How Is Drift Calculated in River Boat Problems?

In summary, drift in river boat problems refers to the distance the boat is moved by the river's flow, either with or without the boat's engine being used to counter the drift. It is caused by the difference in velocity between the boat and the river, and can be calculated by multiplying the river's velocity by the time. The term "drift" can also refer to the relative velocity of approach between two points, which is always along the line joining the two points. Even if one point is stationary, there will still be a relative velocity as long as one is moving relative to the other.
  • #36
trying to explain..png
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  • #37
gracy said:
No.And the man swims so that his velocity with respect to the water is always towards A.
Ah, that's quite different.

gracy said:
Actually I think the following image will explain why BC is path of the swimmer/person.
Realize that since the velocity of the man with respect to the water continually changes, so that he always points towards A, his path cannot be a straight line BC.
  • #38
Doc Al said:
his path cannot be a straight line BC.
  • #39
Did you get what am I actually asking?
  • #40
Doc Al said:
his path cannot be a straight line BC.
But it will be along BC but not that much straight as I have shown.
  • #41
gracy said:
Because here point A is stationary,and swimmer is going towards it with velocity u along the lining the two.So his approach velocity towards A should be u - 0=u.
No. You forgot to include the velocity of the water with respect to the ground in your calculation. Your teacher did not forget that, which is where the u sin(theta) comes from. You need to consider the velocity of the man with respect to A, not just his velocity with respect to the water.

gracy said:
But as my teacher had taken his approach velocity u - u sin theta giving the following explanation.
As you can see the image of my post #30
component of river velocity in direction opposite to that of velocity of swimmer is u cos (90- theta)=u sin theta
Note:-y and x are my coordinates in the image of #30.
So over all velocity of approach (u - u sin theta) - 0=u - u sin theta

gracy said:
So I was having confusion whether we can include other velocities if present in the same direction or opposite to the direction of the line joining the person/swimmer and point A.
All that matters is the velocity of the man with respect to the ground. I don't know what other velocities you have in mind.
  • #42
Doc Al said:
No. You forgot to include the velocity of the water with respect to the ground in your calculation
Velocity of swimmer with respect to ground=velocity of swimmer with respect to river+river velocity with (respect to ground)
To get Velocity of approach of swimmer with respect to point A ,component of velocity of swimmer with respect to river along the line joining swimmer and point A i.e u here will have to be added with component of river velocity along the line joining swimmer and point A i.e u sintheta .
As u and u sin theta are in opposite direction there is u +(-u sin theta)- 0 =u - u sin theta.
  • #43
But why approach velocity has to be calculated in ground frame?
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  • #44
gracy said:
Velocity of swimmer with respect to ground=velocity of swimmer with respect to river+river velocity with (respect to ground)
To get Velocity of approach of swimmer with respect to point A ,component of velocity of swimmer with respect to river along the line joining swimmer and point A i.e u here will have to be added with component of river velocity along the line joining swimmer and point A i.e u sintheta .
As u and u sin theta are in opposite direction there is u +(-u sin theta)- 0 =u - u sin theta.

gracy said:
But why approach velocity has to be calculated in ground frame?
It doesn't have to be.

You can also calculate it from the frame of the man, but realize that then point A is no longer stationary.
  • #45
Doc Al said:
You can also calculate it from the frame of the man, but realize that then point A is no longer stationary.
That means velocity of A is only zero with respect to ground.Velocity of A with respect to swimmer/man is negative of man's velocity ,right?
  • #46
gracy said:
That means velocity of A is only zero with respect to ground.Velocity of A with respect to swimmer/man is negative of man's velocity ,right?
  • #47
But I am not getting how it gives u -u sin theta?
  • #48
gracy said:
But I am not getting how it gives u -u sin theta?
Perhaps it would help if you first looked up some examples of how Vectors are used in Force problems. Forces seem to be easier to grasp intuitively. Once you are familiar with how resolving forces can be used to solve problems easily, you could move on to velocities because the world of Vectors is the same, wherever they are applied.
  • #49
I am really not getting from where u-usin theta is coming in frame of the swimmer.
  • #50
I would not try to solve such a problem in the frame of the swimmer, in any case. But, if you really want to, the angle theta could be relative to the 'forward direction' of the swimmer - which would be the only logical reference axis if you are truly working in the swimmer's frame. 'The system' will allow you to choose any frame you like but why not choose the most convenient one (i.e. the Earth)?
  • #51
sophiecentaur said:
But, if you really want to, the angle theta could be relative to the 'forward direction' of the swimmer -
I did not understand.
  • #52
gracy said:
I did not understand.
Well, what do you mean by the "frame of the swimmer"? A frame has to specify all coordinates, relative to the swimmer. The swimmer would not 'see' cartesian graph paper, lined up along and normal got the river bank. All he could do would be to put his own graph paper with x and y co ordinates parallel and at right angles to his motion through the water (or some other arbitrary orientation). I was just pointing out how difficult / unsuitable it would be to work with the swimmer's reference frame, compared with using the Earth's frame. Why not make it easy on yourself and go for the obvious way to solve this?
  • #53
gracy said:
If I would say A is moving with velocity 5 m/s with respect to ground along the line joining AB.And B is at rest.There is some another point C which has a component of velocity 3 m/s in opposite direction to line AB. ,what is velocity approach of A with respect to B? Will it be 2 m/s?

velocity approach of A with respect to B is 5 m/s. I don't think point C will matter.

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