Conservation of momentum with initial velocity of 0

In summary: Summary In summary, the brick is repelled backwards at a velocity of 12/my mass in kg while the punch with normal force creates a torque that cancels it and keeps the momentum.
  • #1
I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the concepts of momentum conservation. Let's say I'm standing on a frictionless surface and I throw a 3kg brick horizontally with a velocity of 4m/s. In this scenario I can see that I'm going to be repelled backwards at a velocity of 12/my mass in kg but let's say instead of throwing a brick I punch a wall. The normal force acting on my fist will repel me backwards and I will have a new momentum but how is momentum conserved here if the velocity of the wall remains 0? Does all the kinetic energy go into vibrating the molecules of the wall + the tiny amount of heat and sound produced or something?
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  • #2
BogMonkey said:
the velocity of the wall remains 0?

It doesn't remain 0. You know that if Chuck Norris makes push-ups, he doesn't push himself up but instead the Earth down? That is not a joke.

BogMonkey said:
Does all the kinetic energy go into vibrating the molecules of the wall + the tiny amount of heat and sound produced or something?

Not all but some kinetic energy. But total momentum as a vector has to be preserved on it's own, regardless of energy.
  • #3
BogMonkey said:
The normal force acting on my fist will repel me backwards and I will have a new momentum but how is momentum conserved here if the velocity of the wall remains 0?

Since you are attached to the Earth by your feet, this creates a torque that cancels the one you deliver to the wall.

However, even if you were not attached by your feet you can consider the following thought experiment. You are floating in outer space, just you and a ball with a rod sticking radially out of it. You push the rod, the normal force repels you backwards. What does the ball do? It picks up a rotation and translation. Now, if you make the ball bigger and heavier, the translation and rotation are less noticable. It is more or less fair to consider the Earth/wall system as an extreme limit of this.


FAQ: Conservation of momentum with initial velocity of 0

What is the conservation of momentum with initial velocity of 0?

The conservation of momentum with initial velocity of 0 is a fundamental principle in physics that states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant, regardless of any external forces acting on it. This means that in a system where the initial velocity of all objects is 0, the total momentum before and after a collision or interaction will be the same.

Why is the conservation of momentum with initial velocity of 0 important?

The conservation of momentum with initial velocity of 0 is important because it helps us understand and predict the motion and interactions of objects in a closed system. It allows us to analyze and calculate the final velocities and positions of objects after a collision or interaction, without having to consider the external forces acting on the system.

What are some real-life examples of conservation of momentum with initial velocity of 0?

One example of conservation of momentum with initial velocity of 0 is a game of pool. When the cue ball hits the other balls on the table, the total momentum of the system remains the same before and after the collision. Another example is a rocket launch, where the momentum of the rocket's fuel is equal and opposite to the momentum of the rocket itself, resulting in a net momentum of 0 at the start of the launch.

What are the limitations of the conservation of momentum with initial velocity of 0?

The conservation of momentum with initial velocity of 0 is a simplified version of the conservation of momentum principle, and it only applies to closed systems where the initial velocity of all objects is known to be 0. In real-life situations, there are often external forces acting on objects, and the initial velocities may not be 0, making the application of this principle more complex.

How is the conservation of momentum with initial velocity of 0 related to other laws and principles in physics?

The conservation of momentum with initial velocity of 0 is closely related to other fundamental laws and principles in physics, such as the conservation of energy and Newton's laws of motion. It is also a consequence of the fundamental symmetries of space and time, known as translation invariance and time invariance.
