How to Derive and Sketch the Frequency Response Function in an RC Circuit?

In summary, the relationship between the input voltage V(t) and the output voltage VR(t) across a resistor can be represented as CR dVR/dt + VR = CR dV/dt. The frequency response function G(iw) is given by G(iw) = iwCR/ (1 + iwCR) and its locus can be sketched on the argand diagram by taking the real and imaginary parts of G(iw). While applying the Laplace transform and substituting s = jw can be used to find the frequency response, it is also possible to arrive at the answer directly by using voltage division.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The relationship between the input voltage V(t) and the output voltage across a resistor VR(t) is:-

CR dVR /dt + VR = CR dV/dt

Circuit diagram of a capacitor and resistor with VR(t) in series across V(t)

1. Show that the frequency response function G(iw) (w= omega) is given by G (iw) = iwCR/ (1 + iwCR)

2.Sketch the locus of the frequency response function, G(iw) (w= omega) on the argand diagram.

Homework Equations

CR dVR /dt + VR = CR dV/dt

G (iw) = iwCR/ (1 + iwCR)

The Attempt at a Solution

1. I got this G (iw) = iwCR/ (1 + iwCR) by voltage division, from the circuit, but how could I do that from the given equation?

2. By taking the real and imaginary parts; G(iw) = x + iy

x = (wcr)2 /(1 + (wcr)2)
y = wcr/ ( 1 + (wcr)2)

G(iw) = (wcr)2 /(1 + (wcr)2) + iwcr/ ( 1 + (wcr)2)

I'm having trouble eliminating wcr now...:frown:
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  • #2
I thought you'd apply Laplace transform and then subst s= jw to get the steady state solution. Then proceed to find the frequency response. But you arrived at the answer in one step, so why are you simplifying it further?
  • #3

I would like to clarify that the frequency response function is a mathematical representation of the relationship between the input and output signals in a system. It is a transfer function that describes how a system responds to different frequencies of the input signal.

In this case, the frequency response function is G(iw) = iwCR/ (1 + iwCR), where w is the angular frequency and CR is the product of the capacitance and resistance in the circuit. This function shows that the output voltage VR(t) is dependent on the input voltage V(t) and the frequency of the input signal.

To derive this function from the given equation, we can use the Laplace transform. By taking the Laplace transform of both sides of the equation, we get sVR(s) = sV(s) + V(s)/CR. Solving for VR(s)/V(s) gives us G(s) = s/ (s + 1/CR). By substituting s = iw, we get the desired frequency response function G(iw) = iwCR/ (1 + iwCR).

As for the locus of the frequency response function on the argand diagram, it represents the complex plane where the real part is represented on the x-axis and the imaginary part on the y-axis. The frequency response function can be plotted as a point on this plane, with the real part being (wcr)^2/ (1 + (wcr)^2) and the imaginary part being wcr/ (1 + (wcr)^2). As the frequency w increases, the point moves towards the y-axis, indicating a higher response to higher frequencies.

FAQ: How to Derive and Sketch the Frequency Response Function in an RC Circuit?

What is a frequency response function?

A frequency response function (FRF) is a mathematical representation of the relationship between the input and output of a system, as a function of frequency. It describes how a system responds to different frequencies of an input signal.

How is a frequency response function measured?

A frequency response function is typically measured by applying a known input signal to the system and measuring the resulting output signal at various frequencies. This data is then used to calculate the FRF.

What is the significance of a frequency response function?

The frequency response function is a valuable tool in understanding and analyzing the behavior of a system. It allows for the identification of resonances, natural frequencies, and other key characteristics of the system's response to an input signal.

How does a frequency response function differ from a transfer function?

While both frequency response functions and transfer functions are used to describe the relationship between input and output signals, they differ in their mathematical representation. A transfer function is a ratio of input and output signals in the time domain, while a frequency response function is a representation of this relationship in the frequency domain.

What factors can affect the accuracy of a frequency response function measurement?

The accuracy of a frequency response function measurement can be affected by factors such as noise, nonlinearities in the system, and the quality of the measurement equipment. Additionally, proper signal processing techniques and calibration are important in obtaining accurate results.

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