Engineering Homework problem - Pendulum oscillatory system

In summary, the person is looking for ways to calculate the eigenfreuqncy of a system, and is asking for help. They have found an equation which they believe will help, but they are not sure if they are looking at the right equations. They also asked questions aimed at the person asking the questions.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Mechanical Vibrations, #Lagrange #eigenfrequency
Relevant Equations
Lagrange equations, eigenfrequency equation for the given system


Hi All,

Anyone willing to help out in explaining what eigenfreuqncy for this oscilatory system, would be? Also if anybody knows the equation to calulate this stuff please, if you're willing to share I'd be greatful!

Thanks, regards.
Physics news on
  • #3
Truthfully I'm not in possession of any course materials from vibration mechanisms. What I do have are educative videos, lectures provided by my lecturer and notes which I keep track of. I know that sucks but the rest I have to find out on my own which makes me anxious as I'm not sure sometimes if I'm even looking correctly.

So far I know how to calculate a 1DoF natural frequency with given parameters. For the MDoF system I have frankly no clue what should I even look for. Unfortunately, my professor hands out these Microsoft form tests before each lecture, but I'm not certain if I will learn anything during the lecture too, therefore I came here for help.

  • #4
Also, the only potentially valid equation which I managed to find is as follows:
  • #5
aligator11 said:
hands out these Microsoft form tests
Funny sheets, with a question 1 and then a question 5.
Funny they make a "no gravity field" limitation too.

Did you notice I asked a few questions ? They were aimed at you !

Let's start with 1:
What is the small angle approximation for a pendulum ?
  • #6
1. Small oscilations = vibrations were values of cos/sin(angles) may be approximated to angles [rad]. For cos(phi)=1, sin(phi)/tan(phi)=phi
  • #7
So what does that leave for question 1 ?
  • #8
the first box should be checked instead of the 2nd one
  • #9
I agree that box 2 can be discarded (##g = 0##) and for box 2 and 3 the small angle approximations ##\sin x = x, \ \cos x = 1## have not been implemented.

Explain why you think that box one is better than the alternative ...
  • #10
The difference between boxes 4 and 1 is the change in angular displacement for PE, where it varies with (+) and (-) sign for each answer. I believe that the correct solution should be one containing the element with (phi1-phi2) as we are superimposing one displacement onto the second one. That means that by exciting the first pendulum the impulse through the spring continues to flow until it reaches the second pendulum. The motion then becomes for the given moment unstable as the second pendulum is excited and the spring receives an impulse that is then directed in the negative direction (-phi2).
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  • #11
aligator11 said:
the first box should be checked instead of the 2nd one

so I meant box 4 not box 1
  • #12
I agree. The spring energy depends on ##\Delta \phi##, not on the sum.

FAQ: Engineering Homework problem - Pendulum oscillatory system

What is a pendulum oscillatory system?

A pendulum oscillatory system is a physical system that consists of a mass attached to a fixed point by a string or rod. The mass is able to swing back and forth due to the force of gravity, creating a repetitive motion known as oscillation.

What factors affect the oscillation of a pendulum?

The oscillation of a pendulum is affected by the length of the string or rod, the mass of the object, and the force of gravity. Additionally, factors such as air resistance and friction can also impact the oscillation.

How do you calculate the period of a pendulum oscillatory system?

The period of a pendulum oscillatory system can be calculated using the equation T = 2π√(L/g), where T is the period in seconds, L is the length of the string or rod in meters, and g is the acceleration due to gravity in meters per second squared.

How does the amplitude of a pendulum affect its oscillation?

The amplitude of a pendulum, which is the maximum displacement from its resting position, does not affect the period of oscillation. However, a larger amplitude will result in a longer distance traveled by the pendulum and a shorter amplitude will result in a shorter distance traveled.

What is the use of pendulum oscillatory systems in engineering?

Pendulum oscillatory systems are used in engineering for various applications, such as timekeeping devices (e.g. grandfather clocks), seismometers for measuring earthquakes, and energy harvesting devices. They are also used in research and development for studying oscillatory motion and dynamics.
