Exploring 50 Giga Light Years of Universe

In summary, The concept of inflation is quite complex and cannot be attributed to a simple principle. The process involves a field with a high potential energy driving a rapid expansion of the universe, followed by the conversion of this energy into standard model particles. Alan Guth, who first proposed the idea, has given interesting talks on the subject and has also written a book called "The Inflationary Universe". The maximum diameter of the universe cannot be determined solely based on its age, as the concept of distance in a curved space-time is not straightforward. The observable universe is estimated to be at least 46 billion light years away, with the visible universe being around 93 billion light years. There are various distance measures used in cosmology, with the com
  • #1
Ok, someone was kind enough to point out to me recently the obvious fact that the universe must be much larger than what we can see. Suddenly I feel like I'm literally trying to fit all of it into my head!

I've always had this nagging feeling about inflation, but it's never come up to the surface enough to warrant any investigation. Could it be that inflation was caused simply by the fact that all of that matter (or energy doubling as matter, or whatever) simply couldn't occupy the same points in space? Like the universe inflated until it was large enough to obey the exclusion principle? I can't tell if these are crazed ramblings or just naive questions.

Anyone want to shed some light? Name a book? A URL?
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
Well, the issue here is that inflation is a rather complex phenomenon. In the simplest models, what you need is for the majority of the energy density to be in a particular kind of field. This field, due to the way it interacts, must experience a sort of potential energy depending upon its value. And it must have enough potential energy such that it drives an expansion so fast that the expansion slows down how quickly the field is able to roll down to its minimum value. Then, once it reaches that minimum, it has to evaporate into standard model particles very rapidly.

So it's not quite so simple an idea that it can merely be the result of some simple principle. At least, not so directly.
  • #3
Know any good resources on inflation models? At some point I'll probably be asking you to recommend a school and a scholarship resource!
  • #4
GreatBigBore said:
Know any good resources on inflation models? At some point I'll probably be asking you to recommend a school and a scholarship resource!
Unfortunately, no, I'm not really sure what to offer with respect to inflation beyond the Wikipedia article. You might try looking to see if you can find anything from Alan Guth, though. He's the guy that came up with the idea, and has presented a number of quite interesting talks on the subject that can be found online.
  • #5
The observable universe is 13.7 billion years old. You are referring to the 'time now' size of the universe. That is irrelevant.
  • #6
If the observable universe is 13.7 billion years old (what day is the universe's birthday?), does that mean that the maximum diameter of the universe is 27.4 gigalightyears?
  • #7
Char. Limit said:
(what day is the universe's birthday?)
1st of january, but ofcourse. :smile:
  • #9
Char. Limit said:
If the observable universe is 13.7 billion years old (what day is the universe's birthday?), does that mean that the maximum diameter of the universe is 27.4 gigalightyears?
Nope. I and others have gone into this in detail elsewhere, but the punchline is that this comes down to the weirdness of curved space-time. What you've said would only be true if we were talking about flat space-time.
  • #10
Perhaps we can offer an easier explanation. Using the most powerful telescopes, we are capable of observing galaxies 10 to 13 billion light years away. But the "horizon" of visibility in the cosmos streches more than just some 20 to 26 billion light years because space itself is expanding. So the edge of the observable universe must be at least 46 billion light years away from us (called the comoving distance or the particle horizon). The visible universe, however, is most likely a sphere of 93 billion light years.
  • #11
iflexit_1 said:
Perhaps we can offer an easier explanation. Using the most powerful telescopes, we are capable of observing galaxies 10 to 13 billion light years away. But the "horizon" of visibility in the cosmos streches more than just some 20 to 26 billion light years because space itself is expanding. So the edge of the observable universe must be at least 46 billion light years away from us (called the comoving distance or the particle horizon). The visible universe, however, is most likely a sphere of 93 billion light years.
One thing I should mention is that these distances are all a bit arbitrary. How far away something is depends entirely upon what you mean by "distance".

If you want to get into the nitty gritty details, here is a rundown of all of the major distance measures used in Cosmology:

A couple of examples of the available distance measures are:

1. Luminosity distance: let's say you want to judge distance by comparing against the brightness of objects. In 3-dimensional space, objects' brightness drops off as 1/r^2. So if we know the intrinsic brightness of something, we can measure how far away it is. The "r" here is the luminosity distance.

2. Angular diameter distance: if we know how physically large something is, and then compare it to how large it appears on the sky, then that's another measure of distance. Here the angle that the object subtends on the sky drops off as 1/r (for small angles), and this "r" we can use as the angular diameter distance.

3. Comoving distance: If we take a hypothetical situation where we stop the expansion in such a way that every point in space sees the same CMB temperature, and then send some light rays around, the comoving distance is the time it takes for those light rays to get from place to place.

It's this last one that people usually use when talking about distances to the public.

FAQ: Exploring 50 Giga Light Years of Universe

What is meant by "50 Giga Light Years" in the context of the universe?

"50 Giga Light Years" refers to the distance that light could travel in 50 billion years. This distance represents a vast portion of the observable universe, which is estimated to be about 93 billion light years in diameter.

How do scientists explore such a vast distance in the universe?

Scientists use various tools and techniques, such as telescopes and satellites, to observe and gather data from distant objects in the universe. They also use mathematical models and simulations to study the properties and behavior of these objects.

What have scientists discovered by exploring 50 Giga Light Years of the universe?

Scientists have discovered a multitude of fascinating objects and phenomena, such as galaxies, black holes, dark matter, and dark energy. They have also gained insights into the formation and evolution of the universe.

Are there any limitations to exploring 50 Giga Light Years of the universe?

Yes, there are limitations due to the vastness and complexity of the universe. For example, the speed of light is the maximum speed at which information can travel, so we can only observe objects that are within a certain distance from us. Also, our current technology and understanding may not be sufficient to fully explore and understand everything in this vast expanse.

How does exploring 50 Giga Light Years of the universe contribute to our understanding of the world and ourselves?

Exploring 50 Giga Light Years of the universe allows us to expand our knowledge and understanding of the physical laws and processes that govern the universe. It also helps us to appreciate our place in the universe and the vastness of space and time. Additionally, studying the universe can inspire new technologies and advancements in various fields, leading to practical benefits for humanity.
