then |w|=|z|, etc."

But if I convert back to rectangular coordinates to take the magnitude then I will have a (cos(a+ arctan(b/3))^2 and I don't see how to do anything with that, even if it equals the magnitude of the other complex number.
  • #6
What are the geometric interpretation of r and ϕ? Where does -25 lie on the complex plane?
  • #7

5 e^{i a} (3 + i b) = -25

(\cos{(a)} + i \sin{(a)})(3 + i b) = -5

(3 \cos{(a)} - b \sin{(a)}) + i (b \cos{(a)}+ 3 \sin{(a)}) = -5

3 & -b \\

b & 3
\end{array}\right) \cdot \left(\begin{array}{c}
\cos{(a)} \\

\end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{c}
-5 \\


\cos{(a)} \\

\end{array}\right) = \frac{1}{9 + b^{2}} \left(\begin{array}{cc}
3 & b \\

-b & 3
\end{array}\right) \cdot \left(\begin{array}{c}
-5 \\


\cos{(a)} = -\frac{15}{9 + b^{2}} \\

\sin{(a)} = \frac{5 b}{9 + b^{2}}

Then, use the trigonometric identity:

\cos^{2}{(a)} + \sin^{2}{(a)} = 1

substituting the above expressions and, after simplification, you have a biquadratic equation with respect to b. Once you find the solutions, substitute back in the expressions for [itex]\cos{(a)}[/itex] and [itex]\sin{(a)}[/itex] and find the angle which gives those values for the sine and the cosine (of course, up to an addtive factor of [itex]2\pi n[/itex]).
  • #8
Wait a second. When I get b and try to solve for a I get two different answers. Is there a simpler method to solve with, though, without linear algebra?

"What are the geometric interpretation of r and ϕ? Where does -25 lie on the complex plane?"

r is the magnitude and phi is the angle ccw above the real axis. Doesn't where -25 lie depend on phi? Why wasn't the negative sign preserved in my conversion?
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  • #9
To be a bit more precise, ϕ is measured from the positive real axis. This is just polar coordinates. The sign was wrong on your previous answer was because your ϕ was wrong. The point z=-25 lies on the negative real axis a distance 25 away from the origin, so r=25. What should ϕ equal?

FAQ: What is the solution to the complex number equation (5e^(j*a))(3 + j*b) = -25?

What is a complex number?

A complex number is a number that contains both a real and imaginary part. It is written in the form a + bi, where a is the real part and bi is the imaginary part with i representing the imaginary unit.

How do you solve a complex number equation?

To solve a complex number equation, you can use either algebraic or geometric methods. Algebraically, you can manipulate the equation using the properties of complex numbers and solve for the unknown variable. Geometrically, you can plot the complex numbers on a complex plane and use geometric properties to solve the equation.

What is the difference between a real and complex solution?

A real solution is a solution that results in a real number when substituted into the equation. A complex solution is a solution that results in a complex number when substituted into the equation. Real solutions lie on the real number line, while complex solutions lie on the complex plane.

Can a complex number equation have more than one solution?

Yes, a complex number equation can have multiple solutions. This is because a complex number can have multiple values for its real and imaginary parts. For example, the equation x^2 = -1 has two solutions, i and -i, both of which are complex numbers.

What are the applications of complex numbers?

Complex numbers have various applications in mathematics, physics, engineering, and other fields. They are used to represent and solve problems involving alternating currents, quantum mechanics, signal processing, and many other areas. They are also used in computer graphics and animation to represent 3D coordinates and transformations.

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