Fuel Line Freezing: Possible in Movie or Reality?

In summary, the line in the movie where the temperature drop is declared as 10 degrees a second is inaccurate and Hollywood is probably taking liberties with scientific information.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Gold Member
There is a scene in the movie The Day After Tomorrow in which the temperature over Scotland rapidly drops to -150 F. The fuel lines in three helicopters freeze almost instantly and the helicopters fall out of the sky. That didn't seem too plausible to me. If any of you work with such fuel lines, I'm wondering whether or not that is actually possible. Are the lines not insulated, and would the heat from the engine not prevent that?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
I congratule myself of finding an american that does not believe in such bad films, created by hollywood industry. Perhaps film makers must have in mind expertise opinions instead of making science-blasphemies.
  • #3
loseyourname said:
There is a scene in the movie The Day After Tomorrow in which the temperature over Scotland rapidly drops to -150 F. The fuel lines in three helicopters freeze almost instantly and the helicopters fall out of the sky. That didn't seem too plausible to me. If any of you work with such fuel lines, I'm wondering whether or not that is actually possible. Are the lines not insulated, and would the heat from the engine not prevent that?

Aircraft have limited operating ranges, and are relatively fragile. It's entirely possible for helicopters to fail due to temperature changes. Many conventional materials become brittle at temperatures that low, so it's entirely possible that the heilcopter could fall apart.

Diesel fuel can certainly gellify in fuel lines, at temperatures that are a good bit higher than that, so without fuel additives, it's not entirely improbable that the helicopters would fail. Also remember that it doesn't actually take a whole lot of change in the fuel's properties to alter the performance of the helicopter's engine.

So although Hollywood is probably taking liberties, it would not at be surprising to see helicopters fail at that temperature, potentially even spectacularly -- think shattering rotors.
  • #4
Thanks for answers guys.
  • #5
It is most certainly not possible to freeze instantly. The rate of freezing is limited by conduction properties of the fuel line and convection properties of the air. Besides, the temperature higher up the atmosphere drops anyway so aircraft and helicopters are most certainly designed to fly in a pretty cold environment. Rotors are these days made of glass fibre or arbon fiber composites so it is not like they would certainly experience brittle failure such as in metals not designed to operate in extreme cold.

  • #6
Thanks for that link, Simon. The movie had one mistake, to be certain. Climatologists in Scotland would not have been measuring the air temperature in degrees fahrenheit.
  • #7
I heard there is a line in that movie somewhere where some NASA guy shouts that the temperature was dropping 10 degrees a second. that movie has absolutely nothing to do with science...whatsoever

FAQ: Fuel Line Freezing: Possible in Movie or Reality?

What is fuel line freezing?

Fuel line freezing is a phenomenon where the fuel inside the fuel lines of a vehicle, such as a car or airplane, solidifies due to extremely low temperatures.

Is fuel line freezing a real occurrence or just a movie plot device?

Fuel line freezing is a real occurrence that can happen in extreme weather conditions, especially in colder regions. It is not just a plot device used in movies.

How does fuel line freezing happen?

Fuel line freezing occurs when the temperature drops below the freezing point of the fuel, causing it to solidify and clog the fuel lines. This can happen due to prolonged exposure to cold temperatures or sudden drops in temperature.

What are the consequences of fuel line freezing?

If fuel line freezing occurs, the engine of the vehicle will not receive enough fuel to run, resulting in the vehicle stalling or being unable to start. This can be dangerous, especially if it happens while driving a car or flying an airplane.

How can fuel line freezing be prevented?

Fuel line freezing can be prevented by using fuel additives or anti-gelling agents that lower the freezing point of the fuel. Keeping the vehicle in a warm environment or using heated fuel lines can also help prevent fuel line freezing.
