Complex potential resulting in exponentially decreasing standing waves

The question also mentions calculating the absorption coefficient in the presence of a step potential, but without further information, it is unclear how this would be done.
  • #1
I am required to show that the potential V= -Vo(1+iε) in the schrodinger equation results in stationary waves that represent exponentially decreasing plane waves. I am also required to calculate the absorption co-efficient.

My (inept) attempt at a solution;

I know that for a comlpex energy E=Er +iEi (Ei being the imaginary energy) we have
Sorry the h should be h cross (h/2π) but I left this out. The general idea that I have is that if there is Ei (a complex part to the energy) then ψ*(x,t)ψ(x,t) is not equal to ψ*(x)ψ(x) due to an exponential term involving Ei.
Thus the probability density has an exponential either increasing or decreasing factor. Is this what the problem was asking for? If so is Ei(the imaginary part of the energy) just the complex part of V (i.e -Voε)?

I have no idea where to start about calculating the absorption coefficient. I have seen papers that speak about the coefficients of the oncoming and reflected wave (due to a step in the potential), but no boundaries or other potentials were given in the question, so how can we have a reflected wave? I am totally confused by this.
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  • #2
Any help would be greatly appreciated.The potential V=-Vo(1+iε) in the Schrödinger equation results in a complex energy E=Er +iEi, where Er is the real part of the energy and Ei is the imaginary part. The time-dependent wavefunction is then given by ψ*(x,t)ψ(x,t)=ψ*(x)ψ(x)e2i/h(Ei)t, which represents an exponentially decreasing plane wave.The absorption coefficient can be calculated using the Beer-Lambert law, which states that the absorption coefficient α is proportional to the imaginary part of the energy Ei, according to the equation:α=C*Ei, where C is a constant. Thus, in this case, the absorption coefficient is proportional to Voε.

FAQ: Complex potential resulting in exponentially decreasing standing waves

1. What is a complex potential?

A complex potential is a mathematical concept used in physics and engineering to describe the behavior of waves in a given system. It is a combination of a real and imaginary component that represents the amplitude and phase of a wave.

2. How does a complex potential result in exponentially decreasing standing waves?

When a wave is confined within a system, it can reflect off the boundaries and interfere with itself. This interference can result in standing waves, which have nodes and antinodes that remain fixed in space. A complex potential can cause the amplitude of these standing waves to decrease exponentially as they propagate through the system.

3. What factors influence the complex potential in a system?

The complex potential in a system can be influenced by various factors, such as the geometry and material properties of the boundaries, the frequency and amplitude of the wave, and any external forces or sources present in the system.

4. How is the complex potential used in practical applications?

The concept of complex potential is used in many practical applications, such as in designing acoustic and electromagnetic devices, analyzing the behavior of electronic circuits, and understanding the propagation of seismic waves in the Earth's crust.

5. Are there any limitations to using the complex potential to describe waves?

While the complex potential is a useful tool for understanding wave behavior, it is limited in its applicability to linear systems. Nonlinear systems, which exhibit more complex behavior, may require alternative mathematical approaches to describe waves.
