Drawing the step response of a second order system

In summary, the conversation discusses drawing the step response of two systems, G1 and G2. G1 has a slight overshoot due to a zero at -4/3, and G2 has an unexpected bump in its step response due to a zero at 4. The formal way to get the step response is to multiply the transfer function by 1/s, and then do a partial fraction expansion and inverse transform each term. The damping ratio is an important factor in determining the step response, and the location of the zeroes can affect the response.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have to draw the step response of the following two systems.
G1 = (4+3s)/(s^2+4s+4)
G2 = 3/(s^2+4s+4)

So I started to draw the step response of the second system first. It has to be in the funky standard form:
\frac{ω2}{s2 + 2ζωs + ω2}

Seems like the above doesn't work..

2)/(s2 + 2ζωs + ω2)
Problem is that 4 =/= 3 ;) So I'm not sure how to go about fixing that..

Furthermore, I have NO idea how to even do the first system, G1.

In the solutions they just wrote the following:
G1 has a slight overshoot due to the zero at -4/3
4/(s^2+4s+4) + 3s/(s^2+4s+4)

That is exactly what they wrote. Now I'm curious as to WHY there is an overshoot just because the zero is -4/3? What is the definition for that?

So how would I go about solving this problem?

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  • #2
Ortix said:
G1 = (4+3s)/(s^2+4s+4)
G2 = 3/(s^2+4s+4)

So I started to draw the step response of the second system first. It has to be in the funky standard form:

2)/(s2 + 2ζωs + ω2)
Problem is that 4 =/= 3 ;) So I'm not sure how to go about fixing that..

What about multiplying by a constant?

Furthermore, I have NO idea how to even do the first system, G1.

In the solutions they just wrote the following:
G1 has a slight overshoot due to the zero at -4/3
4/(s^2+4s+4) + 3s/(s^2+4s+4)

s F(s) <-> df/dt

That is exactly what they wrote. Now I'm curious as to WHY there is an overshoot just because the zero is -4/3? What is the definition for that?

The question wants you to think about what happens as you change the location of the zero (better to write the zero as 4s+a to have the correct form immediately). Something special happens at (4s+8) but what you should get out of it is what happens if it's close to the poles, close but not too close, and what happens if it's far away.
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  • #3
Ortix said:

Homework Statement

I have to draw the step response of the following two systems.
G1 = (4+3s)/(s^2+4s+4)
G2 = 3/(s^2+4s+4)

So I started to draw the step response of the second system first. It has to be in the funky standard form:
\frac{ω2}{s2 + 2ζωs + ω2}

Seems like the above doesn't work..
Don't use the superscript and subscript keys in a tex expression. TeX also has built in capability for Greek letters. Do it like this:$$
\frac{\omega^2}{s^2 + 2\zeta\omega s + \omega^2}
$$Right click on that expression to see the TeX.
  • #4
The formal way to get step response is to multiply your G(s) by 1/s, then do a partial fraction expansion of the resulting G(s)/s and inverse-transform each term.

Better yet, get a good table of transforms.

You might have noticed that s^2 + 4s + 4 = (s+2)^2.

Also remember that if f(t) → F(s), then
df/dt → sF(s) - f(0+) but for transfer functions initial conditions are ignored by definition.
Also, ∫f(t')dt' from 0 to t → F(s)/s.

I would not spend too much time wondering why the zero creates overshoot. Probably a snow-job by your prof.
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  • #5
rude man said:
The formal way to get step response is to multiply your G(s) by 1/s, then do a partial fraction expansion of the resulting G(s)/s and inverse-transform each term.

The step response for a system in standard second order form can be determined from the coefficients. The damping ratio is particularly important.

I would not spend too much time wondering why the zero creates overshoot. Probably a snow-job by your prof.

Not so. The unexpected bump in the step response is easily seen by noticing the total response is the sum of the usual step response plus some fraction of the derivative of the step response. The derivative comes from s*F(s) and its origin is the zero. The relative size of the derivative term depends on how close the zero is to the poles of the second order system. A special situation occurs when the zero is equal to one of the poles, in which case you get pole/zero cancellation and a first order system will result.

A lot of system design is focussed on where the poles are and ignore where the zeroes are, which you can't always do. In control system design, a condition might be to have the zeroes far enough in the left side of the plane while designing the dominant poles so that the response you are trying to get is not changed by the zeroes.
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FAQ: Drawing the step response of a second order system

1. What is a second order system?

A second order system is a dynamic system that can be described by a second order differential equation, which represents the relationship between the input and output of the system. It is characterized by two poles, which determine the behavior of the system.

2. How do you draw the step response of a second order system?

To draw the step response of a second order system, you first need to determine the transfer function of the system. Then, you can use the Laplace transform to convert the differential equation into an algebraic equation and solve for the output. Finally, you can plot the output over time to visualize the step response.

3. What is the significance of the step response for a second order system?

The step response of a second order system is important because it provides information about the system's stability, damping, and natural frequency. It also helps in analyzing the system's performance and identifying any potential problems or limitations.

4. What factors can affect the step response of a second order system?

The step response of a second order system can be affected by various factors such as the initial conditions, the system's transfer function, the values of the system's parameters (such as damping ratio and natural frequency), and external disturbances.

5. How can you improve the step response of a second order system?

To improve the step response of a second order system, you can adjust the system's parameters, such as the damping ratio and natural frequency, to optimize its performance. You can also add controllers or feedback loops to the system to improve its stability and response time.
