Conservation of Energy and Gravitation

In summary, the law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be transformed between different forms. Gravity, as a fundamental force, plays a crucial role in this conservation by affecting the energy of objects through changes in their gravitational potential energy. In the context of gravitation, energy and mass are equivalent and can be converted into one another. These principles have a significant impact on our daily lives, from the way we use energy to the way we navigate through space. While there may be theories challenging these principles, there is currently no evidence to suggest that the conservation of energy and gravitation can be violated.
  • #1
1. A block slides along a track with elevated ends. The flat part has length L = 0.2m, and the object is released from a height of 0.1m. The curved portion of the track is frictionless, but the flat part has uk = 0.15 . where does the object finally come to rest?

Etotal = Ui + Ki = Uf + Kf + work done by friction
mgy + 0 = mgy' + 0 + ukFn
mg(.1) = mgy' + (.15)mg
.1 = y' + .15
y' = -.05

this doesn't seem right, will I have to do multiple calculations of conservation of energy, since there is a section with friction and a section without. Do I have to consider angular momentum since its sliding down a slope at first?

2. Several planets possesses nearly circular surrounding rings, perhaps composed of material that failed to form a satellite. In addition, many galaxies contain ring-like structures. Consider a homogeneous ring of mass M and radius R.
a) Find an expression for the gravitational force exerted by the ring on a particle of mass m located a distance x from the center of the ring along its axis.
b) Suppose that the particle falls from rest as a result of the attraction of the ring of matter. Find an expression for the speed with which is passes through the center of the ring.

since we are dealing with a ring, should I use inertia of the ring instead of mass?

F = -GMm/r^2
I of ring = mr^2

F = -G(MR^2)m/x^2

W = Fd = -G(MR^2)m/x

Etotal = U - K
-G(MR^2)m/x = (1/2)mv^2
v = -sqrt(2G(MR^2)/x)

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  • #2
1.The initial KE at the start of the flat portion is equal to the energy gained after dropping through a height of 0.1 m. This KE will be equal to work done by friction in bringing it to rest. Equate the two.

2. a) This has got nothing to do with MI. All the points on the ring is at an equal dist from any pt on the axis. You know the dist. Just sum the forces. Only the components of the forces along the axis will remain. The components perp to the axis will cancel out for diametrically opp points.

2. b) Can you find the potential at any point along the axis? Remember, force = -grad phi. After that, final E = initial E, because gravitation is a conservative force.
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  • #3
mgh = kf = work done by friction to bring it to rest
mgh = fd
mgh = uk*n*d
mgh = uk*mg*d
h = uk*d
d = h/uk
d = .67

but this is greater than the length, so will the brick go upt he other side?
would i have to do this a few times and add the energies lost each time?2.
a) -GMm/x^2
is this all I need to leave it at?

U = mgx
mgx = 0 when x = 0
so when U = 0
K = mgx
mv^2 = mgx
v = sqrt(gx)

is this correct?

  • #4
(Hi, posting problems separately makes it easier for all to share in the helping.)

1. Right. Since the elevated ends will not take away energy, it seems the mass will traverse the flat portion three times and after that will come to rest 0.07 m from the
other end than from which it started.

2a. No, you have to sum it and express it in terms of x, M and R. Draw a diagram. Remember that the dist d of the pt P on the axis from a pt on the ring is given by
d^2=R^2+x^2. Take component of the force at P along and perp to axis.

2b. No, the U you've written is for uniform g field. You have to use the force you get from 2a and integrate. Do 2a first.

FAQ: Conservation of Energy and Gravitation

1. What is conservation of energy?

The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed from one form to another.

2. How does gravity play a role in conservation of energy?

Gravity is a fundamental force that affects all objects in the universe. It is responsible for the attraction between objects and plays a crucial role in the conservation of energy, as objects can gain or lose energy through changes in their gravitational potential energy.

3. What is the relationship between energy and mass in the context of gravitation?

According to Einstein's famous equation, E=mc², energy and mass are equivalent and can be converted into one another. In the context of gravitation, mass is a measure of the amount of matter present in an object, and energy can be thought of as the ability of an object to do work due to its mass and position in a gravitational field.

4. How does conservation of energy and gravitation impact our daily lives?

Conservation of energy and gravitation have a significant impact on our daily lives. From the way we use energy in our homes to the way we navigate through space, these principles govern many aspects of our daily activities. For example, understanding conservation of energy can help us make more efficient use of resources and reduce our environmental impact.

5. Can conservation of energy and gravitation be violated?

The law of conservation of energy is considered to be one of the fundamental laws of the universe and has been extensively tested and proven to hold true in all physical phenomena. Similarly, gravitation is a fundamental force that has been observed and studied extensively. While there may be theories that challenge these principles, there is currently no evidence to suggest that they can be violated.
