Geography IQ Test: Test Your Knowledge of the World

In summary: I remember my first game... I got a 79, but I'm not sure what my level or IQ was. I remember my first IQ that was over 100 was 101. That was a good day. :tongue2:⚛In summary, the conversation mainly consisted of a group of individuals discussing their experiences playing a geography quiz game online. Some shared their high scores and levels, while others talked about their strategies and techniques for playing. There was also some friendly banter and jokes exchanged among the group.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
So close yet so far...

At least my flags are almost on top of the correct ones, well except for one that I hit the wrong state. It asked me if I knew this was on earth. :redface:

There are tests for all over the world.
Physics news on
  • #2
Wow, I stink, I only scored 44,435 at level 4. But, my phone keeps ringing. :mad:

I won't tell Zz where I placed Disney World. :rolleyes:

Second try 64,146, level 6. :redface:
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  • #3
  • #4
Wow, if you put something on the contiguous states that belongs in Alaska or Hawaii, you really get dinged!
  • #5
JamesU said:
Yomamma? Is that really you?
  • #6
lisab said:
Wow, if you put something on the contiguous states that belongs in Alaska or Hawaii, you really get dinged!
Oh, that's nothing, I couldn't find Hawaii (no Islands where it should have been) and remembered another test that placed Hawaii at the tip of Florida for some bizarre reason, so I clicked in the Atlantic near Cuba, then I saw Hawaii. You can't get much farther away than that!
  • #7
Evo said:
Yomamma? Is that really you?

:confused: Yes

58,054 second try
  • #8
JamesU said:
:confused: Yes

58,054 second try
I thought you disappeared.
  • #11
Evo said:
:smile: I forgot! I didn't remember your new name and thought you'd disappeared again.

Not that you are forgettable...

Lol, it's okay
  • #12
JamesU said:
Lol, it's okay
I'm getting senile.
  • #13
good game, evo--

first game (and only so far)

level 7

score 89,551

travel IQ 115
  • #14
78,102, Level 7 on the Europe quiz.

I'll try the American one but I doubt I'll get far.

EDIT: I didn't :smile:
  • #15
rewebster said:
good game, evo--

first game (and only so far)

level 7

score 89,551

travel IQ 115

<waiting for Gokul to play and REALLY embarrass me>
  • #16
Score: 49,139 IQ: 99 I think I tried to go too fast, being careless.

My best one was Ellis Island, I was only 13 miles away on my mark.
  • #17
Greg Bernhardt said:
Score: 49,139 IQ: 99

My best one was Ellis Island, I was only 13 miles away on my mark.
Wow, that's really good, the NE states are so crammed together.

Each test is a bit different, so if you take it again, it won't be exactly the same.
  • #18
Evo said:


Is that text talk for something?
  • #19
Kurdt said:
78,102, Level 7 on the Europe quiz.

I'll try the American one but I doubt I'll get far.

EDIT: I didn't :smile:
I might try Europe tonight because I'm a masochist.
  • #20
Kurdt said:
78,102, Level 7 on the Europe quiz.
Damn.. I got 74,816-- those eastern european cities throw me off!

I'll try the American one but I doubt I'll get far.

EDIT: I didn't :smile:
Yea.. nor did I! Some of my guesses were WAY out!
  • #21
rewebster said:

Is that text talk for something?
We don't have a smiley for blowing a raspberry. :-p
  • #22
Evo said:
We don't have a smiley for blowing a raspberry. :-p

I like tree ripened nectarines too
  • #23
US = 43,122 (level = 4 IQ = 96)

Europe = 57,551 (level = 5 IQ = 90) (I was within 7 miles of Birmingham UK but within 1,006 miles of Gibraltar, Malta :smile:)

World = 360,836 (level = 10 IQ = 110)
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  • #24
I tried the World, got 102,198 level 4. The World quiz is easy, I should have done better.
  • #25
cristo said:
Damn.. I got 74,816-- those eastern european cities throw me off!

Yeah I know absolutely none of them. I just know they're over there somewhere. Guess I'm luckier :biggrin:
  • #26
my roommate does 142. Seeing him playing is quite impressive... He can spot things under 30 kilometers most of the time. ;-)
  • #27
I never saw that previous thread. Welcolme back, Mama.
As much as I dislike and suck at geography, I was prepared to get a semi-respectable score... until it turned out to be all Yankee ****. I was expecting stuff like Istanbul, Cairo, Mozambique. Who the hell cares where Des Moines is?
  • #28
159,465 on the world challenge
  • #29
I got like level 11 with an IQ of 130ish. Curse you russia / island nations!
  • #30
I got 167061 in the world quiz. Seems kind of respectable...
  • #31
266,677 on the world quiz final level 8.
  • #32
Kurdt said:
266,677 on the world quiz final level 8.
cristo said:
I got 167061 ... seems kind of respectable...

:redface: or not!
  • #33
I got 110 on the US one, and 95 in world & europe.
  • #34
I'm luckier remember :wink:
  • #35
I clicked too soon several, but with first try in the US.

Score: 92,771
Level: 7
IQ: 117

Got to work on nicknames.

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