General Generator of Lorentz Transformation in Hamiltonian Formalism

In summary, the most general form of ##\overrightarrow{K}## is a function of the angular momentum 4-tensor ##M^{\mu\nu}=x^\mu p^\nu-x^\nu p^\mu##.
  • #1
In the Hamiltonian formalism, the space-time transformation are realized via canonical transformation, and the transformations are generated by Poisson brackets of certain functions of phase-space variables.
In Newtonian mechanics, Galilean boosts are generated by the sometimes called dynamic mass moment $$\overrightarrow{G}=m\overrightarrow{r}-t\overrightarrow{p}.$$
Now, in virtually every source I consult, the general generator of the Galilean boosts is not considered. Instead, people just use the ##t=0## generator
The same happen for Lorentz transformations, people just use the ##t=0## generator
where ##H## is the energy.
So, the question is, what is the most general form of ##\overrightarrow{K}##?
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  • #2
How about
which comes from ##(M^{01},M^{02},M^{03})## of angular momentum 4-tensor
[tex]M^{\mu\nu}=x^\mu p^\nu-x^\nu p^\mu[/tex] ?
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Likes vanhees71
  • #3
anuttarasammyak said:
How about
which comes from ##(M^{01},M^{02},M^{03})## of angular momentum 4-tensor
[tex]M^{\mu\nu}=x^\mu p^\nu-x^\nu p^\mu[/tex] ?

So it would have almost the same form of the Galilei boost generator with only ##m## replaced by ##H##? I suppose it's a good Ansatz, I'll have to check the bracket relations of the Poincare group to see if they remain true.
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Likes vanhees71
  • #4
Yes! The conclusion leads to the correct interpretation of the famous "energy-mass equivalence":

In Newtonian physics from invariance under Galilei boosts follows that the center of mass of a closed system moves with constant velocity. The measure for "inertia" is mass.

In relativistic physics invariance under Lorentz boosts implies that the center of energy of a closed system moves with constant velocity and thus the measure of inertia is energy.

Using the equivalence principle this implies that the source of a gravitational field must be energy, not mass, in relativistic physics.
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Likes haushofer
  • #5
So, yes, ##\mathbf{K}=H\mathbf{r}-t\mathbf{p}## has the same bracket relation than just ##\mathbf{K}=H\mathbf{r}##. Thank you guys for the answer. I do wonder why the ##t=0## generator is preferred for the presentation of the Galilean and the Poincare algebra, it seems to hide some physical interpretation of the boost generator, and it is not much of a simplification in the math.
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Likes vanhees71

FAQ: General Generator of Lorentz Transformation in Hamiltonian Formalism

What is the General Generator of Lorentz Transformation in Hamiltonian Formalism?

The General Generator of Lorentz Transformation in Hamiltonian Formalism is a mathematical expression that describes the symmetry of physical laws under Lorentz transformations, which are transformations between different frames of reference in special relativity. It is used to calculate the effects of Lorentz transformations on a physical system described by a Hamiltonian, which is a function that describes the system's energy and motion.

What is the significance of the General Generator of Lorentz Transformation in Hamiltonian Formalism?

The General Generator of Lorentz Transformation in Hamiltonian Formalism is significant because it allows us to understand how physical laws behave under different frames of reference in special relativity. This is important because special relativity is a fundamental theory in physics that describes the behavior of objects moving at high speeds.

How is the General Generator of Lorentz Transformation derived in Hamiltonian Formalism?

The General Generator of Lorentz Transformation is derived using the Hamiltonian formalism, which is a mathematical framework for describing the dynamics of physical systems. It involves using the Hamiltonian to calculate the equations of motion for a system, and then using these equations to derive the transformation laws that describe how the system's coordinates and momenta change under Lorentz transformations.

What are the applications of the General Generator of Lorentz Transformation in Hamiltonian Formalism?

The General Generator of Lorentz Transformation has many applications in physics, particularly in the fields of particle physics and cosmology. It is used to study the behavior of particles at high energies and speeds, and to understand the effects of special relativity on the structure of the universe. It is also used in the development of theories such as quantum field theory and string theory.

Are there any limitations to the General Generator of Lorentz Transformation in Hamiltonian Formalism?

Like any mathematical model, the General Generator of Lorentz Transformation has its limitations. It is based on the assumptions of special relativity, which may not hold true in extreme situations such as near black holes or in the early universe. Additionally, it does not take into account the effects of quantum mechanics, which may be necessary for a complete understanding of physical systems. However, it remains a powerful tool for studying the behavior of physical systems under Lorentz transformations.

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