Solving Concentration of Ammonium Phosphate in mol/L

In summary, an equation was given that indicated that there is a 3:1 ratio between ammonia and phosphate. However, when the mass of the products were measured, it was found that this ratio did not exist. It is unknown what caused this discrepancy, but it is thought that it could have been due to something in the water sample. If concentrations do not reflect the original composition, there are reactions that consume some of the original substance. In this case, it is thought that the Ammonium phosphate was consumed by another cation.
  • #1

I have a problem on my hands, I'm trying to find the concentration of ammonium phosphate in mol/L.


Excuse the badly written equation, I'm not quite sure on how to use subscrips/arrow signs on here.

(NH4)3P04 --------------- 3NH4 + P04

Known Data:

Mass of 3NH4 measured with probe = 400 mg/L (0.40 g)
Mass of P04 measured with probe = 10 mg/L (0.01 g)

Moles of 3NH4 = 0.0678 moles
Moles of P04 = 0.00009915 moles

The problem:

I have found the mass of each of the products using a probe. The 3:1 ratio is not existent and this is due to a number of reasons (ignore this). How do I determine the mass of the original substance put in. Once I know that I can find the morality quite easily. I've attempted it but my high school teacher said I was wrong. I added the masses and now when I look back, it was a stupid thing to do. I think I need to use the solubility of ammonium phosphate some how, the solubility in water is 58g/100mL

Any help would be much appreciated, I really am stuck.
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  • #2
If concentrations don't reflect the original composition, there are reactions that consumed some of the original substance. If so, in general you can't tell what was its initial concentration. Could be there are additional properties of your system that can be used to find the answer, but you haven't said anything about them.
  • #3
Borek said:
If concentrations don't reflect the original composition, there are reactions that consumed some of the original substance. If so, in general you can't tell what was its initial concentration. Could be there are additional properties of your system that can be used to find the answer, but you haven't said anything about them.

Thanks for the reply. Yeah I understand what you are saying, my teacher told me to look into Le Chatelier's principle. As far as other properties go, I'm not quite sure what you mean. I have obtained other results through testing that might be of benefit. Such as the pH levels, TS (total solids) and TDS (total dissolved solids). Although, I'm not quite sure if that's what you were after. I'll keep researching though.
  • #4
What kind of probe have you used, what are the reasons that you know about that made the ratio between ammonia and phosphate differ from 3:1?
  • #5
Borek said:
What kind of probe have you used, what are the reasons that you know about that made the ratio between ammonia and phosphate differ from 3:1?

To measure ammonium, an ammonium ion selective electrode was used. For phosphate, a colorimeter was used. As far the ratio, I'm assuming that there is something (some element in the water sample) that is causing the phosphate to be smaller than it should be. At least that is what I think. My teacher told me to look into what decreases the value for phosphate, but I haven't found anything yet.
  • #6
Perhaps it was precipitated by Mg or Ca, or complexed some other cation (iron) that was present in water. Total concentration of ammonia is a function of both ammonium ion concentration and pH (although if you have pH below 8 it shouldn't matter much).
  • #7
Borek said:
Perhaps it was precipitated by Mg or Ca, or complexed some other cation (iron) that was present in water. Total concentration of ammonia is a function of both ammonium ion concentration and pH (although if you have pH below 8 it shouldn't matter much).

I'll research that up. Thanks for the help, I think I might know what to do now :).

FAQ: Solving Concentration of Ammonium Phosphate in mol/L

1. What is the formula for calculating the concentration of ammonium phosphate in mol/L?

The formula for calculating the concentration of ammonium phosphate in mol/L is molarity (M) = moles of solute / liters of solution.

2. How do I determine the number of moles of ammonium phosphate in a solution?

To determine the number of moles of ammonium phosphate in a solution, you will need to measure the mass of the solute (ammonium phosphate) and use its molar mass to convert to moles. This can be done by dividing the mass by the molar mass of ammonium phosphate, which is 149.09 g/mol.

3. Can I use any unit for measuring the volume of solution in the molarity formula?

No, the volume of solution must be measured in liters (L) in order to use the molarity formula. If the volume is measured in a different unit, it will need to be converted to liters before using the formula.

4. What is the difference between molarity and molality?

Molarity (M) is a measure of concentration that is expressed as moles of solute per liters of solution, while molality (m) is a measure of concentration that is expressed as moles of solute per kilograms of solvent. Molarity takes into account the volume of the solution, while molality takes into account the mass of the solvent.

5. How can I increase the concentration of ammonium phosphate in a solution?

The concentration of ammonium phosphate in a solution can be increased by adding more solute (ammonium phosphate) to the solution without changing the volume, or by decreasing the volume of the solution while keeping the amount of solute constant. It is important to note that there is a limit to how much solute can dissolve in a given volume of solvent, so the concentration cannot be infinitely increased.
