How Does Charge Movement Affect Electric Field Perception in Different Frames?

In summary, when a charge 3 moves along the positive x direction in a magnetic field directed in the positive y direction, it experiences an electric field in the positive z direction. In its own frame, charges 1 and 2, which are initially at rest, also experience an electric field in the negative z direction. However, this is not possible as both charges cannot be accelerated in the same direction. Therefore, in charge 3's frame, charges 1 and 2 must be accelerated in the negative z direction. The Lorentz factor, r, can be used to calculate the induced electric field for charges 1 and 2, which is equal and opposite to the electric field experienced by charge 3. However, since
  • #1
Charge 1=+e
Charge 2=-e
Charge 3=+e

If chg3 moves along the positive x in a magnetic field directed in +ve y, it sees an electric field in the +ve z, then in this frame a chg 1 and 2 both in rest in the initial frame experience an electric field in the -ve z, with the positive charge accelerated in the -ve z and negative charge in the +ve z, but this is not possible because both + and - charges are at rest in the initial frame, so in chg 3's frame both must be accelerated in -ve z.
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  • #2
If r is the lorentz factor,in chg1 and 2's comoving rest frames, for chg3's velocity v along + x and B along + y, the induced electric field is
E(z) =r[vxB/c]
In chg3's frame, charge 1 which is positive and charge 2 which is negative both move with a velocity -v, the induced electric field for each is
This is exactly equal and opposite to the former, but only charge 1 is accelerated in - z because the force also depends on charge. Charge2 is forced along +z, but this defies logic since in chg2's frame chg3 is accelerated along +z and in chg3's frame chg2 is accelerated along + z

FAQ: How Does Charge Movement Affect Electric Field Perception in Different Frames?

1. What is an electric field?

An electric field is a physical quantity that describes the force experienced by a charged particle in the presence of other charged particles. It is a vector field, meaning it has both magnitude and direction.

2. How does an electric field behave in different frames of reference?

The behavior of an electric field is the same in all frames of reference. This is a fundamental principle of physics known as the principle of relativity. It states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion.

3. How does the strength of an electric field change in different frames?

The strength of an electric field does not change in different frames. However, the observed electric field may appear different due to the relative motion of the observer and the charged particles. This is known as the Lorentz transformation.

4. Can the direction of an electric field change in different frames?

Yes, the direction of an electric field can change in different frames due to the relative motion of the observer and the charged particles. This is known as the relativistic aberration of light.

5. How does the concept of electric field relate to special relativity?

The concept of electric field is closely related to special relativity as it helps explain the behavior of charged particles in different frames of reference. The theory of special relativity considers the effects of relative motion on physical phenomena, including the behavior of electric and magnetic fields.
