Frequency in a circuit using complex notation

In summary, the frequency of the source in the circuit of Figure 2 is adjusted until the current, ig, is in phase with the voltage, vg. Using complex notation, the value of the frequency, ω, is determined to be 106 rad/sec. If vg = 20 sin ω t, the expression for the output voltage, v0, is also determined.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The frequency, ω, of the source in the circuit of Figure 2 is adjusted until ig is in phase with vg.

(a)using complex notation, determine the value of ω (rad/sec)
(b)if vg = 20 sin ω t [where ω is the frequency found in 2(a)], determine an expression for the output voltage, v0

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

See attached attempt on Question A & B - can someone advise if it looks right?


  • Solution Q2 a.jpg
    Solution Q2 a.jpg
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  • Solution Q2 b.jpg
    Solution Q2 b.jpg
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  • #2
I think your frequency ended up being one order of magnitude too high. Check your math.
  • #3
Thanks gneill.
Ah so where I have 10 to the power of 8, it should be to the power of 6?
  • #4
hockeynut said:
Thanks gneill.
Ah so where I have 10 to the power of 8, it should be to the power of 6?

Well, you've got both 106 and 108 in the relevant area of your work, so you really should be more specific. But yes, that is the issue.
  • #5

I would like to commend you on your attempt and provide some feedback and clarification on complex notation and its use in circuit analysis.

Firstly, complex notation is a mathematical tool used to represent sinusoidal signals in a more compact and efficient way. It is based on the use of complex numbers, where the real part represents the amplitude of the signal and the imaginary part represents the phase shift.

In order to use complex notation in circuit analysis, we use the concept of phasors. A phasor is a vector that represents the magnitude and phase of a sinusoidal signal. In the case of a circuit, we use phasors to represent the voltage and current signals at a given frequency.

In the given circuit, we are asked to determine the value of ω (rad/sec) at which ig is in phase with vg. This means that the phase difference between the two signals is 0 degrees, or in complex notation, the imaginary parts of their phasors are equal.

To determine the value of ω, we can use the admittance method. This method involves finding the admittance of each component in the circuit and then equating them to each other. In this case, we can equate the admittance of the capacitor and the inductor, as they have equal but opposite reactance. This will give us the value of ω.

Once we have determined the value of ω, we can use it to find the expression for the output voltage, v0. This can be done by converting the given voltage source, vg, into its complex notation form and then using Kirchhoff's voltage law to find the voltage across the resistor, which is also the output voltage.

In conclusion, complex notation is a useful tool in circuit analysis, especially for sinusoidal signals. It allows us to simplify calculations and find solutions more efficiently. I hope this explanation helps with your understanding and future use of complex notation in circuit analysis. Keep up the good work!

FAQ: Frequency in a circuit using complex notation

What is complex notation in a circuit?

Complex notation is a mathematical representation of a circuit which takes into account the magnitude and phase of the current and voltage. It is often used in AC circuits where the current and voltage vary sinusoidally with time.

How is frequency represented in complex notation?

Frequency is represented in complex notation by the imaginary unit, j. The frequency, f, is equal to the angular frequency, ω, multiplied by j. This allows for a more convenient representation of the sinusoidal variations in a circuit.

What is the relationship between frequency and impedance in complex notation?

In complex notation, the impedance of a circuit is represented by a complex number that includes both a real and imaginary component. The imaginary component is directly proportional to the frequency, meaning that as the frequency increases, the imaginary component of the impedance also increases.

How is the phase angle represented in complex notation?

The phase angle in complex notation is represented by the argument of the complex number. It is the angle between the real and imaginary components of the complex number and can be used to determine the phase difference between the current and voltage in a circuit.

How can complex notation be used to analyze a circuit?

Complex notation allows for a simplified representation of a circuit and its components, making it easier to analyze and calculate the current, voltage, and other parameters. It can also be used to determine the resonant frequency of a circuit and the effects of impedance on the circuit's behavior.

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