Understanding Confusing Expansion: Taylor Series Expansion

In summary, the speakers discuss a problem from Steven Simon's "Oxford Solid State Basics" where they encountered a step with a mistake. The mistake was in the third-to-last step, where the square in the denominator was incorrectly expanded, resulting in a term of βħω instead of βħω/2. The speaker also points out a typo in the fourth-to-last step where the author forgot to remove a /2. Despite these errors, the final line is correct.
  • #1
I came across the following working in my notes and would like some help understanding how the step was done. Many thanks in advance!

The following is the working, and we assume that ##\beta## is small
$$\frac{1}{1+ \beta \hbar \omega /2 + (7/12)(\beta \hbar \omega)^2 +...} \approx 1 - (\beta \hbar \omega)/2 + (5/12) (\beta \hbar \omega)^2 +...$$

I thought of trying the Taylor expansion for ##1/(1-x)## where the ##x## was everything apart from the "1" in the reciprocal term on the LHS but it doesn't seem to work.
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  • #2
WWCY said:
I thought of trying the Taylor expansion for ##1/(1-x)## where the ##x## was everything apart from the "1" in the reciprocal term on the LHS but it doesn't seem to work.
That should be the right procedure, but it does give a slightly different result. Can you give a source for the equation you quoted?
  • #3
## \frac{1}{1-x}=1+x+x^2+x^3+... ##. In this case you need to consider the ## x^2 ## term as well.
  • #4
If we multiply the two expressions, we get ##1 \approx 1+ O(\beta^2)## so my suspicion is, that a) this expression is good enough for what is to come and b) the expression on the right is in some meaning more helpful than the "correct" formula. In short: it suffices and fits the goal.
  • #5
I get a ## -\frac{1}{3} ## instead of the ## +\frac{5}{12} ##. ## \\ ## Edit: I double-checked my arithmetic/algebra, and even worked a numerical example, letting ## \beta \hbar \omega=.02 ##. I think they goofed. It is something they should get right, but textbooks do contain errors on occasion.## \\ ## And you do get a +5/12 on the quadratic term if there is no 2 in the denominator of the ## \beta \hbar \omega ## term. I think it is probably an honest mistake.
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  • #6
Thanks everyone for the clarification.

DrClaude said:
That should be the right procedure, but it does give a slightly different result. Can you give a source for the equation you quoted?

It was a solution to one of the problems in Steven Simon's "Oxford Solid State Basics", I'll attach an image below. The step I refer to is the third from bottom.

Screen Shot 2018-08-28 at 6.21.44 PM.png


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  • #7
There is a mistake in step 3: expanding the square in the denominator leads to a term of βħω, not βħω/2. Then the term βħω/2 in step 4 is wrong, but the 5/12 is right.
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Likes WWCY, DrClaude and Charles Link
  • #8
Looks like the final line is correct=even though they made a couple of errors previous to that.
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Likes DrClaude
  • #9
Just a typo in one line. The author probably copied the previous line, adjusted it and forgot to remove the /2 there.

Another example where more context helps to spot the error.
  • #10
Cheers guys, I should have been a bit more attentive, and also uploaded the image from the get-go. Apologies.
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Likes Charles Link

FAQ: Understanding Confusing Expansion: Taylor Series Expansion

1. What is a Taylor series expansion?

A Taylor series expansion is a mathematical concept that allows us to represent a function as an infinite sum of terms. It is named after the mathematician Brook Taylor and is commonly used in calculus and other areas of mathematics.

2. Why is Taylor series expansion important?

Taylor series expansion is important because it allows us to approximate complex functions with simpler ones. This is useful in many areas of science and engineering, as it allows us to analyze functions and make predictions about their behavior.

3. How is a Taylor series expansion calculated?

A Taylor series expansion is calculated by taking the derivatives of a function at a specific point and using them to determine the coefficients of the terms in the series. The more derivatives that are taken, the more accurate the approximation becomes.

4. What is the difference between a Taylor series expansion and a Maclaurin series expansion?

A Taylor series expansion is centered around a specific point, while a Maclaurin series expansion is centered around the point 0. In other words, a Maclaurin series is a special case of a Taylor series.

5. In what situations would we use a Taylor series expansion?

Taylor series expansions are commonly used in physics, engineering, and other areas of science to approximate complex functions. They are also used in numerical analysis to solve differential equations and other mathematical problems.

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