Understanding and Proving the Antisymmetry of the Electromagnetic Field Tensor

In summary: The equation you wrote in your previous post is correct. What do you mean "each contraction of g and T"? Is the equation I wrote in my previous post incorrect?The contraction of g and T is identically zero.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Zwiebach 44

My book defines

[tex] T_{\lambda \mu \nu} = \partial_{\lambda} F_{\mu \nu} + \partial_{\mu} F_{ \nu \lambda} + \partial_{\nu} F_{\lambda \mu } [/tex]

where F is the electromagnetic field tensor
and says that it is identically zero due to Maxwell's. It then asks me to prove that it is antisymmetric?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Why would I need to prove that when it is identically zero due to Maxwell's equations.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Just don't take into account the Maxwell equations. Think of F as a simple 2-form. How would you go about proving that T is a 3-form ?
  • #3
Actually, even if you forget about Maxwell's equations, it is still identically zero due to the equality of mixed partials?
  • #4
What equality of the mixed partial are you taling about ?
  • #5
dextercioby said:
What equality of the mixed partial are you taling about ?


[tex] T_{\lambda \mu \nu} = \partial_{\lambda} F_{\mu \nu} + \partial_{\mu} F_{ \nu \lambda} + \partial_{\nu} F_{\lambda \mu } = \partial_{\lambda} (\partial_{\mu} A_{\nu} - \partial_{\nu} A_{\mu} ) + \partial_{\mu} (\partial_{\nu} A_{\lambda} - \partial_{\lambda} A_{\nu} ) + \partial_{\nu} (\partial_{\lambda} A_{\mu} - \partial_{\mu} A_{\lambda} ) } [/tex] which is identically 0 due to the commutativity of partial derivates without even assuming Maxwell's equation are true. I am confused about what is left to prove?
  • #6
What you wrote there is nothing but d^{2}=0. But just forget for a moment that F=dA. (Just the way you forgot that [itex]\delta F= 0 [/itex]). Prove that T is completely antisymmetric.

HINT: [tex] g^{\lambda\mu}T_{\lambda\mu\nu}=...? [/tex].
  • #7
dextercioby said:
HINT: [tex] g^{\lambda\mu}T_{\lambda\mu\nu}=...? [/tex].

Sorry. This is probably a silly question--but what is g ?
  • #8
The metric tensor on the flat Minkowski space. Sorry, i guess Zwiebach uses [itex] \eta^{\lambda\mu} [/itex].
  • #9
dextercioby said:
What you wrote there is nothing but d^{2}=0. But just forget for a moment that F=dA. (Just the way you forgot that [itex]\delta F= 0 [/itex]). Prove that T is completely antisymmetric.

HINT: [tex] g^{\lambda\mu}T_{\lambda\mu\nu}=...? [/tex].

[tex] g^{\lambda\mu}T_{\lambda\mu\nu}= \sum_{v=0}^3 -T_{00v} + T_{11v} + T_{22v} + T_{33v} [/tex]

But why does that help us?
  • #10
Oh, deer (!)... Do you agree that

[tex] g^{\lambda\mu}T_{\lambda\mu\nu}=\partial^{\mu}F_{\mu\nu}+\partial^{\mu}F_{\nu\mu}+\partial_{\nu}F^{\mu}{}_{\mu} [/tex]


If so, use the fact that F is antisymmetric and you're 1/3 done. The other 2/3 can be done in the same way, just pick the other 2 possible pair of indices.
  • #11
OK. So, now I have that

[tex] (g^{\lambda \nu} + g^{\nu \mu} + g^{\lambda\mu}) T_{\lambda\mu\nu}=\partial_{\nu}F^{\ mu}{}_{\mu} + \partial_{\lambda}F^{\ nu}{}_{\nu} + \partial_{\mu}F^{\lambda}{}_{\lambda} [/tex]

and I can find a similar expression involving [tex] T_{\mu\lambda\nu} [/tex] but now how do I get the negative relationship between them?
  • #12
Hmm. There's no need to shuffle the indices of T. Only of g. Now do you see that each contraction of g and T is identically zero ?
  • #13
dextercioby said:
Hmm. There's no need to shuffle the indices of T. Only of g. Now do you see that each contraction of g and T is identically zero ?

I was changing the indices of T in order to show that it is antisymmetric. I thought we wanted to show that if you switched two indices, the sign flips.

No. I do not see that. What do you mean "each contraction of g and T"? Is the equation I wrote in my previous post incorrect?

FAQ: Understanding and Proving the Antisymmetry of the Electromagnetic Field Tensor

1. What is a field tensor?

A field tensor is a mathematical object used to describe the properties of a physical field. It is a multi-dimensional array that stores information about the strength, direction, and curvature of a field at a given point in space and time.

2. What is the significance of the field tensor in physics?

The field tensor is crucial in understanding and predicting the behavior of physical phenomena such as electromagnetism and general relativity. It provides a concise and elegant way to describe the properties of a field and how it interacts with matter.

3. How is the field tensor related to the concept of spacetime?

The field tensor is a key component in Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which describes the relationship between gravity and the curvature of spacetime. The field tensor helps to mathematically describe the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of matter and energy.

4. How is the field tensor used in practical applications?

The field tensor is used in a wide range of practical applications, including engineering, astrophysics, and particle physics. It is used to calculate the behavior of electromagnetic waves, the motion of objects in gravitational fields, and the interactions between particles in particle accelerators.

5. How is the field tensor different from other mathematical objects?

The field tensor is unique in that it combines elements of both tensors and fields. It is a multidimensional array, like a tensor, but it also describes the physical properties of a field at a specific point in space and time, like a field. This allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the behavior of physical systems.
