Energy-momentum tensor perfect fluid raise index

In summary: When you contract over repeated indices, they are implicitly summed over. So ##g_{ab}g^{ac}=\sum_c g_{ab}g^{ac}## and since the only non-zero terms are when ##b=c##, you get ##g_{ab}g^{ac}=\sum_c g_{ab}g^{ac}=g_{ab}g^{ab}##.
  • #1

Homework Statement

This should be pretty simple and I guess I am doing something stupid?

##T_{bv}=(p+\rho)U_bU_v-\rho g_{bv}##
compute ##T^u_v##:
##T^0_0=\rho, T^i_i=-p##

Homework Equations

##g_{uv}## is the FRW metric,in particular ##g_{tt}=1##
## g^{ab}g_{ca}=\delta^{(4)b} _c=4## if b=c(where I haven't paid attention to order of the indices when lowering and raising since both metric and energy-momentum tensor are symmetric objects)

The Attempt at a Solution

##T^u_v=g^{bu}T_{bv}=g^{bu}(p+\rho)U_bU_v-\rho g_{bv}g^{bu}##
##= (p+\rho)U^bU_v-p\delta^u_v##

similarly ##U^u=\delta^u_t##

Now I get the correct components if ##\delta^u_v=1 ## but ## \delta^u_v=4 ## if u=v because we are in 4d-d space-time I thought?

Many thanks
Physics news on
  • #2
binbagsss said:
## g^{ab}g_{ca}=\delta^{(4)b} _c=4## if b=c

This is wrong. ##\delta^{b} _c## is ##1## if ##b=c## and ##0## otherwise. You may be confusing it with ##\delta^b_b## which is ##4## because the repeated index b is summed over.
  • #3
Dick said:
This is wrong. ##\delta^{b} _c## is ##1## if ##b=c## and ##0## otherwise. You may be confusing it with ##\delta^b_b## which is ##4## because the repeated index b is summed over.
Omg ok thanks

But I got this from contracting over the metric, I had it in my head this was ##4## for some reason but . Ahh but I guess it's the same idea so I had:
## g_{ab}g^{ac}=\delta^b_c##
as a pose to ##g_{ab}g^{ab}=4=\delta^b_b##?
  • #4
binbagsss said:
Omg ok thanks

But I got this from contracting over the metric, I had it in my head this was ##4## for some reason but . Ahh but I guess it's the same idea so I had:
## g_{ab}g^{ac}=\delta^b_c##
as a pose to ##g_{ab}g^{ab}=4=\delta^b_b##?

Right. The difference comes from the Einstein summation convention.
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FAQ: Energy-momentum tensor perfect fluid raise index

1. What is the Energy-Momentum Tensor Perfect Fluid Raise Index?

The Energy-Momentum Tensor Perfect Fluid Raise Index is a mathematical representation of the energy and momentum content of a perfect fluid in a given space. It is commonly used in the field of theoretical physics to describe the behavior of matter and energy in the universe.

2. How is the Energy-Momentum Tensor Perfect Fluid Raise Index calculated?

The Energy-Momentum Tensor Perfect Fluid Raise Index is calculated by taking into account the energy density, pressure, and velocity of a perfect fluid at a given point in space. It involves complex mathematical equations and requires a deep understanding of theoretical physics.

3. What is the significance of the Energy-Momentum Tensor Perfect Fluid Raise Index?

The Energy-Momentum Tensor Perfect Fluid Raise Index is significant because it helps us understand the behavior and dynamics of perfect fluids in the universe. It is a crucial component in Einstein's theory of general relativity and is used in various other theories and calculations in physics.

4. How does the Energy-Momentum Tensor Perfect Fluid Raise Index relate to the conservation of energy and momentum?

The Energy-Momentum Tensor Perfect Fluid Raise Index is directly related to the conservation of energy and momentum in a perfect fluid. It is a mathematical representation of the energy and momentum conservation equations, which state that energy and momentum cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed.

5. Are there any real-world applications of the Energy-Momentum Tensor Perfect Fluid Raise Index?

While the Energy-Momentum Tensor Perfect Fluid Raise Index is primarily used in theoretical physics and cosmology, it has some real-world applications. It is used in fluid dynamics, astrophysics, and weather prediction models, among others, to study the behavior of perfect fluids in various systems and environments.
