Electron Detection spectroscopy

In summary, liquid nitrogen is used to cool the system in electron detection using Silicon Detector in order to reduce thermal energy and prevent noise. "Sweating" is the condensation/frost that forms on a cooled apparatus due to thermal shorting when the detector is not kept in a vacuum while immersed in liquid nitrogen.
  • #1
In the electron detection using Silicon Detector ,Liquid nitrogen is used to cool the system . why is it used. What is "sweating" which is caused if the detector is not in vaccum,when kept in liq. nitogen

Thanking you in advance. :smile:
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  • #2
Hello--I don't know much about electron detection spectroscopy, but the reason why sensitive experiments are usually kept in cryogens (cooling the system) is to reduce thermal energy which might cause noise. (How does the electron detector work? Maybe the goal is to reduce thermal excitation of silicon electrons?) If the detector is not in vacuum but is cold, perhaps this "sweating" effect is just condensation of water from air?
  • #3
saiarun said:
In the electron detection using Silicon Detector ,Liquid nitrogen is used to cool the system . why is it used. What is "sweating" which is caused if the detector is not in vaccum,when kept in liq. nitogen

Thanking you in advance. :smile:
I believe flip is right on both counts.

Simply put, you want to be at temperatures much smaller than the band gap, lest you excite thermally rather than by the incident electrons - hence the liquid nitrogen.

Sweating is merely the formation of condensation/frost on the outside of a cooled apparatus, that usually forms as a result of a thermal short to the (cooled) inside (often from insufficient evacuation).

FAQ: Electron Detection spectroscopy

1. What is electron detection spectroscopy and how does it work?

Electron detection spectroscopy is a technique used to study the energy levels and electronic properties of materials by detecting and analyzing the electrons emitted from them. It works by bombarding the material with a beam of electrons and measuring the energy and intensity of the electrons that are scattered or emitted from the material.

2. What are the applications of electron detection spectroscopy?

Electron detection spectroscopy has a wide range of applications in fields such as materials science, surface science, and semiconductor research. It is commonly used to study the electronic properties of materials, such as band structure, charge carrier mobility, and defects. It is also used in the development and characterization of electronic devices, such as transistors and solar cells.

3. How is electron detection spectroscopy different from other spectroscopic techniques?

Electron detection spectroscopy differs from other spectroscopic techniques, such as UV-Vis or infrared spectroscopy, in that it directly measures the energy levels and electronic properties of materials, rather than the absorption or emission of light. This allows for more detailed and precise analysis of the electronic structure of materials.

4. What types of materials can be studied using electron detection spectroscopy?

Electron detection spectroscopy can be used to study a wide range of materials, including metals, semiconductors, insulators, and organic materials. It is particularly useful for studying materials with complex electronic structures, such as polymers and biomolecules.

5. What are the advantages of electron detection spectroscopy?

Electron detection spectroscopy has several advantages over other spectroscopic techniques. It has a high spatial resolution, allowing for the study of small areas or individual particles. It also has a wide energy range, making it suitable for studying a variety of materials. Additionally, it can provide information about both the energy levels and the momentum of electrons, providing a more complete understanding of the electronic properties of materials.

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