BrendanUnderstanding Topological Terms: Venn Diagrams and Examples

In summary: BrendanIn summary, the conversation discusses the use of Venn diagrams in topology and concludes that it may not be the most effective method. The definition of limit points and their relationship to open sets is also explained. The concept of interior and closure of a set in topology is discussed, with an example of how the closure of A is equal to [0,1] when A is (0,1) as a subset of the real numbers with the usual topology. The conversation also clarifies the definition of closure and provides an example of how to determine if a point is in the closure of a set.
  • #1
Hi Guy's
I am just starting out in topology and I was wondering if someone might know of a good link that may have venn diagrams of some important topological terms ie closure of A, int A, limit points etc.

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  • #2
I can't imagine Venn diagrams as being a good way to keep those straight. They would get much too complicated. Just learn the definitions.
  • #3
For A = (0,1). a limit point P of A is that P is a point such that every open set around it contains at least one point of A different from P.

So for this example 0 and 1 would be limits points of A although they are not in A, and there would be infinitley many limits points of A.

So if I take 0 which is not an element of A and an open set around it (0-e,0+e) the point 0+e is in A and is not equal to 0. hence a limit point
The same would be for 1.

Take 1 which is not an element of A and an open set around it (e-1,1+e) the point e-1 is in A and is not equal to 1.
  • #4
If I have [tex]X = (- \infty,0] \cap [1,\infty +)[/tex] and [tex] A \subset X = (0,1)[/tex]

would A = (0,1) be the interior of A and the closure of A = [tex]X\bar{A}[/tex]?
  • #5
This makes no sense. They way you have defined X, it is the empty set- there is NO real number that is in both [itex](-\infty, 0][/itex] and [itex][1, +\infty)[/itex], those two sets are disjoint. At first I thought you meant "[itex]\cup[/itex]" rather than "[itex]\cap[/itex] but the rest would still make no sense. You have defined X as "all real numbers except (0, 1) so "[itex]A\subset X= (0, 1)[/itex]" is nonsense. With either [itex]cup[/itex] or [itex]cap[/itex], X is NOT equal to (0, 1). If you mean A= (0, 1), then A is not a subset of X. If you meant "[itex]\cap[/itex]", X is empty and has only itself as subset. If you meant [itex]\cup[/itex], A is, in fact, the complement of X.

If A is (0, 1) as a subset of the real numbers, with the usual topology, then its interior is (0, 1) (A is open) and its closure is [0, 1]. If you meant X as the underlying set with the topology inherited from the real numbers, whether you meant "[itex]\cap[/itex]" or "[itex]\cup[/itex]", A is not a subset of X.
  • #6
Thanks for you reply I see where I stuffed up. I did mean...
[tex]X= R[/tex]
[tex]A \subset X \mid x\in (0,1)[/tex]

If A is (0, 1) as a subset of the real numbers, with the usual topology, then its interior is (0, 1) (A is open) and its closure is [0, 1].

I was confused how the closure of A was [0,1] then I re-read the definition in my text.

It says.

A point x is in the closure of [tex]A[/tex] if for each neighbourhood [tex]N[/tex] of x [tex]N \cap A = \emptyset[/tex]

So if I take x=0 which is not an element of A and an neighbourhood N around it say (0-e,0+e) the point [tex]0+ \eps \in A \cap N [/tex] the same would be for N = (1-e,1+e) [tex]1- \eps \in A \cap N [/tex]


FAQ: BrendanUnderstanding Topological Terms: Venn Diagrams and Examples

1. What is a topological diagram?

A topological diagram is a visual representation of a topological space, which is a mathematical concept that describes the properties of a shape or space that are preserved when it is stretched, bent, or twisted.

2. What are some common topological terms used in diagrams?

Some common topological terms used in diagrams include "open set", "closed set", "continuity", "homeomorphism", and "connectedness".

3. How are topological diagrams useful?

Topological diagrams are useful for understanding and analyzing the properties of shapes and spaces, as well as for solving problems in various fields such as mathematics, physics, and engineering.

4. Can topological diagrams be applied to real-world situations?

Yes, topological diagrams have many real-world applications, such as in network analysis, computer graphics, and data visualization.

5. Are there different types of topological diagrams?

Yes, there are several types of topological diagrams, including Venn diagrams, Euler diagrams, and Hasse diagrams, each of which has its own specific use and purpose.
