Copenhagen Interpretation of Sleep / Unseen brain?

In summary: Shut up and calculate" perhaps. :oldbiggrin: (Seriously! You can look it up.) Most physicists would just not care that the measurement problem is a problem. Maybe if you ask them why they will say something about decoherence, but that's about it.
  • #1
What is the accepted interpretation of these two similar related issues:

1) When I am sleeping do my brain and body revert to un-collapsed wave state until and unless seen by a different observer?

2) I *never* have "seen" my brain - have the wave functions of the atoms and cells collapsed?
Physics news on
  • #2
Collapse is not caused by consciousness. All the experiments related to collapse have the same outcomes whether or not someone is in the room watching.

You don't become any more superposed while sleeping than you do while awake, or while dead for that matter.
  • #3
Strilanc said:
Collapse is not caused by consciousness. All the experiments related to collapse have the same outcomes whether or not someone is in the room watching.

You don't become any more superposed while sleeping than you do while awake, or while dead for that matter.

Is this the Copenhagen approach? Is there no "measurement problem" ?

Also: which interpretation of Wigner's friend is the most popular among experts?'s_friend
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  • #4
1977ub said:
Is this the Copenhagen approach?
1977ub said:
Is there no "measurement problem" ?
There is, but this has nothing to do with consciousness. Everything that causes decoherence counts as observation - which includes basically everything in our everyday world that is at least as large as a molecule, on timescales of at least picoseconds.

Short naps seem to be a trend, but I did not see picosecond sleep discussed so far.
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  • #5
mfb said:
There is, but this has nothing to do with consciousness. Everything that causes decoherence counts as observation - which includes basically everything in our everyday world that is at least as large as a molecule, on timescales of at least picoseconds.

Short naps seem to be a trend, but I did not see picosecond sleep discussed so far.

So the standard Copenhagen is an "objective collapse theory" ?
  • #6
1977ub said:
So the standard Copenhagen is an "objective collapse theory" ?

No. Decoherence causes apparent, subjective collapse. Decoherence occurs because of interactions of the object with an external environment and is not about the size or any property of the object itself per se.
  • #7
Every object is a wave, and when waves interact, they just make more waves. Where do the particles at particular positions come in? Is a direct "observation" required?

If decoherence doesn't solve the measurement problem, then there isn't a tidy answer to my question, right?
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  • #8
1977ub said:
Every object is a wave, and when waves interact, they just make more waves. Where do the particles at particular positions come in? Is a direct "observation" required?

If decoherence doesn't solve the measurement problem, then there isn't a tidy answer to my question, right?
Well, we don't know where collapse of the wave function occurs. It could be at the detector, or on the more extreme side it could be consciousness. Or we may find we need to modify standard QM to allow for collapse e.g. by gravity.

By 'every object is a wave', I hope you don't mean wave in the classical sense.
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  • #9
StevieTNZ said:
Well, we don't know where collapse of the wave function occurs.
It is not a lack of knowledge, it is a matter of taste - different choices lead to different interpretations.

Neutrons bouncing above a surface follow QM with their states, I don't see much room for gravity having a special role.
  • #10
1977ub said:
If decoherence doesn't solve the measurement problem, then there isn't a tidy answer to my question, right?

There is no correct answer as there are many interpretations, but there is an accepted interpretation of working physicists, which you asked for, that collapse is not caused by consciousness and apparent collapse is sufficient for all practical purposes.
  • #11
Truecrimson said:
There is no correct answer as there are many interpretations, but there is an accepted interpretation of working physicists, which you asked for, that collapse is not caused by consciousness and apparent collapse is sufficient for all practical purposes.

Yes - so can you flesh that out a bit. When is my sleeping brain just a probability wave and when are its atoms in particular positions, and what causes the change? Are "measurements" going on while I sleep? BTW what is the name for this "accepted interpretation of working physicists" ?
  • #12
1977ub said:
When is my sleeping brain just a probability wave ... ?
I don't think there is any interpretation of QM which infers this.
  • #13
Your brain has activity going on when you are asleep, I would think.

