Electricity, eletron flow and very basic electronics

In summary, an amp is defined as a unit of electricity per second; voltage is the energy or the amount of energy needed to move electrons from one point to another; current is the flow of electrons; and a resistor will lose energy when an electric current is applied in the opposite direction of the electron flow.
  • #1

sorry if the first question is a bit silly, but my knowlegde of electronics is pretty dull.

1. Question is about electron flow through a resistor.
Amps are electrons per time unit, right?
Voltage is the electrons energy or the amount of energy needed to move them from one point to another, right?
Conventionel current flows opposite of electrones, right?

So if i apply 15 volts (of conventionel current) over a resistor and it show 8 volts on the other side, does this mean the resistor has actually accelerated electrons?

2. Are there any books or sites where i can read about how electrons move in metal and various materials?
Are there any technical terms or words that would be good to search for instead of just "electrone flow"

I have gathered over 100 electronic books by now and none says anything about this and I'm not getting any usefull hits when i search.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
To answer your questions in (1):

An ampere is defined as a Coloumb per second where a Coloumb is the SI unit for charge, since current is technically charge per time, not electrons per time, though the electrons are the charge carriers here.

You are close with your definition of a voltage, but you are not quite there. First, you have to understand what a "potential" is. The electric potential at a point in space, is defined as the potential energy per unit charge at that point. So, if you have a particle at a point with electric potential, V, its potential energy, U, is:

[tex] U=qV[/tex] where q is the charge of the particle.

One of the reasons we use the potential is that, unlike potential energy, it doesn't depend on the amount of charge you have at that point. The potential is the same for all of them.

Now that we have covered that, we can talk about voltage. A voltage is a change in potential between two points or a potential difference. (Notice I said "potential," not potential energy.) So actually, the energy needed to move a particle, [tex]\Delta U[/tex], is not equal to the voltage but is:

[tex]\Delta U=q \Delta V[/tex] where [tex]\Delta V[/tex] is the voltage or potential difference and q is the charge of the particle as before.

The energy to move electrons from one point to another is directly proportional to the voltage, but not equal to it.

Moving on, yes, conventional current does move in the opposite direction from the electrons, but in the situation you described above, the electrons would not be accelerated. Consider that the only difference between conventional and electron current is the direction. Now, in that resistor you loose 7 volts. This means (since voltage is proportional to energy) that you also loose energy. The electron current also looses energy by crossing that resistor, but it just does it in the opposite direction.

I would recommend investing in an introductory physics text, if you do not have one, such as Halliday or Serway if you have algebra and basic calculus knowledge. (if you aren't up on calculus, there are algebra-based texts, but there will be less derivations, and thus formulas appearing without as much justification.)

You seem to be genuinely interested in electronics, and there is a lot to learn about electricity and circuits in a introductory physics text.

I hope this helps! :smile:
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  • #3
thank you very much

thanks a lot for the quick and very good reply... had to read it a couple of times though :)
  • #4
nubii said:
thanks a lot for the quick and very good reply... had to read it a couple of times though :)

Anytime. :smile:
  • #5
Amps are electrons per time unit, right?
Voltage is the electrons energy or the amount of energy needed to move them from one point to another, right?
I think the definitions of current and voltage from the OP are the best for a beguiner.
The electric potential at a point in space, is defined as the potential energy per unit charge at that point
The concept of potential is useless for a technician or an engineer because the potential is the difference of potential ( = the voltage ) between a point and the another point infinite away. You can't connect a voltmeter in/to/at the infinite.
  • #6
alvaros said:

The concept of potential is useless for a technician or an engineer because the potential is the difference of potential ( = the voltage ) between a point and the another point infinite away. You can't connect a voltmeter in/to/at the infinite.

I disagree. The potential difference across a resistor is easy to measure with a DVM.
  • #7
I disagree. The potential difference across a resistor is easy to measure with a DVM.

Yes, the potential difference not the potential.
  • #8
Um, okay. Then I think we are all saying the same thing. You don't need to make two measurements with respect to infinity, when you can make one measurement locally on the difference. Fair enough.
  • #9
alvaros said:

I think the definitions of current and voltage from the OP are the best for a beguiner.

The concept of potential is useless for a technician or an engineer because the potential is the difference of potential ( = the voltage ) between a point and the another point infinite away. You can't connect a voltmeter in/to/at the infinite.

I still think that knowing what a potential is is very important to understanding a potential difference. I understand that potential differences are what matter here, but that still doesn't change the fact that it's hard to understand a difference in something if you don't understand that something.

I also don't agree with what you said about the original posters definitions. I don't think they are best for a beginner. While they were close, they were not correct. I understand that those definitions may seem simpler than the ones I posted, but they are incorrect. All this does is support incorrect ideas and confusion (even if his mistakes, such as the defintion of the Ampere, were only small ones).
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  • #10
From G01:
I still think that knowing what a potential is is very important to understanding a potential difference.
Its your point of view, I just showed mine.

I understand that potential differences are what matter here, but that still doesn't change the fact that it's hard to understand a difference in something if you don't understand that something.
Potential differences and potential ( absolute ) come from the same integral, the first with limits at two points and the second with limits: one point and another point at infinite, so they are the same concept.
I think, my point of view, that the potential difference is easier of understanding.

All this does is support incorrect ideas and confusion
Again your point of view.
  • #11
alvaros said:
Again your point of view.

Why, then, do you believe that giving a beginner incorrect definitions (such the electron per second definition of the Ampere) is alright? How does this benefit the beginner?
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  • #12
potential energy per unit charge
A volt is 1 joule per coulomb. Note that the potential is usually due to an external source, not the charge itself. It's similar to the fact that gravitational potential energy normally refers to a relatively large source of the gravitational field, and not to a relatively small object within that field, even though the object also has a gravitational field associtate with it.
  • #13
such the electron per second definition of the Ampere
The OP said electrons. I understand that means a given number of electrons. In a electronic circuit the only moving charges are the electrons.

FAQ: Electricity, eletron flow and very basic electronics

1. What is electricity and how does it work?

Electricity is the flow of electric charge. It is caused by the movement of electrons, which are tiny negatively charged particles found in atoms. In most cases, electricity is generated by converting another form of energy, such as chemical, mechanical, or solar energy, into electrical energy.

2. What is the difference between AC and DC electricity?

AC (alternating current) electricity is characterized by a constantly changing flow of electrons, while DC (direct current) electricity has a steady flow of electrons in one direction. AC electricity is typically used for power transmission and distribution, while DC electricity is commonly used in electronic devices.

3. How does an electric circuit work?

An electric circuit is a path through which electricity can flow. It consists of a power source, such as a battery or generator, conductors (wires) to carry the electricity, and a load, which is the device that uses the electricity. When the circuit is closed, the electrons flow from the negative terminal of the power source, through the conductors, and into the load. They then return to the positive terminal of the power source.

4. What is a resistor and how does it affect electron flow?

A resistor is a component in a circuit that resists the flow of electrons. This is measured in ohms and can either decrease or limit the amount of current flowing through the circuit. A higher resistance will result in a smaller amount of current flowing through the circuit, while a lower resistance will allow more current to flow.

5. What is the role of a diode in electronics?

A diode is a semiconductor device that allows current to flow in only one direction. This is useful for converting AC electricity to DC, as it can block the negative flow of electrons. Diodes are also used for voltage regulation, signal rectification, and in switching circuits.
