Finding a relationship for the ball's speed with the following clues.

In summary, the problem involves finding the speed of a ball rolling around a horizontal circle at a given height inside a cone. The expression for the speed can be determined using the variables r, x, p, and g (acceleration due to gravity). To solve this problem, a force diagram should be drawn and the forces acting on the ball should be identified. The sum of these forces should be equal to zero.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A ball rolls around a horizontal circle at height y inside the cone shown below. Find an
expression for the ball’s speed in terms of r(radius of cone),x(height of cone),p and g(9.81ms^-2).

Homework Statement

r(radius of cone),x(height of cone),p and g(9.81ms^-2).

The Attempt at a Solution

i came across this question from a friend's tutorial but i stared at it whole day. can't think of any solutions,cant think of even where to start.

i tried using the variable g to form any possible relationship i could think of but the ball is moving in a horizontal circle..
Physics news on
  • #2
I would start by drawing a force diagram. What forces are acting on the ball? Which forces have to sum to zero?

FAQ: Finding a relationship for the ball's speed with the following clues.

1. How can the ball's speed be found using the given clues?

The ball's speed can be found by using the formula v = d/t, where v is the speed, d is the distance the ball traveled, and t is the time it took to travel that distance. By measuring the distance the ball traveled and the time it took, the speed can be calculated.

2. What are the clues given to determine the ball's speed?

The clues given to determine the ball's speed are the distance the ball traveled and the time it took to travel that distance. These two values are needed to calculate the speed using the formula v = d/t.

3. How is the formula v = d/t used to find the ball's speed?

The formula v = d/t is used to find the ball's speed by dividing the distance the ball traveled by the time it took to travel that distance. This will give the velocity or speed of the ball in units of distance per time.

4. Is there any other information needed to determine the ball's speed?

No, the two given clues of distance and time are sufficient to determine the ball's speed. However, it is important to ensure that the units of distance and time are consistent in order to get an accurate speed measurement.

5. Can the ball's speed be found using other formulas or methods?

Yes, there are other formulas and methods that can be used to find the ball's speed, such as using a radar gun or a motion sensor. However, the given clues of distance and time can also be used to determine the speed accurately using the formula v = d/t.
