Exploring the D0 Experiment: Proportional vs. Mini Drift Tubes

In summary, the conversation discusses an article about the D0 experiment at Fermilab during Run II and the use of proportional and mini drift tubes to detect muons. The article, which can be found on page 77, provides a thorough description of mini drift tubes while an older paper is needed to understand the system they are replacing.
  • #1
Hi all,

I'm reading an article describing the D0 experiment at Fermilab during Run II. Proportional drift tubes and mini drift tubes were used to detect muons: can someone explain me the difference between these two kinds of drift tubes?


Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Federica said:
I'm reading an article

Please, don't tell us which one. It makes the thread so much better if we have to guess. :confused:
  • #3
I wanted to attach the article here but the pdf is too large. Here's the link:


It starts talking about proportional and mini drift tubes from page 69.
  • #4
So that article, starting on page 77, does a good job of describing mini drift tubes. To get a description of the system they are replacing you need to get it from an older paper. Google had no trouble finding several.