Discussion on a work-energy problem. (not quite homework)

In summary, the conversation was about a work-energy problem involving a moving electron with initial kinetic energy K1 and a net amount of work W being done on it, resulting in the electron moving one-quarter as fast in the opposite direction. The question was to find W in terms of K1. Both parties came up with different answers, with one using a negative sign and the other not. The expert summarizer explains that the work-energy theorem states that the initial energy is equal to the final energy, and work is defined as the change in kinetic energy. Therefore, W should equal Kf-Ki, not the sum of the absolute values of both energies. The expert also clarifies that work is positive when done by the object and negative when
  • #1
So there is this work-energy problem online that I was discussing with a friend. We both concluded with different answers and I 99.99% sure that I am correct, but there is that 0.01% chance that my understanding of physics has been completely wrong over the years. The problem is simple:

A moving electron has kinetic energy K1 . After a net amount of work W has been done on it, the electron is moving one-quarter as fast in the opposite direction. Find W in terms of K1.

I came up with the answer:
W = -15/16 K1

He came up with:
-17/16 W1

My reply to his answer:

Work is defined to be the change in kinetic energy, why would KE, and not the change of it, be equal to work? Explain please.

And also, when traveling in one direction, and when there's a force acting in the opposite direction and slowing you down, you are not acquiring KE but losing KE, negative work is being done. Why do you say KE acquired is 1/16 of work? Explain please because I was pretty sure I was write, but I can be wrong. XD

His reply:

If W1 was, say 100J of KE, then 100J of work must be done (one way or another) - against the motion to bring the object to rest. From rest, the object has to re-gain an amount of KE ... so the total energy needed is going to be more than 100J (W1) ... 15/16 W1 is less than W1.

the additional KE to be gained will only be 1/16 of W1 because the new velocity is now 1/4 of it's original value ... and KE is proportional to v² ...ie ( 1/4 ² = 1/16 )

All the energy requirements (to stop and to move backwards) must be added together irrespective of direction - they are all 'in addition to each other')

Energy is changed as a consequence of doing work... and the amount of energy changed is equal to the amount of work done (or vice versa) - that's the work-energy 'theorem'. Both work and energy are measured in Joules to enable this.

The minus sign isn't needed, I used it to indicate that this work was to be done in the opposite direction to the original motion.
hope this is helpful

My reply to that:

The thing is that initially it is moving at a constant speed. If an object moves at a constant speed then there is a kinetic energy, but there is no work being done; that is the flaw that I see behind the reasoning.

Remember from Newtons second law that the net force is equal to it's mass times acceleration? if this particle is moving at a constant speed then the net forces acting on the object is zero.

Work is also defined as the dot product of the Force and the Position vectors. If initially F = 0 then W = F * d = 0. There is no work done until the object has a force that moves it to the opposite direction.

Also the work-energy theorem states that, with conservation of energy, the initial energy is equal to the final energy. Energy in = energy out; not the sum of the absolute value of all energies. So in that case Ki + W = Kf, no work by friction or nonconservatve force. Using the work energy theorem we would get that W = Kf -Ki, not the sum of the absolute values of both energies.

Also knowing that work is a dot product of F*d vectors, we know work is a scalar product, so it doesn't have a direction, you can't put a negative sign because it's moving in the negative direction.

And he hasn't replied yet.

I was 100% sure, but is my understanding on the work-energy theorem completely wrong? Who is right and who is wrong? Thanks. :]

Homework Statement

A moving electron has kinetic energy K1 . After a net amount of work W has been done on it, the electron is moving one-quarter as fast in the opposite direction. Find W in terms of K1.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Ah and also this here is my work:
K1 = 1/2 mv1^2 <--by definition
v2 = -v1/4 <-- given in the question that the final velocity is a fourth of the initial velocity but opposite in direction.

K2 = 1/2 mv2^2 (when I say v1 and v2 I mean first and final velocity) By definition

Substituting v2 = -v1/4 for the formula of final kinetic energy (to leave it in terms of K1)

K2 = 1/2 mv1^2/4^2 = 1/2 mv1^2/16 = 1/16 K1 <-in terms of K1
By definition W = ∆K
W = ∆K = K2 - K1 = 1/16 K1 - K1 = -15/16 K1 is the total work in terms of K.
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  • #2
I got the same answer as your friend.

Normally the convention is this, if an object does work, that work is positive.

If work is done on an object, then that work is negative.

So initially there is K1, work is the done on it, which results in a decrease in speed and hence KE, K2

So you would get K1 - W = K2.

EDIT: Think of it like this:

Initially, the electron has a KE so it is doing work (w1) such that w1=K1.

After some time something else did work (w2) on it such that w1-w2= K1-K2.

They gave you the net work done was W (= w1-w2) thus W=K1-K2
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  • #3
Realize that while the electron is being slowed down, the work is negative. But once it starts going in the opposite direction, the work is positive. Your answer for the net work done is correct.

(A net work of -17/16 K1 would imply that the final KE is negative! :bugeye:)
  • #4
Aww darn, now I'm confused. XD

Yea we were calculating the net work done..
  • #5
Where's the confusion? Your understanding of the Work-Energy theorem is correct; your friend's is not. You can't ignore the sign of the work!
  • #6
rock.freak667 said:
Normally the convention is this, if an object does work, that work is positive.

If work is done on an object, then that work is negative.
No, what matters is the relative direction of the force and the displacement. If the work done on the object slows it down, that work is negative since the force on the object opposes the displacement. But if the object speeds up, the work done on it is positive.

So initially there is K1, work is the done on it, which results in a decrease in speed and hence KE, K2

So you would get K1 - W = K2.
No, it should be like this: Initial KE + Work done on the object = Final KE
Thus: Work done = Final KE - Initial KE
  • #7
:redface: Darn it, my sign convention is messed up!
  • #8
Doc Al said:
Where's the confusion? Your understanding of the Work-Energy theorem is correct; your friend's is not. You can't ignore the sign of the work!

Oooh. It's just that there were two different answers here and I was second guessing myself. XD I got it know haha. Thanks.

FAQ: Discussion on a work-energy problem. (not quite homework)

1. What is a work-energy problem?

A work-energy problem is a type of physics problem that involves calculating the work done on an object by a force and the resulting change in the object's kinetic energy.

2. How do you approach solving a work-energy problem?

To solve a work-energy problem, you first need to identify the forces acting on the object and the direction of those forces. Then, you can use the work-energy theorem, which states that the work done on an object equals the change in its kinetic energy, to set up an equation and solve for the unknown variable.

3. Can you provide an example of a work-energy problem?

Sure, here's an example: A 5 kg block is pushed along a rough surface with a force of 10 N for a distance of 5 m. If the initial speed of the block was 2 m/s and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.2, what is the final speed of the block?

4. What are some common mistakes to avoid when solving a work-energy problem?

One common mistake is forgetting to consider the work done by friction. Another mistake is using the wrong formula or equation for the given problem. It's important to carefully read and understand the problem before attempting to solve it.

5. How are work and energy related in a work-energy problem?

In a work-energy problem, work and energy are directly related. Work is the force applied to an object multiplied by the distance it is moved, and it is equal to the change in kinetic energy. This means that if the work done on an object is positive, its kinetic energy will increase, and if the work done is negative, its kinetic energy will decrease.
