Finding the frequency of small oscillations given potential energy U

In summary, the potential energy of a particle of mass m near the position of equilibrium is given by U=U0sin2(αx) where U0 and α are constants. To find the frequency of small oscillations about the position of equilibrium, we can use the work energy equation and Newton's equation for unbalanced force to solve for the second derivative of position (acceleration). Since the angle is small, we can approximate sin(2αx) to be 2αx and continue solving for the frequency.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The potential energy of a particle of mass m near the position of equilibrium is given by U=U0sin2(αx) where U0 and α are constants. Find the frequency of the small oscillations about the position of equilibrium.

Homework Equations

Work energy equation (1/2)kx12+(1/2)mv12=(1/2)kx22+(1/2)mv22

The Attempt at a Solution

Differentiating twice and rearranging:

I'm confused from here. Am I supposed to use the work energy relation?
I vaguely remember learning about sin(θ)≈θ when θ is small and also about Taylor expansion.
Any hints will be appreciated.
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  • #2
Hiya I think I might be able to help you out a bit here. I must admit I don't understand what the "work energy equation" is supposed to represent. I assume x1 and x2 are independent degrees of freedom, in which case you have the total energy of one particle (work done + kinetic energy) equals the total energy of another particle?
Regardless, you should be able to solve the problem without it. In your attempt at a solution you seem to be solving for k but that's not what helping, as k is a spring constant (if I understood your equation correctly). Basically you wish to find an equation for position x and then find the frequency (inverse of the period) of the system. Remember Newton's equation for the unbalanced force on a system ##m\ddot{x}=-\frac{\partial U}{\partial x}## where ##\ddot{x}## denotes the second derivative of position with respect to time (i.e. acceleration). Solving this equation should yield the answer.
  • #3
Hello. Thanks for the reply.

I understand. So I got to a=(U0α/m)sin(2αx) where 'a' denotes x double dot.
Since the angle is small, we can think of the system as simple harmonic motion. In that case, the general form should be d2x/dt2+w2x=0.
We already have dx2/dt2 but how do find w2x? Or am I not going the right direction?

Thank you.
  • #4
Yes you are on the right track, remember if ##\theta## is small then ##sin(\theta)=\theta##, as we may taylor expand the sin function about zero to find ##sin(\theta) = \theta + \frac{\theta^3}{3!} + \frac{\theta^5}{5!} +...## where ##\theta<<1 \Rightarrow \theta^3 \approx 0##. This means ##sin(2\alpha x) \approx 2\alpha x## for small x. Also you have missed out a negative in your equation (check your calculations).
  • #5
Thank you so much!

FAQ: Finding the frequency of small oscillations given potential energy U

What is the definition of frequency in terms of small oscillations?

In the context of small oscillations, frequency refers to the number of oscillations or cycles that occur per unit time. It is measured in hertz (Hz) or cycles per second.

How is the frequency of small oscillations related to potential energy?

The frequency of small oscillations is directly related to the potential energy of the system. In fact, it can be calculated using the formula f = (1/2π) * √(U''/m), where U'' is the second derivative of the potential energy function and m is the mass of the oscillating object.

What is the significance of finding the frequency of small oscillations?

Finding the frequency of small oscillations is important because it allows us to predict the motion of a system and understand its behavior. It also helps in designing and analyzing various mechanical systems, such as pendulums and springs.

Can the frequency of small oscillations be affected by external factors?

Yes, the frequency of small oscillations can be influenced by external factors such as friction, air resistance, and other forms of damping. These factors can alter the amplitude and period of the oscillations, ultimately affecting the frequency.

What are some common methods for finding the frequency of small oscillations?

There are several methods for finding the frequency of small oscillations, including mathematical calculations using the potential energy function, experimental measurements using a stopwatch or motion sensor, and using simulations with computer software.
