Basic electronics Definition and 21 Threads

The BASIC Stamp is a microcontroller with a small, specialized BASIC interpreter (PBASIC) built into ROM. It is made by Parallax, Inc. and has been popular with electronics hobbyists since the early 1990s.

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  1. doggy

    How to wire a house using 3 phase

    We are getting 3 phase power delivered to our property via our own dedicated transformer. We want to rewire the house and other buildings so that we can use different appliances on different phases. We have 4 air conditioners, 3 hot water units and the usual assortment of things you would find...
  2. Boltzman Oscillation

    Understanding Basic Electronics: A 9V Battery & Two 9V Bulbs

    Homework Statement:: How can I determine whether my basic circuit will work? A battery and two light sources. Homework Equations:: conceptual question, use basic ohms law, current law, voltage law, etc. This is not a homework question, i am just trying to understand electronics better. I am...
  3. Y

    What are some good resources to learn basic electronics?

    Hello. I am working on a project with my friends with a Arduino like microcontroller. I can understand the code and all but I don't know how certain electronic components(like H-bridge) function. What are some good resources to learn about them?
  4. ISamson

    What is the Best Way to Learn Basic Electronics? Books or Arduino?

    Hello. Following my recent start in the interest in electronics, I have deducted that the best way to learn some basic electronics is to read a good book. I wish to learn the basic concepts of current, voltage, resistance, circuits and more advanced physical concepts behind the semiconductors...
  5. B_Mulcahy

    Can a Motor be Converted to a Dynamo and How to Do It?

    Hey, I understand that essentially a dynamo is the inverse of a motor however I was wondering if I could have a little more detail on the subject, how exactly can you convert a motor to a dynamo? Is it as simple as turning the motor and wiring it up to an output to create the current or do you...
  6. D

    Basic electronics Concepts. Can you me?

    I have learned the basic electronics and of course Volt ,amp, and ohm relation with the water pipe thing and I am just curious about some things that my prof(s) failed to answer It says that what powers the circuit is actually current, does it mean that voltage and resistance variation is ok as...
  7. C

    Electrical Circuit Project: Two Motors + Button | Help Needed!

    hello, I am absoloute dummy in electrical circuits, so please can you help me with my project? My idea is circuit with two electromotors and button. After 1st button press I need: Motor 1 spins into certain position After that motor 2 spins into certain position After that motor 1 spin back to...
  8. thegreengineer

    Basic Electronics: Transistor confusion

    So, recently I started learning about electronic components and then I started learning about semiconductors. The one which I've been having some real trouble to understand its function is the transistor. So I bought an electronics textbook called El ABC de La Electrónica (The ABC of Electronics...
  9. D

    How does a current source work in Norton's Therom

    Hi.i know that a ideal current source has infinite resistance and it supply's constant current to aload connected across it. The current source doesn't have the infinite resistance in series to it but in pparalle. All is well until I think of this Norton's Therom. When we transform a voltage...
  10. J

    Basic electronics book for 14 year old?

    My nephew has a birthday coming up - I want to get him one of those "200 electronics project" kits, but typically they include no real description of why the circuits work (at least the one I had as a kid didn't). So I want to get him a basic book as well. He is 14, is home schooled (by...
  11. N

    Basic Electronics Help with Testing Circuits for Niles

    Hi First I would like to say that I am not an electrical engineering student. I study physics, and unfortunately I lack a lot of basic electrical know-how. I know the theory behind e.g. a low-pass/high-pass filter and stuff like that, but when it comes to implementing things and -...
  12. S

    An introduction to basic electronics and electric systems

    Hey all, was wondering if someone knows of a book (if it's on safari books online, even better!), website or other source that teaches me -- a software guy -- the basics of electronics. Basically I want to know about voltages, generators, capacitors and everything in-between. Wanna have my...
  13. Femme_physics

    Basic electronics question - help me settle a bet

    I was arguing with a friend (it's been a while since she studied electronics), that you can't this turn circuit: Into the following circuit by combining R2 and R3 as though they're parallel...
  14. Femme_physics

    Basic Electronics True or False Questions

    I also needed to explain my answer... I hope it's all true. Can you tell me?True or False ------------- The Effective Voltage in our houses (Israel) is 220 Volts, therefor the Max VOltage is 380 Volts. FALSE 220\sqrt[]{}2 = 311 --- The equivalent inductance between points AB in the following...
  15. Femme_physics

    Basic electronics problem with an amplification factor for a transistor

    Basic electronics problem with an "amplification factor for a transistor" ((I think it still counts as "introductory physics" -- let me know if I'm wrong!)) Homework Statement
  16. S

    What is the potential difference across the resistor in this circuit?

    Hi. In the attached document, is the potential difference across the resistor 0V or 15V? I have read two different books that say two different things. Personally I thought 0V seemed correct because no current is flowing hence how can there be a potential difference?
  17. L

    Some really basic electronics questions.

    hi there I am a mech eng second year student and i have some electrical modules that i have to do though i just don't have much of a intuitive feel for it like i do for mechanical stuff. anyway some stuff i really should know but dont. 1) ac circuits. these as a whole confuse me, my...
  18. N

    Electricity, eletron flow and very basic electronics

    hi sorry if the first question is a bit silly, but my knowlegde of electronics is pretty dull. 1. Question is about electron flow through a resistor. Amps are electrons per time unit, right? Voltage is the electrons energy or the amount of energy needed to move them from one point to...
  19. J

    Basic Electronics: NPN Junction Explained Here is the explanation of npn junction in hyperphysics 1,what important to add the cap. inside the input and output circuit? 2,what difference after I select the remove the bypass cap. in the website? 3,what is the...
  20. O

    Basic Electronics Help: Grounding vs Short Circuiting

    hey, anyone here who can help me with basic electronics. i am confused with grounding and short circuiting a circuit.what is the difference in them and wat is the physical effect of that
  21. M

    Bit of trouble understanding basic electronics

    I'm having a little difficulty understanding a few key electronic concepts and am hoping a some of you may be able to shed light. 1) In a power source (i.e. battery) I understand that E = V / D. Despite the size and mass of an electron being incredibly small; when enter the field- do they...