Does a symmetry of Lagrangian reserve in each Feynman diagram?

In summary: In the case of U(1) symmetry (e.g. electromagnetism) there is no anomaly, but the Ward identity still holds. In summary, the symmetry of the Lagrangian may be reserved in each Feynman diagram of perturbative QFT, but anomalies can occur in certain cases, such as in the case of the axial current in the SM. The effective action may also preserve the symmetry of the Lagrangian, but it is not always possible to lift a classical symmetry to a quantum symmetry. The PI measure plays a crucial role in determining whether or not a symmetry is preserved at the quantum level.
  • #1
Please teach me this:

Does a symmetry of Lagrangian be reserved in each Feynman diagram of perturbative QFT,because even Ward Identity still deduces from U(1) symmetry that we consider each diagram has?.

By the way, does effective action reserve the symmetry that Lagrangian has?.

Thank you very much for your kind helping.
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  • #2
Must antiparticle and particle be created or annihilated in a couple of antiparticle and particle?If this happens,I think the Feynman diagrams would reserve the unitary symmetries of Lagrangian(this maybe being deduced from functional integral formalism for Green functions).
  • #3
ndung200790 said:
Does a symmetry of Lagrangian be reserved in each Feynman diagram of perturbative QFT
Symmetries in the path integral formalism do exist on the level of the effective action or matrix elements (e.g. Ward identities, Slavnov-Taylor identities). Both quantum corrections (loops) and especially the PI measure have to be taken into account.

It is not always possible to lift a classical symmetry to a quantum symmetry; breakdown of a classical symmetry during quantization is called an anomaly. A famous example, the axial (or chiral) anomaly which is generated by the non-invariance of the PI measure.

In canonical quantization a symmetry is represented via the (closure of the corresponding) operator algebra (derived from the classical algebra in phase space) after regularization.
  • #4
What does ''PI measure'' mean?
  • #5
And ''the anomaly'' would be the ''intermediate thing'' during quantization process,but it finishes its role after quantization.Is this correct?
  • #6
ndung200790 said:
What does ''PI measure'' mean?
PI = path integral measure in the space of fields.

ndung200790 said:
And ''the anomaly'' would be the ''intermediate thing'' during quantization process,but it finishes its role after quantization.Is this correct?
I don't understand.

What happens is that the classical equation for current conservation

[tex]\partial_\mu j^\mu = 0[/tex]

is replaced by something like

[tex]\partial_\mu j^\mu = \mathcal{O}[/tex]

where both l.h.s. and r.h.s. are to be understood as marix elements and where the r.h.s. contains an operator that does not vanish globally on Hilbert space.

Check e.g. as a starting point
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  • #7
Thank Mr Tom.Stoer very much for your teaching.
  • #8
Please teach me once more :
So, wouldn't there be anomaly in the case of Ward Identity and Slavnov Identity(meaning the U(1) and SU(3) symmetry would be reserved at quantum level because we consider both loops and PI measure)?
  • #9
At the moment,I have heard that in case of Ward Identity,there exist anomaly.So,where is the meaning of Ward Identity at quantum level.
  • #10
ndung200790 said:
At the moment,I have heard that in case of Ward Identity,there exist anomaly.
Of course it depends on the symmetry you are investigating. There is an anomaly in all UA(1) symmetries in the SM where the axial current is constructed like

[tex]j^\mu_5 = \bar{\psi}\gamma^\mu\gamma_5\psi[/tex]

That means that the Ward identity for the axial current is violated.

FAQ: Does a symmetry of Lagrangian reserve in each Feynman diagram?

1. How does a symmetry of Lagrangian reserve in each Feynman diagram affect the calculation of physical quantities?

A symmetry of Lagrangian reserve in each Feynman diagram allows for the conservation of certain physical quantities, such as energy and momentum, to be preserved in the calculations. This makes the calculations more accurate and consistent with experimental results.

2. What is the significance of a symmetry of Lagrangian reserve in the context of particle physics?

In particle physics, a symmetry of Lagrangian reserve is crucial for understanding the behavior and interactions of particles. It helps to explain why certain physical quantities are conserved and how they are related to each other.

3. Can a symmetry of Lagrangian reserve be broken in certain Feynman diagrams?

Yes, a symmetry of Lagrangian reserve can be broken in certain Feynman diagrams. This can happen when the symmetry is explicitly violated by external factors, or when the Feynman diagram involves interactions that do not conserve the symmetry.

4. Are there different types of symmetries that can be preserved in Feynman diagrams?

Yes, there are several types of symmetries that can be preserved in Feynman diagrams, including gauge symmetries, rotational symmetries, and Lorentz symmetries. Each type of symmetry has its own implications for the calculation of physical quantities.

5. How does the concept of symmetry in Feynman diagrams relate to the broader concept of symmetry in physics?

The concept of symmetry in Feynman diagrams is an important aspect of the broader concept of symmetry in physics. It helps to explain the underlying principles that govern the behavior of physical systems, and has been a fundamental concept in the development of modern physics theories.

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