Determination of Riemann curvature tensor from tidal forces

In summary: I'm not sure why they used the \eta matrix instead of the metric tensor. In summary, the geodesic deviation equation can be used with the method of least squares to determine the components of the Riemann tensor. The minimum number of particles needed to achieve this may vary from problem to problem, and it may be difficult to determine the least number in a practical manner. The expression for the sum of squares may also need to be corrected to involve the metric tensor instead of the eta matrix.
  • #1

Given a large number of test particles N, it should be possible to determine the Riemann curvature tensor by tracking their motion as they undergo geodesic deviation.

Is there a minimum number N that will achieve this in any situation, or does it vary from problem to problem?

How difficult is it to compute this least N?
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  • #2
I have a partial answer to your question. I found this reasoning in so don't hesitate to read the page 72 if you find my explanation too messy, or simply wrong.

The geodesic deviation equation is

[tex]\frac{D^{2}\xi_{\alpha}}{d\tau^{2}} = -R_{\alpha\beta\gamma\delta}u^{\beta}\xi^{\gamma}u^{\delta}[/tex] in any coordinate system.

The idea is to use the method of least squares to determine the components of the Riemann tensor.

We define the 'error' between the observed value and the predicted value for the Kth particle by

[tex]\ddot{\xi}_{\alpha}^{\phantom{\alpha}K} + R_{\alpha\beta\gamma\delta}u^{\beta,K}\xi^{\gamma,K}u^{\delta,K} = \delta a_{\alpha}^{\phantom{\alpha}K}[/tex]

The expression you now have to minimize is the sum of the squares of the [itex]\delta a_{\alpha}^{\phantom{\alpha}K}[/itex]

[tex]S = \sum_{K}\eta^{\alpha\beta}\delta a_{\alpha}^{\phantom{\alpha}K}\delta a_{\beta}^{\phantom{\beta}K}[/tex]

In this expression, everything is regarded as known, except the components [itex]R_{\alpha\beta\gamma\delta}[/itex]. Minimize with respect to these components. It gives a system of 20 equations (the 20 independant components out of the 256).

It should be possible to determine the minimum number of particles by checking for which value of K the determinant of the 20 equations system 'stops to vanish'. However, this is not very elegant and might prove difficult to achieve (I haven't tried).
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  • #3
Interesting. I will try to do this after trying the Lorentz force version.

By the way shouldn't the expression for the sum of the square involve a [itex]g^{\alpha\beta}[/itex] rather than [itex]\eta^{\alpha\beta}[/itex].
  • #4
I'm a little bit confused by this box in MTW.

In the first column they seem to make it out as though 2 particles is insufficient to determine all the components of [itex]F^{\alpha\beta}[/itex] (by boosting to one particle's frame and then rotating spatial axes so that one axis is aligned with the motion of the second particle). Does this mean that 3 is sufficient?
  • #5
Yes, the box is a bit confusing. At the end of the box, the author says that with 2 particles the determinant vanishes. I suppose it means that for 3 particles the system becomes solvable (the determinant is different from 0).

For the [tex]g^{\alpha\beta}[/tex] instead of the [tex]\eta^{\alpha\beta}[/tex] I think you're right.

FAQ: Determination of Riemann curvature tensor from tidal forces

1. What is the Riemann curvature tensor?

The Riemann curvature tensor is a mathematical concept used in differential geometry to measure the curvature of a manifold, which is a space that can be curved or distorted. It is a fundamental concept in the study of general relativity and is used to describe the curvature of spacetime.

2. How is the Riemann curvature tensor related to tidal forces?

The Riemann curvature tensor can be used to calculate the tidal forces experienced by objects in a gravitational field. These forces are caused by the curvature of spacetime, which is described by the Riemann curvature tensor.

3. What is the process for determining the Riemann curvature tensor from tidal forces?

The process for determining the Riemann curvature tensor from tidal forces involves using equations from general relativity, such as the geodesic equation and the Einstein field equations. By plugging in the values for tidal forces and solving these equations, the components of the Riemann curvature tensor can be calculated.

4. What information can be obtained from the Riemann curvature tensor?

The Riemann curvature tensor provides information about the curvature of spacetime, which is related to the distribution of matter and energy. It can also be used to calculate other important quantities, such as the Ricci tensor and the Ricci scalar, which are used in the study of general relativity.

5. What are some applications of the determination of the Riemann curvature tensor from tidal forces?

The determination of the Riemann curvature tensor from tidal forces is important in the study of general relativity and the understanding of gravitational fields. It has practical applications in fields such as astrophysics, where it is used to study the curvature of spacetime around massive objects like black holes. It also has implications for the development of new technologies, such as gravitational wave detectors.

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