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Ken G
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The FAQ on rotation of the universe contains the following remark:
A question that emerges from this is whether or not GR is actually contradictory to Mach's principle, or if it simply isn't built to accommodate it without additional modification. This is a very technical issue, as GR always is, and indeed there are at least two separate versions of "Mach's principle" that come into play, but we can start by simply noting that most people interpret Brans-Dicke theory as "GR plus", by which I mean, it is built on the bones of GR but introduces additional adjustable parameters that can recover GR in certain limits. It is also often said that Brans-Dicke, unlike GR, is built explicitly to accommodate Mach's principle, at the expense of the strong equivalence principle (yet still satisfies Einstein's equivalence principle, which is weaker). Also, it is often said that there is no evidence that the parameters of Brans-Dicke are needed-- experiments are satisfied with taking the limiting versions used in GR.
Given all this, however, it seems an odd claim that GR is inconsistent with Mach's principle. For example, at one point the author of the FAQ asserted that GR is as inconsistent with Mach's principle as 2+2=5 is inconsistent with mathematics. But if Brans-Dicke is consistent with Mach, and if it gives GR in certain parameter limits, then it cannot be true that GR is inconsistent with Mach. Rather, it is often said that GR admits solutions that are non-Machian (the most famous being the Godel metric), but admitting non-Machian solutions is not being inconsistent with Mach-- because we routinely add additional postulates to GR to keep it physical, and Mach's principle could be just another example. If that point is unclear, consider that the Godel metric, a perfectly allowable GR solution, admits closed timelike curves. Yet no one would state that "GR is inconsistent with the impossibility of time travel."
So we are left with the following questions:
1) How can it be said that GR is inconsistent with Mach if GR is a limiting case of a theory (Brans-Dicke) that supports Mach?
2) How do the answers change when the strong and weak Mach's principle are used? (The weak principle is simply that inertia here depends on the prevailing mass distribution, so the mass distribution could be rotating, it would just require that locally inertial frames means rotating with the whole. The strong principle is that the whole cannot be said to rotate, because it has nothing to rotate with respect to. So for example, the Godel metric does not violate the weak principle, but does the strong.)
If you believe wholeheartedly in Mach's principle, then there is no way to test empirically for rotation of the universe as a whole, since there is nothing else for it to be rotating relative to. However, general relativity is not very Machian, and it offers a variety of ways in which an observer inside a sealed laboratory can detect whether the lab is rotating. For example, she can observe the motion of a gyroscope, or measure whether the Sagnac effect is zero. There are alternative theories of gravity, such as Brans-Dicke gravity, that are more Machian than GR,[Brans 1961] and in these theories there is probably no meaningful sense in which the universe could rotate. However, solar-system tests[Bertotti 2003] rule out any significant deviations from GR of the type predicted by Brans-Dicke gravity, so that it appears that the universe really is as non-Machian as GR says it is.
A question that emerges from this is whether or not GR is actually contradictory to Mach's principle, or if it simply isn't built to accommodate it without additional modification. This is a very technical issue, as GR always is, and indeed there are at least two separate versions of "Mach's principle" that come into play, but we can start by simply noting that most people interpret Brans-Dicke theory as "GR plus", by which I mean, it is built on the bones of GR but introduces additional adjustable parameters that can recover GR in certain limits. It is also often said that Brans-Dicke, unlike GR, is built explicitly to accommodate Mach's principle, at the expense of the strong equivalence principle (yet still satisfies Einstein's equivalence principle, which is weaker). Also, it is often said that there is no evidence that the parameters of Brans-Dicke are needed-- experiments are satisfied with taking the limiting versions used in GR.
Given all this, however, it seems an odd claim that GR is inconsistent with Mach's principle. For example, at one point the author of the FAQ asserted that GR is as inconsistent with Mach's principle as 2+2=5 is inconsistent with mathematics. But if Brans-Dicke is consistent with Mach, and if it gives GR in certain parameter limits, then it cannot be true that GR is inconsistent with Mach. Rather, it is often said that GR admits solutions that are non-Machian (the most famous being the Godel metric), but admitting non-Machian solutions is not being inconsistent with Mach-- because we routinely add additional postulates to GR to keep it physical, and Mach's principle could be just another example. If that point is unclear, consider that the Godel metric, a perfectly allowable GR solution, admits closed timelike curves. Yet no one would state that "GR is inconsistent with the impossibility of time travel."
So we are left with the following questions:
1) How can it be said that GR is inconsistent with Mach if GR is a limiting case of a theory (Brans-Dicke) that supports Mach?
2) How do the answers change when the strong and weak Mach's principle are used? (The weak principle is simply that inertia here depends on the prevailing mass distribution, so the mass distribution could be rotating, it would just require that locally inertial frames means rotating with the whole. The strong principle is that the whole cannot be said to rotate, because it has nothing to rotate with respect to. So for example, the Godel metric does not violate the weak principle, but does the strong.)