Efficiency of a Light Bulb: Calculating Energy Transfer

In summary, a light bulb with 85% efficiency is supplied with 60J of electrical energy. This results in 51J of light energy being emitted, while 9J is lost as heat. The useful energy in this case is the light being emitted from the bulb.
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Homework Statement

"A light bulb is 85% efficient. If it is supplied with 60J of electrical energy, how much of this energy is transferred to its surroundings as light energy?

The attempt at a solution

So I calculated that 85% of 60 is 51J, however I don't know if being "efficient" refers to energy that remains in the circuit, or energy that is released as light energy, seeing as this is the main purpose of a light bulb? I'm thinking it's the first, which would mean 9J is lost as light energy?
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I think it's safe to assume that the useful energy in this case is the light being emitted from the bulb. Which would mean that 51 J of light energy is emitted. The other energy doesn't "remain in the circuit" it is lost to heat.
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Millacol88 said:
I think it's safe to assume that the useful energy in this case is the light being emitted from the bulb. Which would mean that 51 J of light energy is emitted. The other energy doesn't "remain in the circuit" it is lost to heat.

Ah ok! Thank you very much :)

FAQ: Efficiency of a Light Bulb: Calculating Energy Transfer

What is the definition of efficiency for a lightbulb?

The efficiency of a lightbulb is a measure of how much electric energy is converted into light energy. It is typically expressed as a percentage, with higher percentages indicating a more efficient lightbulb.

How is efficiency calculated for a lightbulb?

The efficiency of a lightbulb is calculated by dividing the amount of light produced (in lumens) by the amount of energy consumed (in watts). This calculation results in a number between 0 and 1, which is then multiplied by 100 to get a percentage.

What factors affect the efficiency of a lightbulb?

The efficiency of a lightbulb can be affected by several factors, including the type of bulb (incandescent, fluorescent, LED), the quality and design of the bulb, and the surrounding temperature. Generally, LED bulbs are the most efficient, followed by fluorescent bulbs, with incandescent bulbs being the least efficient.

How does the efficiency of a lightbulb impact energy consumption?

The efficiency of a lightbulb directly impacts energy consumption. A more efficient lightbulb will require less energy to produce the same amount of light, resulting in lower electricity bills and reduced energy consumption. This is why it is important to choose energy-efficient lightbulbs for both environmental and cost-saving reasons.

Are there any regulations or standards for the efficiency of lightbulbs?

Yes, there are regulations and standards that dictate the minimum efficiency requirements for lightbulbs. In the United States, the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 set minimum energy efficiency standards for lightbulbs, which has resulted in the phasing out of less efficient incandescent bulbs and the promotion of more energy-efficient options.
