What Happens to Energy Levels in a Reduced Potential Well?

In summary, when the potential V is reduced to a much smaller value than the zero point energy, the function becomes continuous and the particle becomes unbound. This also means that the function will have an oscillatory form. However, shifting the potential V with a constant value Vo does not change the wavefunction. If V is initially greater than E but is then reduced to a value much smaller than the zero point energy, this would change the wave function for the ground and first excited states. The ground state would stay the same as it is determined by the zero point energy, but the first excited state may have enough energy to become unbound from the potential well. These concepts are not commonly discussed in textbooks.
  • #1
if V is reduced to much smaller than the zero point energy then what happens to the ground state and first excited state?

for this i know that the function becomes continuous and that the particle is unbound. does this mean that the function will also just have an oscillatory form?
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  • #2
What are you asking exactly? you should know that shifting of potential V with a constant value Vo does not change the wavefunction.
  • #3
yeah but if you change V from it being originally greater than E to being much smaller than the zero point energy surely this would change the ground and first excited wave function? wouldn't the fact that the E of the function is greater than V mean that it is no longer bound by the potential well?

i have these ideas but I am not sure if they are right and unfortunately this is not looked at in any of the books I've read.
  • #4
so after thinking on it believe the ground state would stay the same as is the zero point energy which doesn't change, but then would the 1st excited state have enough energy to become unbound from the potential well

FAQ: What Happens to Energy Levels in a Reduced Potential Well?

What is a finite potential well?

A finite potential well is a concept in quantum mechanics that describes a potential energy barrier with a finite width and height. This barrier can act as a potential energy "well" for particles, causing them to be trapped within the well if their energy is not high enough to overcome the barrier.

What is the significance of the potential energy barrier in a finite potential well?

The potential energy barrier in a finite potential well plays a crucial role in determining the allowed energy levels and behavior of particles within the well. It can also affect the transmission and reflection of particles through the barrier.

How does the energy of a particle in a finite potential well compare to the energy of a free particle?

The energy of a particle in a finite potential well is quantized, meaning it can only have certain discrete values. This is in contrast to a free particle, which can have any energy value. Additionally, the energy levels in a finite potential well are typically lower than those of a free particle.

How does the width and height of the potential well affect the behavior of particles?

The width and height of the potential well determine the strength and depth of the potential energy barrier. A wider and higher potential well will have a stronger barrier, making it more difficult for particles to escape or tunnel through. This results in a larger energy separation between the allowed energy levels.

What is the relationship between the potential well and the probability of finding a particle within it?

The probability of finding a particle within a potential well is related to the shape and height of the potential energy barrier. A well with a higher and wider barrier will have a lower probability of finding the particle within it, while a shallower and narrower well will have a higher probability.