What superposition states do you think your brain will be in, while asleep?
  • #14
1977ub said:
BTW what is the name for this "accepted interpretation of working physicists" ?

I am guessing decoherence, but I could be wrong.
  • #15
1977ub said:
BTW what is the name for this "accepted interpretation of working physicists" ?

"Shut up and calculate" perhaps. :oldbiggrin: (Seriously! You can look it up.) Most physicists would just not care that the measurement problem is a problem. Maybe if you ask them why they will say something about decoherence, but that's about it.

If you know (non-relativistic) quantum mechanics, the position is sort of already there as one basis that the quantum state can be represented in, along with other basis like momentum. What happens in decoherence is that the system is entangled with the environment through some interaction, and when you ignore the state of the environment, the density operator of the system appears diagonal in some basis. For some interaction, this is the position basis, and the "quantum probability" to be in different positions "loses its coherence" and become classical probability. That is, the system has some definite position, whether you see it or not.

So the common answer is that there are so many interactions (with light, air etc.) going on with you body or your brain all the time that they are basically always classical i.e. decoherence has already occurred.
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  • #16
Truecrimson said:
"Shut up and calculate" perhaps. :oldbiggrin: (Seriously! You can look it up.) Most physicists would just not care that the measurement problem is a problem. Maybe if you ask them why they will say something about decoherence, but that's about it.

If you know (non-relativistic) quantum mechanics, the position is sort of already there as one basis that the quantum state can be represented in, along with other basis like momentum. What happens in decoherence is that the system is entangled with the environment through some interaction, and when you ignore the state of the environment, the density operator of the system appears diagonal in some basis. For some interaction, this is the position basis, and the "quantum probability" to be in different positions "loses its coherence" and become classical probability. That is, the system has some definite position, whether you see it or not.

So the common answer is that there are so many interactions (with light, air etc.) going on with you body or your brain all the time that they are basically always classical i.e. decoherence has already occurred.
That pretty much sums it up, but do remember the quantum system is not classical as only 'apparent collapse' has occurred. See pgs 208-210, 'Quantum Enigma' (2nd edition)
  • #17
Truecrimson said:
"Shut up and calculate" perhaps. :oldbiggrin: (Seriously! You can look it up.) Most physicists would just not care that the measurement problem is a problem. Maybe if you ask them why they will say something about decoherence, but that's about it.

If you know (non-relativistic) quantum mechanics, the position is sort of already there as one basis that the quantum state can be represented in, along with other basis like momentum. What happens in decoherence is that the system is entangled with the environment through some interaction, and when you ignore the state of the environment, the density operator of the system appears diagonal in some basis. For some interaction, this is the position basis, and the "quantum probability" to be in different positions "loses its coherence" and become classical probability. That is, the system has some definite position, whether you see it or not.

So the common answer is that there are so many interactions (with light, air etc.) going on with you body or your brain all the time that they are basically always classical i.e. decoherence has already occurred.

A probability wave of one particle in my brain interacts with another probability wave in my brain and that is sufficient to cause decoherence? (doesn't solve the measurement problem.)
  • #18
Probability waves are not causally connected with the chemical state state of your brain. either awake or asleep.
  • #19
1977ub said:
A probability wave of one particle in my brain interacts with another probability wave in my brain and that is sufficient to cause decoherence? (doesn't solve the measurement problem.)

Something like that. Take a look at, which probably became the standard view about decoherence in the brain. I don't know if there's a better estimate by now.
  • #20
1977ub said:
If decoherence doesn't solve the measurement problem, then there isn't a tidy answer to my question, right?

Yes there is - its just not unique. Decoherence however has morphed the issue to - why do we get any outcomes at all.

The answer is called an interpretation of which there are a plethora.

There is also the question of if its a problem to begin with - nature may simply be like that.

1977ub said:
BTW what is the name for this "accepted interpretation of working physicists" ?

