Conceptual question concerning work and nonconservative forces

In summary, the question is asking which relationship is necessarily true when a box is pushed at an angle with a force until it reaches a certain speed, taking into account the coefficient of kinetic friction. The correct answer is (d) - the kinetic energy gained by the box is greater than the energy dissipated by friction. This is because the work done by the person and the work done by friction can be close in magnitude, but the total work done is still greater than the work done by friction alone. Additionally, the conservation of energy theorem can be used to show that the work done by friction is equal to the change in kinetic energy.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi all. I feel silly for stumbling on such a simple question, but I can't seem to wrap my head about the conceptual aspect of it. The question is: A box that is initially at rest is pushed by a person at an angle (diagonally downwards), θ, with a force, F, until it reaches a speed, v. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is μk. Which of the following relationships is necessarily true?

a) The work done by the person is equal in magnitude to work done by the friction force
b) The work done by the person is greater in magnitude than the work done by the friction force.
c) The magnitude of the work done by the person is equal to the change in the kinetic energy of the box.
d) The kinetic energy gained by the box is greater than the energy dissipated by friction.

Homework Equations

Net work = Work done by person + Work done by friction = ΔKE

The Attempt at a Solution

When attempting to solve this problem, I got confused when rewriting the above equations, as well as whether or not there was conservation of energy here.

a) Wp + -Wf = ΔKE; This is false, as ΔKE does not equal 0.
b) Wp + -Wf = ΔKE; This is true, as ΔKE > 0.
c) Wp = ΔKE - Wf; This is false.
d) ΔKE - Wp = -Wf; This is true.

As you can see, I seem to have made an error somewhere in converting these qualitative statements into their quantitative counterparts. I know A and C are false, but B and C seem to be saying very similar things.

One last approach I used was the conservation of energy theorem, but I don't even know how to set it up right, because my book simply states it as :

Wnc = ΔKE, meaning
Wf = ΔKE

But this doesn't make sense at all, when I compare it with the original work energy theorem.

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  • #2
You have it down pretty well. What you're missing is the possibility that the work done by the person and the work done by friction are pretty close. Say the person does 11 J of work and friction does -10 J. Look at (d) again with that example.
  • #3
Okay, now I see. Thinking physics in words makes things confusing sometimes, haha.
  • #4
JYZero said:
One last approach I used was the conservation of energy theorem, but I don't even know how to set it up right, because my book simply states it as :

Wnc = ΔKE, meaning
Wf = ΔKE
Here, Wnc = Wp + Wf (where Wf<0). The applied force isn't a conservative force.
  • #5

It seems like you are on the right track with your thinking and equations. The key concept to keep in mind here is that of work done by nonconservative forces, which includes friction. Nonconservative forces do not conserve energy, meaning that the work done by these forces will not necessarily equal the change in kinetic energy of the object.

Looking at the options provided:

a) The work done by the person is equal in magnitude to work done by the friction force.
This is not necessarily true because the work done by the person may be greater than the work done by friction, depending on the angle and magnitude of the force applied.

b) The work done by the person is greater in magnitude than the work done by the friction force.
This is possible and can be true if the force applied by the person is greater than the force of friction.

c) The magnitude of the work done by the person is equal to the change in the kinetic energy of the box.
This is not true because the work done by the person is not the only factor contributing to the change in kinetic energy. The work done by friction must also be taken into account.

d) The kinetic energy gained by the box is greater than the energy dissipated by friction.
This is not necessarily true because the work done by friction can also contribute to the change in kinetic energy, which may result in a decrease in the kinetic energy gained by the box.

In summary, the correct answer would be b) The work done by the person is greater in magnitude than the work done by the friction force. This is because the work done by the person will always be greater than or equal to the work done by friction, depending on the specific conditions of the situation.

FAQ: Conceptual question concerning work and nonconservative forces

1. What is a nonconservative force?

A nonconservative force is a type of force that does not follow the principle of conservation of energy. This means that the work done by the force is dependent on the path taken by the object and not just its initial and final positions. Examples of nonconservative forces include friction, air resistance, and tension.

2. How do nonconservative forces affect an object's work?

Nonconservative forces can either increase or decrease the work done by an object. For example, friction can decrease the work done by an object by converting some of its energy into heat. On the other hand, air resistance can increase the work done by an object by slowing it down and requiring more energy to maintain its motion.

3. Can nonconservative forces do positive work?

Yes, nonconservative forces can do positive work. This occurs when the force acts in the same direction as the motion of the object. For example, a person pushing a box across the floor is doing positive work against the force of friction.

4. How do nonconservative forces affect an object's potential and kinetic energy?

Nonconservative forces can convert an object's potential energy into kinetic energy, and vice versa. For instance, when a ball is thrown into the air, its potential energy decreases as it rises and its kinetic energy increases. On the way back down, the potential energy increases again while the kinetic energy decreases.

5. Can nonconservative forces be conservative?

No, by definition, nonconservative forces cannot be conservative. Conservative forces follow the principle of conservation of energy, whereas nonconservative forces do not. Therefore, a force cannot be both conservative and nonconservative at the same time.

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