Fluid Mechanics of a diving bell

In summary, the conversation discusses the design of a diving bell to withstand pressure at a depth of 230 meters. The question involves calculating the gauge pressure at this depth and the net force on a circular glass window inside the bell. The correct formula for calculating net force is F=pA, where p is the gauge pressure and A is the surface area of the window. The conversation also clarifies the use of this formula in relation to the atmospheric pressure inside the bell.
  • #1
[SOLVED] Fluid Mechanics

Homework Statement

You are designing a diving bell to withstand the pressure of seawater at a depth of 230.

a) What is the gauge pressure at this depth? (You can ignore changes in the density of the water with depth.)

got 2.32x10^6 Pa - masteringphysics said this is correct

b) At this depth, what is the net force due to the water outside and the air inside the bell on a circular glass window 34.0cm in diameter if the pressure inside the diving bell equals the pressure at the surface of the water? (You can ignore the small variation of pressure over the surface of the window.)

Homework Equations

rho = M/V

p = p0 + (rho)gh

p = F/A

F1/A1 = F2/A2

gauge pressure --> p-p0

The Attempt at a Solution

F = pA = (2.32x10^6).340m = 7.9x10^5 N - incorrect

F = pA = (2.32x10^6)(.340*230) = 1.81x10^8 N - incorrect

F = pA = (2.32x10^6)(.340^2) = 2.7x10^5 N - incorrect

I think I'm having a hard time visualizing what the question is asking, any help is greaty appreciated.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi clope023,

You have the equation F=pA. What does the variable A stand for?
  • #3
"A" should stand for area.


When considering the force of the water on an object (hydrostatic force), remember that the greater the area which the pressure acts upon, the greater the force. You would not expect a 34cm window to experience the same hydrostatic force as, say a 3m window. To take this into account for a given object (in this case a circular window), you must calculate the area A which the pressure acts upon or the surface area.

The surface area of the window is [tex]A = \pi\cdot r^2[/tex] - or in your case [tex]A=\pi\cdot(d/2)^2[/tex].

Thus, your final result should be [tex] F = pA = (p_0+\rho gh)\cdot(\pi(d/2)^2) [/tex]

That should yield your correct answer.
  • #4
Hi ok123jump,

Your equation would give the force of the water on the window; however, they want the net force on the window. So I believe the approach in the original post using F=pA, with p being the gauge pressure of the water, would give the correct answer (once the correct value of A that you gave is used).
  • #5
thanks guys, got the correct answer using that area formula.
  • #6

Since the capsule is pressured to standard atmospheric pressure, this formula provides net force.

If the pressure inside the capsule was not the same pressure as [tex] p_0 [/tex] (atmospheric pressure in this instance) we would need to account for that in the [tex] p [/tex] term - you're right. We would do that by defining [tex] \Delta p = p_{capsule} - p_0 [/tex] and then [tex] p [/tex] would become [tex] p = p_0+\rho gh+\Delta p [/tex].

Summarily, the previous formula is only valid for the set of conditions which were stated by the OP.
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FAQ: Fluid Mechanics of a diving bell

1. What is a diving bell and how does it work?

A diving bell is a water-tight chamber used to transport divers to the bottom of a body of water. It works by displacing the surrounding water with air, creating a pocket of air for the divers to enter and exit without being exposed to the pressure of the water.

2. How does the fluid mechanics of a diving bell allow for safe diving?

The fluid mechanics of a diving bell play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of divers. The air pocket inside the bell acts as a buffer between the diver and the surrounding water, helping to equalize the pressure and prevent the diver from experiencing the potentially dangerous effects of water pressure on the body.

3. What factors affect the fluid mechanics of a diving bell?

Several factors can impact the fluid mechanics of a diving bell, including the depth of the dive, the size and shape of the bell, and the volume and temperature of the air inside the bell. The water conditions, such as currents and turbulence, can also affect the fluid mechanics and safety of the dive.

4. How does buoyancy play a role in the fluid mechanics of a diving bell?

Buoyancy is a fundamental principle in the fluid mechanics of a diving bell. The displacement of water by the bell creates an upward buoyant force that supports the weight of the bell and the divers inside. This buoyant force allows the bell to remain submerged without sinking and provides a stable platform for diving.

5. Are there any risks associated with the fluid mechanics of a diving bell?

While diving bells have been used safely for many years, there are some potential risks associated with their fluid mechanics. Changes in pressure and temperature can lead to equalization problems, and excessive turbulence or currents can make it difficult for the bell to maintain its position. Proper training and precautions can help mitigate these risks and ensure a safe dive.