Its called believing its not an issue to begin with. Mostly it worries philosophy types and those that work on the foundations of QM which is not what the vast majority of physicists do. Since deoherence has morphed the issue, they simply accept we get outcomes without requiring further explanation.

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  • #21
bhobba said:
Yes there is - its just not unique. Decoherence however has morphed the issue to - why do we get any outcomes at all.

The answer is called an interpretation of which there are a plethora.

This is not universally agreed on. Whether Bohmian Mechanics can be extended to all relativistic quantum theories, and whether MWI makes sense are still generally considered open questions, eg. Wallace

bhobba said:
Its called believing its not an issue to begin with. Mostly it worries philosophy types and those that work on the foundations of QM which is not what the vast majority of physicists do. Since deoherence has morphed the issue thay simply accept we get outcomes without requiring further explanation.

However, some of the very best have indicated they consider the measurement problem to be a problem including Landau & Lifshitz, Dirac, Weinberg, Tsirelson, Bell, Adler. Even von Neumann can be said to have worked on it, by trying to figure out whether hidden variables were possible.

It's funny that I listed two of the co-discoverers of the chiral anomaly. Does Jackiw think the measurement problem is a problem? Jackiw's article with Shimony describes the measurement problem (section 2.6), but mainly to report about Bell's views, so it seems unclear what Jackiw and Shimony's views are.
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  • #22
atyy said:
This is not universally agreed on. Whether Bohmian Mechanics can be extended to all relativistic quantum theories, and whether MWI makes sense are still generally considered open questions, eg. Wallace

You know as well as I do we have many many different interpretations - not just BM or MW - and they each have a different take on the issue.

atyy said:
However, some of the very best have indicated they consider the measurement problem to be a problem including Landau & Lifshitz, Dirac, Weinberg, Tsirelson, Bell, Adler.

And some of the very best like Gell-Mann, Ballentine and Bohr beg to differ. I am pretty sure Bohr believed it didn't have a measurement problem - at least that's what he argued with Einstein. Gell-Mann believes decoherent histories resolves it by removing observations from the theory. You can't just give those that agree with your position. Even Einstein believed QM was a perfectly valid theory of ensembles. Most physicists simply accept it at that level and don't get worried about deeper issues like Einstein did.

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  • #23
bhobba said:
they simply accept we get outcomes without requiring further explanation.
"Move on! Nothing to see here!"
  • #24
Derek Potter said:
"Move on! Nothing to see here!"

No. It simply doesn't interest them. There is a difference.

As I said, even Einstein believed it was a full and complete theory of ensembles. If you don't want to go deeper than that then you don't have to.

Its like in EM there is runnaway acausal solutions to the Lorentz-Dirac equation:

You can view it as telling us something deep or simply reject them as unphysical. But most physicists, correctly, couldn't care less - it really makes no difference to what they do.

To the OP there are some rather simple interpretations of QM that don't have any logical consistency problems at all - they give a full and complete account of all quantum phenomena. If you are not interested in what it means, like say Einstein was, then that's all you need.

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  • #25
bhobba said:
You know as well as I do we have many many different interpretations - not just BM or MW - and they each have a different take on the issue.

No I am not aware of any which solves the measurement problem completely, with no technical issues. The major one I did not mention is Griffiths's decoherent histories, but that is certainly not widely agreed to be a solution of the measurement problem. Leifer and Laloe indicate problems with it.

bhobba said:
And some of the very best like Gell-Mann, Ballentine and Bohr beg to differ. I am pretty sure Bohr believed it didn't have a measurement problem - at least that's what he argued with Einstein. Gell-Mann believes decoherent histories resolves it by removing observations from the theory. You can't just give those that agree with your position. Even Einstein believed QM was a perfectly valid theory of ensembles. Most physicists simply accept it at that level and don't get worried about deeper issues like Einstein did.

