Finding Force Exerted by String on Inclined Planes

In summary: I really don't think it will move at all. ...In summary, the string will not exert a force because the masses are attached to each other and will have the same magnitude of acceleration.
  • #1
Homework Helper
I am writing to ask you guys if it is possible to find the force exerted by the string shown in the following picture.
It may be stupid question,... but please guide me through.
There are 2 boxes lying like that on 2 inclined planes. m1 = 5 kg, m2 = 4 kg. The coefficent of friction is 0.2. I know that the net won't move. So... is there a way to calculate the T (force exerted be the string).
Thanks in advance,
Bye bye,
Viet Dao,


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  • #2
Where is the diagram?
  • #3
It's there,it says:"Attachements pending approval".It's just that the mentors (one of them,actually) need to both see and say 'yes' to attachements that people are willing to upload on the server.
I guess neither Halls,nor Doc or Integral saw it.

  • #4
Okay, I don't know why when I sign-in, I can open my image... But when I sign-off, I can't.
Anyway, it's somewhat like this:
- A box number 1 (m1 = 5kg), is lying on an inclined plane (angle: alpha = 30 degrees).
- A box number 2 (m2 = 4kg), is lying on an inclined plane (angle: theta = 60 degrees).
- The 2 inclined planes touch each other at the top (90 degrees). There is a pulley at where the two inclined planes meet each other, and there is a string connects the two boxes.
- Giving that the string and the pulley is weightless.
And find the tension of the string?
Thanks a lot,
Viet Dao,
  • #5
Newton's 2nd law

VietDao29 said:
There are 2 boxes lying like that on 2 inclined planes. m1 = 5 kg, m2 = 4 kg. The coefficent of friction is 0.2. I know that the net won't move. So... is there a way to calculate the T (force exerted be the string).
What makes you think that they won't move? Figure it out!

Start by identifying the forces acting on each mass: Tension from the string, weight, and friction. Now write Newton's 2nd law for each mass to get two equations and two unknowns (T and a).

Hint: Since the masses are attached to each other, they will have the same magnitude of acceleration. Also realize that if one mass goes up, the other must go down. So use a sign convention that reflects these facts. To choose a sign convention, arbitrarily guess which way it will move and call that direction the positive direction. Write both equations using the same sign convention.
  • #6
I really don't think it will move at all. If it moves, then:
[tex]|P_{1} \sin{\alpha} - P_{2} \sin{\theta}| > F_{sliding friction1} + F_{sliding friction2}[/tex]
If g = 10 m / s^2
Then I will have:
9.641 > 12.66 (that's wrong!)
So... I conclude that the NET won't move.
Am I right?
Viet Dao,
  • #7
VietDao29 said:
I really don't think it will move at all. ...
Am I right?
Yes, you are correct. (I need to pay closer attention! :redface: )

To find the tension in the string, realize that there is a range of string tensions that will keep each mass from moving. Figure out the range for each mass, and where the ranges overlap. The tension in the string will be in the overlap range. (If the boxes are set up gently, then I would think the tension would be the minimum possible.)
  • #8
So what you mean is to try to figure out the range of tension in the string for each mass... Yep, it's easy. I can do it.
And what should I do next? I will have two ranges. How can I know the answer?
Is the answer a number or a range, too?
Please help,
Viet Dao,

FAQ: Finding Force Exerted by String on Inclined Planes

1. How do I calculate the force exerted by a string on an inclined plane?

To calculate the force exerted by a string on an inclined plane, you can use the formula F = mgsinθ, where F is the force exerted by the string, m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and θ is the angle of inclination.

2. Does the length of the string affect the force exerted on an inclined plane?

Yes, the length of the string does affect the force exerted on an inclined plane. The longer the string, the more tension it can hold, resulting in a greater force exerted on the inclined plane.

3. Can the force exerted by the string on an inclined plane ever be greater than the weight of the object?

No, the force exerted by the string on an inclined plane can never be greater than the weight of the object. This is because the weight of an object is the force exerted on it by gravity, and the string can only exert a force equal to or less than the weight of the object.

4. What factors can affect the force exerted by a string on an inclined plane?

The force exerted by a string on an inclined plane can be affected by the angle of inclination, the mass of the object, the length and tension of the string, and the coefficient of friction between the string and the inclined plane.

5. How can I measure the force exerted by a string on an inclined plane?

The force exerted by a string on an inclined plane can be measured using a spring scale or a force sensor. Simply attach the string to the scale or sensor and pull the object up the inclined plane, and the device will measure the force exerted by the string.
