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Homework Statement
Gate AB in Fig. P2.62 is 15 ft long and 8 ft wide into the paper and is hinged at B with a stop at A. The water is at 20°C. The gate is 1-in-thick steel, SG =7.85. Compute the water level h for which the gate will start to fail.
Homework Equations
F = δhcgA
Ycp = Ixxsinθ/hcgA
Ixx = bd3/12
Moment = F*D
The Attempt at a Solution
F = (62.3lb/ft3)(h/2)(120ft2)
I am getting stuck as far as how to put together the equation to find the hydrostatic force. Mainly, what height value to use for hcg and what value to use for area.
According to a similar example in the book, hcg represents the center of gravity for h so we would have h/2 but I'm getting confused as to what the area is for this equation. Is it the area of the submerged portion of the plate? If so, I am not sure how to compute that. Any help is greatly appreciated.