I am certainly not "giving only those that agree with my position". I was replying to your statement that most believe there is no problem, which stated without my balancing remark could give a misleading impression. Yes, as far as I can tell, Bohr and Heisenberg did not believe there was a measurement problem. If Gell-Mann believes decoherent histories resolves the measurement problem, then he does believe the problem exists (or existed) - otherwise what would there be no problem to "resolve". Also, Gell-Mann's version of decoherent histories is closer to the commonsense reality of MWI than Griffiths's version, eg.
  • #26
atyy said:
No I am not aware of any which solves the measurement problem completely, with no technical issues.

Ok - let's narrow it down to my interpretation - ignorance ensemble. It simply assumes an improper mixed state is a proper one. That solves it outright.

I think you are not quite grasping what explanation is. It may be unsatisfactory to you to simply, by fiat, say its a proper mixture - but that's what explanation is all about - the assumptions explain the consequences.

Most working physicists simply accept it and don't get caught up in if its unsatisfactory or not.

  • #27
atyy said:
Also, Gell-Mann's version of decoherent histories is closer to the commonsense reality of MWI than Griffiths's version, eg.

I agree with you there. But again its irrelevant to this issue. The issue is if interpretations exist that are consistent ie explain all the phenomena. Its not if you find it unsatisfactory - that's got nothing to do with anything - its purely do the logical consequences of the assumptions explain the observations. That was the point of Einstein's comment. He most definitely thought QM was incomplete - but on its own terms has no issues.

  • #28
bhobba said:
Ok - let's narrow it down to my interpretation - ignorance ensemble. It simply assumes an improper mixed state is a proper one. That solves it outright.

I think you are not quite grasping what explanation is. It may be unsatisfactory to you to simply, by fiat, say its a proper mixture - but that's what explanation is all about - the assumptions explain the consequences.

Most working physicists simply accept it and don't get caught up in if its unsatisfactory or not.

At the very least, you still the problem of factorization into environment and system, which is one way in which there is the reappearance of the problem that Copenhagen has of needing an observer to place the classical/quantum cut.
  • #29
atyy said:
At the very least, you still the problem of factorization into environment and system, which is one way in which there is the reappearance of the problem that Copenhagen has of needing an observer to place the classical/quantum cut.

The assumption is it can always be done. Its simply another assumption. It disproves nothing.

  • #30
bhobba said:
The assumption is it can always be done. Its simply another assumption. It disproves nothing.

But different experimenters place the cut at different places, so one has to either show that where the cut is placed does not matter, or that the other experimenters are not real.
  • #31
bhobba said:
Yes there is - its just not unique. Decoherence however has morphed the issue to - why do we get any outcomes at all.

The answer is called an interpretation of which there are a plethora.

There is also the question of if its a problem to begin with - nature may simply be like that.
Its called believing its not an issue to begin with. Mostly it worries philosophy types and those that work on the foundations of QM which is not what the vast majority of physicists do. Since deoherence has morphed the issue, they simply accept we get outcomes without requiring further explanation.

So if asked about my sleeping brain, they will say this question never comes up in their work.
  • #32
1977ub said:
So if asked about my sleeping brain, they will say this question never comes up in their work.

To the average physicist - it won't come up. Philosophers may worry about it - but we don't discuss philosophy on this forum.

A brain is a classical object so QM isn't really relevant. It must be said though no one is really sure if some phenomena like conciousness doesn't crucially depend in some way on QM.

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  • #33
atyy said:
At the very least, you still the problem of factorization into environment and system, which is one way in which there is the reappearance of the problem that Copenhagen has of needing an observer to place the classical/quantum cut.
Could someone explain how the need for such a factorization arises in the ensemble interpretation?
  • #34
atyy said:
But different experimenters place the cut at different places, so one has to either show that where the cut is placed does not matter, or that the other experimenters are not real.

All one has to assume is it can be placed somewhere. We are not talking about niceties here - we are talking about if its actually consistent. We assume a division can be made that gives standard QM.

  • #35
bhobba said:
All one has to assume is it can be placed somewhere. We are not talking about niceties here - we are talking about if its actually consistent. We assume a division can be made that gives standard QM.

Won't you just end up with standard Copenhagen with the cut of a particular observer?

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