Find the normal force on an inclined plane.

In summary, to find the normal force on a mass of 5kg on an incline plane of 30 degrees, you can use either mgsin30 or mgcos30 as both equations will give you the same result. It may be helpful to visualize the angle perpendicular to the plane and use the same angle for the normal force from the vertical. If this is still confusing, try thinking about a horizontal surface and answering the questions 1. and 2. provided in the conversation. You can also refer to the tutorial Inclined Planes for further clarification.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the normal force acting on a mass of 5kg on an incline plane of 30 degrees.

Homework Equations

Fn = mgsin30 or mgcos30 ?

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm not sure if I use sin or cos when finding the normal force on an incline. I have trouble visualizing the angle perpendicular to the plane and moving the angles around.
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  • #2
Welcome to Physics Forums.

If the surface makes an angle θ to the horizontal, then the normal makes the same angle θ from the vertical. Does that help your visualizing?

If it's still unclear, think about a horizontal surface, so that θ is zero, and answer these questions:

1. What is the normal force when the surface is horizontal? Draw a force diagram for yourself, if you need to, to figure this out.

2. Does your answer to (1) agree with mgsin0 or mgcos0?

Hope that helps!
  • #3
It works with mgsin theta, but when i try to draw it out it doesn't make sense to me.
  • #5
Can someone please explain the correct equation to use?

The normal force on an inclined plane is equal to the weight of the object perpendicular to the plane. In this case, the weight (mg) is acting downwards and the normal force is acting perpendicular to the plane, which means it is in the opposite direction of the weight. Therefore, the correct equation to use is Fn = mgcos30, as the cosine function represents the adjacent side of a right triangle, which is the side perpendicular to the incline. This will give the normal force as 5kg * 9.8m/s^2 * cos30 = 42.5N. It is important to remember that the normal force will always be less than the weight of the object on an inclined plane, as the weight is distributed over both the normal force and the parallel force (friction). I hope this helps clarify the concept for you.

FAQ: Find the normal force on an inclined plane.

1. How do you calculate the normal force on an inclined plane?

The normal force on an inclined plane can be calculated using the formula: N = mgcosθ, where N is the normal force, m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and θ is the angle of inclination.

2. What is the purpose of finding the normal force on an inclined plane?

Finding the normal force on an inclined plane is important in understanding the forces acting on an object on an inclined plane. It is also necessary for solving problems involving the motion of objects on inclined planes.

3. Can the normal force on an inclined plane ever be equal to zero?

Yes, the normal force on an inclined plane can be equal to zero when the angle of inclination is 90 degrees. In this case, the object is in free fall and the only force acting on it is the force of gravity.

4. How does the normal force on an inclined plane change with the angle of inclination?

The normal force on an inclined plane is directly proportional to the cosine of the angle of inclination. As the angle increases, the normal force decreases and vice versa.

5. What other factors can affect the normal force on an inclined plane?

The normal force on an inclined plane can also be affected by the coefficient of friction between the object and the surface of the inclined plane. If the surface is rougher, the normal force will be larger, and if the surface is smoother, the normal force will be smaller.
