Cryogenic Circuits - Amplifiers & Support Tech

  • Thread starter 0xDEADBEEF
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In summary, cryogenic circuits are made up of transistors that work just fine at low temperatures, and resistors and capacitors that change their resistance. There are no rules for how much they change, but high values tend to change more than low values. There are also discrete R's and C's for cryogenic applications.
  • #1
Cryogenic circuits

Until recently I thought semiconductors break down in cryogenic environments, now I learned that this is not necessarily the case and there are amplifier chips that seem to work between 2K and 300K. Does someone know about this stuff or even work with it? What is the technology behind it?
How about the supporting electronics? What capacitors and resistances can be used over such temperature ranges?
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  • #2
There is no big mystery here; the "trick" is simply to use III-V transistors (GaAs, GaN,InP etc); they work just fine at cryogenic temperatures since they do not rely on thermal excitations for charge carriers.
There are also a few Si-based chips that work(even some op-amps); but they are based on overdoped Si.

However; active semi-conductor based circuits are only really useful at relatively high frequencies (microwave frequencies) since all the abovementioned transistors have extremely high 1/f noise.
There are designs that work at lower frequencies; but their noise performance is rather poor so most of the time it makes more sense to just keep the active electronics at RT.

Most resistors work juse fine at low temperatures; but their resistance changes. There are no rules for how much it changes (except that high values tend to change more than low values).

Capacitors are more unpredictable; some work and some don't. It obviously depends on the dielectric but also on their mechanical properties(some simply break when you cool them). It is usually better to use inductors for filter etc (i.e. use RL instead of RC circuits for filtering etc).
  • #3
Standard silicon CMOS technologies can be used at cryogenic temperatures. The circuit will not perform as expected from the model parameters generated for typical temperature ranges (~ 273 to 373 K) but some analog/mixed signal foundries do extract and provide model parameters for cryogenic temperature ranges so that ICs can be properly designed for low temperatures. Even if you take an analog chip designed for room temperatures it will probably still function at cryogenic temperatures but with different performance (better or worse depending on the circuit topology and the parameter of interest)

Some types of optical detectors must be cooled to cryogenic temperatures to achieve acceptable dark current/noise performance and standard CMOS circuits are packaged with them to amplify and readout the signal. I've worked with standard CMOS at 77 K but I know that in physics experiments CMOS is also used at temperatures close to absolute zero. I don't know if those circuits were standard CMOS or if they required special processing.

Some companies also make discrete R's and C's for cryogenic applications.

FAQ: Cryogenic Circuits - Amplifiers & Support Tech

1. What are cryogenic circuits?

Cryogenic circuits are electronic circuits that are designed to operate at extremely low temperatures, typically below -150°C. These circuits use specialized materials and components that can withstand the extreme cold and maintain their functionality.

2. How do cryogenic circuits work?

Cryogenic circuits work by taking advantage of the unique properties of materials at very low temperatures. At these temperatures, the electrical resistance of some materials decreases, allowing for faster and more efficient transfer of electrical signals. Cryogenic circuits also reduce noise and increase the signal-to-noise ratio, making them ideal for sensitive applications.

3. What types of amplifiers are used in cryogenic circuits?

The most commonly used amplifiers in cryogenic circuits are superconducting amplifiers, such as Josephson junction amplifiers and SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) amplifiers. These amplifiers use superconducting materials to amplify electrical signals with minimal noise and distortion.

4. What is the purpose of support tech in cryogenic circuits?

Support tech in cryogenic circuits refers to the tools, techniques, and materials used to maintain and operate the circuits at extremely low temperatures. This includes specialized cooling systems, vacuum chambers, and insulation materials to protect the circuits from external thermal fluctuations and interference.

5. What are the potential applications of cryogenic circuits?

Cryogenic circuits have a wide range of potential applications, including quantum computing, radio astronomy, and medical imaging. These circuits can also be used in high-speed communication systems, satellite technology, and high-precision instrumentation. As technology advances, the potential uses for cryogenic circuits continue to expand.

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