Confirm General Relativity: Eddington's Starlight Experiment

In summary, Eddington's experiment with the bending of starlight was necessary to confirm General Relativity as it was the first test to show that the theory agreed with Newton's theory everywhere except for the orbit of Mercury. This experiment, along with others, has helped to build a consensus on the validity of General Relativity. While common phenomena do support both Newtonian and GR theories, it is only through precise experiments and observations that we can distinguish between the two and confirm the accuracy of GR. Additionally, the effects of GR may not be noticeable in everyday experiences, but with increasing detection sensitivity, we can now detect these effects at more intuitive scales. This is evident in the accuracy of GPS, which would be greatly impacted if GR was not
  • #1
Bob R
TL;DR Summary
If Earth's motion about the sun is described by General Relativity why was Eddington's experiment with the bending of starlight needed to confirm the theory?
If Earth's motion about the sun is described by General Relativity why was Eddington's experiment with the bending of starlight needed to confirm the theory? In other words, don't we see enough common phenomena in our every day experiences to confirm GR without verifying subtle phenomena such as the bending of starlight and the detailed orbit of Mercury?
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  • #2
Bob R said:
If Earth's motion about the sun is described by General Relativity why was Eddington's experiment with the bending of starlight needed to confirm the theory?
The orbit of the Earth is also well-described by Newton's theory of gravity. To see which one of GR and Newton is right you need to do an experiment where the two theories predict different results, different enough to be detectable with the kit you have. Hence Eddington going to South America.

I gather that modern measurements are precise enough to detect the difference between Earth's orbit as predicted by GR and Newton, and GR wins there too. But a hundred years ago we did not have equipment that good.
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Likes FanOfGR, Buzz Bloom, FactChecker and 1 other person
  • #3
Bob R said:
don't we see enough common phenomena in our every day experiences to confirm GR without verifying subtle phenomena such as the bending of starlight and the detailed orbit of Mercury?

The FIRST test of general relativity, so basic that we don’t usually think of it as a test, was to ask “Does GR agree, to within the limits of experimental accuracy, with Newton’s theory everywhere that Newton’s theory works (which is, pre-Eddington, everywhere except the orbit of Mercury)?” If it had failed that test, GR would have been rejected out of hand, falsified by experiments and observations that had already been made.

Thus all the “common phenomena” you mention will support Newtonian gravity and GR equally well; they tell us that both are viable theories but offer no help in choosing between them. To do that, we need to look at where they disagree enough that observation can tell us which one is more right.

It’s worth taking a moment to review just how small the differences between the predictions of Newtonian gravity and GR are when working with common phenomena. For example, the anomalous precession of Mercury was not recognized until 1859 (150 years after Newton) because it is so small, less than one degree over more than a century... And that’s the big readily visible one, the one that we didn’t have to go looking for after GR told us that it might be there.

Also worth reading:
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Likes FanOfGR, Buzz Bloom and phinds
  • #4
Bob R said:
If Earth's motion about the sun is described by General Relativity...
Although General Relativity has something to say about the motion of the Earth around the Sun, it was not the purpose of the Eddington experiment. The experiment was to show that the gravity of the sun would deflect the light from distant stars, the orbit of the Earth is only factored into this for the geometry of the calculations and any changes to the Earths orbit due to General Relativity are too small to matter for the calculations of this effect.

Bob R said:
why was Eddington's experiment with the bending of starlight needed to confirm the theory?
As above, but also the Eddington experiment was to confirm one prediction of General Relativity, one of many predictions, the confirmation of which have lead to a consesus on the validity of the theory as a whole. Previous to the Eddington experiment there was an observation of a conflict between Newtonian predictions of the orbit of Mercury and the observed orbit. This difference was explained by General Relativity and contributed to building the consensus.
Bob R said:
In other words, don't we see enough common phenomena in our every day experiences to confirm GR without verifying subtle phenomena such as the bending of starlight and the detailed orbit of Mercury?
The obsevable effects of General Relativity occur at non-intuitive scales and although they do affect 'common phenomena' the effective goes unnoticed by humans. However, as detection sensitivity has increased we can detect the effects of General Relativity at scales that are more intuitive. For example, the Pound-Rebka experiment showed that it is possible to detect how the gravitational field of the Earth affects the motion of gamma rays with a difference in height (of the source) of only 22.5m.
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Likes Dale, Buzz Bloom and FactChecker
  • #5
In today's world, probably the most generally appreciable confirmation of GR is the accuracy of GPS. It would be very inaccurate if it did not account for the effects of GR.
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Likes PeroK, vanhees71 and Buzz Bloom

FAQ: Confirm General Relativity: Eddington's Starlight Experiment

1. What is Eddington's Starlight Experiment?

Eddington's Starlight Experiment was a scientific experiment conducted in 1919 by British astrophysicist Sir Arthur Eddington to confirm Einstein's theory of general relativity. The experiment involved observing the bending of starlight as it passed near the sun during a solar eclipse.

2. How did Eddington's Starlight Experiment confirm general relativity?

Eddington's observations during the solar eclipse showed that the positions of stars near the sun appeared to shift due to the sun's gravitational pull, thus supporting Einstein's theory of general relativity which predicted the bending of light in the presence of massive objects.

3. Was Eddington's Starlight Experiment the first evidence of general relativity?

No, there were previous experiments and observations that supported aspects of general relativity, such as the precession of Mercury's orbit. However, Eddington's experiment provided strong evidence for the theory and solidified its acceptance in the scientific community.

4. What impact did Eddington's Starlight Experiment have on the scientific community?

Eddington's experiment was a major milestone in the history of science as it provided strong evidence for general relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of gravity and the universe. It also solidified Einstein's reputation as one of the greatest scientists of all time.

5. Are there any criticisms of Eddington's Starlight Experiment?

Some critics have raised concerns about the accuracy of Eddington's measurements and the potential for bias in his interpretation of the data. However, subsequent experiments and observations have confirmed the results of Eddington's experiment, further supporting the validity of general relativity.

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