Find friction from stopping distance and initial speed.

In summary, according to the test performed by the manufacturers, an automobile with an initial speed of 75 km/h has a stopping distance of 25 m on a level road. Assuming no skidding occurs during braking, the value of μ between the wheels and the road required to achieve the stopping distance is unknown, but it can be determined by assuming it is related to the weight and using the equations for constant acceleration and distance. The force of rolling friction, or rolling resistance, is also known as ## F_r = \mu N ##, where ## \mu ## is the coefficient of friction and ## N ## is the normal force. To solve for μ, you will need to use both the equations for velocity and distance, and solve for either
  • #1
According to test performed by the manufactures, an automobile with an initial speed of 75 km/h has a stopping distance of 25 m on a level road. assuming that no skidding occurs during breaking, what is the value of μ , between the wheels and the road required to achieve the stopping distance?

I don't know how to apporach this
Physics news on
  • #2
Assume that the force of friction is constant and depends only on the weight. What is the equation for this force?

Then, what is the acceleration due to this force?
  • #3
  • #4
Have you heard about the coefficient of friction? What is μ in the problem?
  • #5
Do you mean F=-kx?
  • #6
That is not the force of friction.
  • #7
Just use the work-energy theorem.
  • #8
you mean KE=1/2mv^2?
but I am not given a mass only velocity n stopping distance
  • #9
Just assume the mass is some m. It will, as usual, drop out eventually.

What you really need to do is recall what the force of friction is.
  • #10
force of friction is unknown
  • #11
As Voko implied, assume that the acceleration is constant (and negative since it slows down the car). What is the equation for constant acceleration?
  • #12
Sneakatone said:
force of friction is unknown

It is unknown. But you have to assume it is known and it related to the weight. Recall how the force of friction depends on the weight.
  • #13
  • #14
Sneakatone said:
For this problem, F, m, and a are constant. What is the equation for distance with constant acceleration and some initial velocity?
  • #15
You are guessing, and this is not good. It looks like you need to review the force of friction.
  • #16
please give me a review
  • #17
This equation should have been given to you in your class or textbook. It relates distance to initial velocity and constant acceleration, using x to represent the final position, and x0 to represent the initial position. (The total distance traveled = x - x0). You can assume that x0 is zero for this problem.

x = x0 + v0 t + 1/2 a t2
  • #18
What you have here is the force of rolling friction (no skidding occurs). It is also known as rolling resistance. The force is ## F_r = \mu N ##, where ## \mu ## is the coefficient of friction that you are supposed to find, and ## N ## is the normal force.
  • #19
I thought about that equation but what should be the inputs for acceleration and time.
im guessing to get time you can do d/v=t
  • #20
Sneakatone said:
I thought about that equation but what should be the inputs for acceleration and time.
Those aren't inputs. You're given distance and the initial velocity, and the fact that the final velocity is zero. You'll need to solve for acceleration and time. You need a second equation for velocity versus time, where you know that the final velocity v is zero and v0 is the initial velocity (75 km/h):

v = v0 + a t

for distance (which you are told is 25 m):

d = v0 t + 1/2 a t2

These equations should have been given to you in your class or textbook.
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  • #21
20 m/s=-at
25=75(2.03)+0.5a(20.3)^2, a=-0.61
  • #22
Sneakatone said:
20 m/s=-at
9.81 is 1 g of acceleration. At this point, you don't know what the acceleration is, so you need to use both equations, in order to solve for two variables. You'll need to use one of the equations to express acceleration as a function of time or vice versa, then substitute that function for the variable in the second equation, which will then let you solve for the other variable. Then it will be back to the first equation to solve for the first variable.
  • #23
So for the equation v=v0+at i should solve for t instead of a?
  • #24
Sneakatone said:
So for the equation v=v0+at i should solve for t instead of a?
You can solve for either a or t (solve for a in terms of t or solve for t in terms of a), then use the result to substitute for a or t in the second equation. Try both ways, one may end up being easier than the other. You should use the given values for this first equation v = v0 + at => 0 = 75 km/h + at. You'll need to convert km/h to m/s (meters per second).
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FAQ: Find friction from stopping distance and initial speed.

1. What is friction?

Friction is a force that resists motion between two surfaces that are in contact with each other. It is caused by the microscopic roughness of the surfaces and the interlocking of the irregularities when they come into contact.

2. How does friction affect stopping distance?

Friction plays a crucial role in determining the stopping distance of an object. The force of friction acts in the opposite direction of the object's motion, slowing it down. The greater the friction, the shorter the stopping distance will be.

3. How is initial speed related to stopping distance?

The initial speed of an object is directly related to its stopping distance. The higher the initial speed, the longer the stopping distance will be. This is because it takes more time and distance for the object to decelerate and come to a complete stop.

4. What factors affect the amount of friction in a stopping distance calculation?

The amount of friction in a stopping distance calculation is affected by the weight and surface properties of the object, as well as the surface it is moving on. Heavier objects have more friction and therefore a shorter stopping distance, while smoother surfaces have less friction and a longer stopping distance.

5. How can friction be calculated from stopping distance and initial speed?

To calculate friction from stopping distance and initial speed, you can use the formula F = ma, where F is the force of friction, m is the mass of the object, and a is the deceleration. The deceleration can be found by dividing the initial speed by the stopping distance. You can then use this value to calculate the coefficient of friction, which is a measure of the amount of friction between the two surfaces.
